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Memory Techniques Wiki. Method of loci. The method of loci (loci being Latin for "places") is a method of memory enhancement which uses visualizations with the use of spatial memory, familiar information about one's environment, to quickly and efficiently recall information. The method of loci is also known as the memory journey, memory palace, or mind palace technique. This method is a mnemonic device adopted in ancient Roman and Greek rhetorical treatises (in the anonymous Rhetorica ad Herennium, Cicero's De Oratore, and Quintilian's Institutio Oratoria). Many memory contest champions claim to use this technique to recall faces, digits, and lists of words.

These champions' successes have little to do with brain structure or intelligence, but more to do with using spatial memory[1] and the use of the method of loci. 'the method of loci', an imaginal technique known to the ancient Greeks and Romans and described by Yates (1966) in her book The Art of Memory as well as by Luria (1969). Contemporary usage[edit] Literature[edit] Carte heuristique. Carte heuristique dessinée pendant un exposé. Une carte heuristique[1], carte cognitive, carte mentale[2], carte des idées ou encore schéma heuristique, est un schéma supposé refléter le fonctionnement de la pensée, qui permet de représenter visuellement et de suivre le cheminement associatif de la pensée.

Le terme anglais mind map est également parfois utilisé en français. Cela permet de mettre en lumière les liens qui existent entre un concept ou une idée, et les informations qui leur sont associées. La structure même d'une carte heuristique est en fait un diagramme qui représente l'organisation des liens sémantiques entre différentes idées ou des liens hiérarchiques entre différents concepts. À l'inverse du schéma conceptuel (ou « carte conceptuelle »[3]), les cartes heuristiques offrent une représentation arborescente de données imitant ainsi le cheminement et le développement de la pensée.

Origine[modifier | modifier le code] Mise en œuvre[modifier | modifier le code] Diagramme de causes et effets. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le Diagramme de causes et effets, ou diagramme d'Ishikawa, ou diagramme en arêtes de poisson ou encore 5M, est un outil développé par Kaoru Ishikawa en 1962[1] et servant dans la gestion de la qualité. Description et fonctions[modifier | modifier le code] Ce diagramme représente de façon graphique les causes aboutissant à un effet. Il peut être utilisé comme outil de modération d'un remue-méninges et comme outil de visualisation synthétique et de communication des causes identifiées.

Ce diagramme se structure habituellement autour du concept des 5 M. Chaque branche reçoit d'autres causes ou catégories hiérarchisées selon leur niveau de détail. Le positionnement des causes met en évidence les causes les plus directes en les plaçant les plus proches de l'arête centrale. Variantes[modifier | modifier le code] Les termes « Moyens » ou « Machines » remplacent parfois la catégorie « Matériel ». Notes et références[modifier | modifier le code] Graphe conceptuel. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Exemple de Graphe Conceptuel. Un graphe conceptuel est un formalisme de représentation de connaissances et de raisonnements. Ce formalisme a été introduit par John F. Sowa (en) en 1984.

Depuis cette date, ce formalisme a été développé suivant trois directions principales : interface graphique de la logique du premier ordre, système diagrammatique pour la logique du premier ordre, formalisme de représentation de connaissances et de raisonnement basé sur les graphes. Une interface graphique de la logique du premier ordre[modifier | modifier le code] Dans cette approche les graphes conceptuels servent d'interface graphique pour la logique du premier ordre (calcul des prédicats). Un système diagrammatique pour la logique du premier ordre[modifier | modifier le code] Une autre direction poursuit dans la voie des graphes existentiels de Charles Sanders Peirce, qui étaient une des origines des graphes conceptuels tels que proposés par Sowa. How can anyone remember 100,000 numbers? Unless you’re a mathematician or an engineer, pi probably ranks high on the list of things that are of little or absolutely no use in your life. Notification You’ve reached your story limit as a non-registered user.

To read more, please sign up or log in via one of the services below. This will give you access to 15 additional stories this month. Already a member or digital subscriber? Login Subscribe Sign up for home delivery of The Japan Times/ The International New York Times and receive free, unlimited access to our site and Quest for eternal truth Occasional lapses. Mnemonic major system. The Major System (also called the phonetic number system, phonetic mnemonic system, or Herigone's mnemonic system) is a mnemonic technique used to aid in memorizing numbers.

The system works by converting numbers into consonant sounds, then into words by adding vowels. The system works on the principle that images can be remembered more easily than numbers. The system[edit] Each numeral is associated with one or more consonants. Vowels and the consonants w, h, and y are ignored. The groups of similar sounds and the rules for applying the mappings are almost always fixed, but other hooks and mappings can be used as long as the person using the system can remember them and apply them consistently.

Each numeral maps to a set of similar sounds with similar mouth and tongue positions. For most people it would be easier to remember 3.1415927 (an approximation of the mathematical constant pi) as: Whilst this is unwieldy at first, with practice it can become a very effective technique. Other[edit] Mnemonic dominic system. The mnemonic dominic system is a mnemonic system used to remember sequences of digits similar to the mnemonic major system. It was invented and used in competition by eight-time World Memory Champion Dominic O'Brien.[1] Differences from the major system[edit] The main difference between the Dominic system and the major system is the assignment of sounds and letters to digits.

The Dominic system is a letter-based abbreviation system where the letters comprise the initials of someone's name, while the major system is typically used as a phonetic-based consonant system for either objects, animals, persons, or even words. The major system would assign the sounds T + L to the number 15, and then find a word that has those sounds as the first two consonants. The Dominic system is specifically designed as a person-action system, while the major system can also be used to represent stand-alone objects. Encoding pairs of digits as people[edit] Encoding pairs of digits as actions[edit] Usage[edit] Japanese wordplay. Japanese wordplay relies on the nuances of the Japanese language and Japanese script for humorous effect. Japanese double entendres have a rich history in Japanese entertainment, because of the way that Japanese words can be read to have several different meanings and pronunciations (homographs).

Also, several different spellings for any pronunciation and wildly differing meanings (homophones). Often replacing one spelling with another (synonyms) can give a new meaning to phrases. Goroawase[edit] Goroawase (語呂合わせ?) Is an especially common form of Japanese wordplay whereby homophonous words are associated with a given series of letters, numbers or symbols, in order to associate a new meaning with that series. Numeric substitution[edit] Every digit has a set of possible phonetic values, due to the variety of valid Japanese (kun'yomi and on'yomi), and English-origin pronunciations for numbers in Japanese.

Examples[edit] As mnemonics[edit] Other examples[edit] 765 stands for "na-mu-ko" or Namco. Von Restorff effect. The Von Restorff effect (named after psychiatrist and children's paediatrician Hedwig von Restorff 1906–1962), also called the isolation effect, predicts that an item that "stands out like a sore thumb" (called distinctive encoding) is more likely to be remembered than other items. A bias in favour of remembering the unusual. Modern theory of the isolation effect emphasizes perceptual salience and accompanying differential attention to the isolated item as necessary for enhanced memory. In fact, von Restorff, whose paper is not available in English, presented evidence that perceptual salience is not necessary for the isolation effect.

She further argued that the difference between the isolated and surrounding items is not sufficient to produce isolation effects but must be considered in the context of similarity. During her time in Köhler’s laboratory, von Restorff published two papers, the second of which she co-authored with Köhler (Köhler & von Restorff, 1935). See also[edit] List of memory biases. In psychology and cognitive science, a memory bias is a cognitive bias that either enhances or impairs the recall of a memory (either the chances that the memory will be recalled at all, or the amount of time it takes for it to be recalled, or both), or that alters the content of a reported memory.

There are many different types of memory biases, including: See also[edit] [edit] ^ Jump up to: a b c d e Schacter, Daniel L. (1999). "The Seven Sins of Memory: Insights From Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience". References[edit] Greenwald, A. (1980). List of cognitive biases. Systematic patterns of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment Cognitive biases are systematic patterns of deviation from norm and/or rationality in judgment. They are often studied in psychology, sociology and behavioral economics.[1] Although the reality of most of these biases is confirmed by reproducible research,[2][3] there are often controversies about how to classify these biases or how to explain them.[4] Several theoretical causes are known for some cognitive biases, which provides a classification of biases by their common generative mechanism (such as noisy information-processing[5]).

Gerd Gigerenzer has criticized the framing of cognitive biases as errors in judgment, and favors interpreting them as arising from rational deviations from logical thought.[6] Explanations include information-processing rules (i.e., mental shortcuts), called heuristics, that the brain uses to produce decisions or judgments. Belief, decision-making and behavioral[edit] Anchoring bias[edit] Gregor von Feinaigle. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Gregor von Feinaigle (1760 au Luxembourg - 1819 à Dublin) est un moine allemand, devenu célèbre en Europe au début du XIXe siècle après sa reconversion en inventeur et professeur d'un système mnémotechnique. Sa vie et sa carrière[modifier | modifier le code] Paris Feinaigle se fait connaître tout d'abord à Paris, où il organise en 1806 plusieurs séries de cours et de conférences sur son système mnémotechnique. Londres Poursuivant son périple, Feinaigle se rend en Angleterre en décembre 1810.

Dublin Après avoir fait étape à Glasgow, Feinaigle se rend en 1813 à Dublin, où il décide de mettre son système au service de l'éducation. Son système[modifier | modifier le code] Le système de Gregor von Feinaigle se compose de deux méthodes complémentaires, censées pouvoir s'appliquer aussi bien à l'apprentissage de l'histoire et de la géographie qu'à celle des mathématiques et des langues. La mémorisation des faits et des événements Portail de l’Allemagne. Lambert Thomas Schenkel. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Lambert Thomas Schenkel ou Schenckels, en latin Schenkelius, (1547 - 1625) est un pédagogue et philologue néerlandais. Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Né à Bois-le-Duc, il est dès 1576 recteur de l'école publique de Malines. Il doit sa célébrité à ses cours de mnémotechnique qu’il donne dans toute l’Europe : on le retrouve ainsi à Douai en 1593, à Liège en 1595, à Marbourg en 1602, à Paris en 1606, à Toulouse en 1609, à Castres en 1610, à Prague en 1616, à Fribourg-en-Brisgau en 1620.

Il est le premier à introduire cette science comme un outil éducatif. Il meurt à Anvers. Œuvres[modifier | modifier le code] De memoriae libri duo, 1593, réimprimé sous le titre de Gazophylacium artis memoriae, 1619, et traduit par Adrian Le Cuirot sous celui de Magasin des sciences, Paris, 1623. Voir aussi[modifier | modifier le code] L'Art de mémoire. Moonwalking with Einstein. Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything is a nonfiction book by Joshua Foer, first published in 2011.[1] Moonwalking with Einstein debuted at no. 3 on the New York Times bestseller list and stayed on the list for 8 weeks.[2] Synopsis[edit] The book describes the prodigious memory and 87-point IQ of Kim Peek, the inspiration for the 1988 movie Rain Man.[1] Foer discusses how Daniel Tammet's index finger slides around on a table as he performs mental calculations in a documentary; mental multiplication experts and mnemonists that Foer speaks with imply that Tammet's claims, involving synesthetic morphing shapes and colors standing in for complex numerical feats, are questionable.

World memory champion Ben Pridmore tells Foer that "[t]here are a lot of people in the world that can do those things. "[1] Foer notes that Tammet, competing under his previous legal name "Daniel Corney", won the gold medal at the World Memory Championships' "Names and Faces" event.