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Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies in a Jar. The big question is… Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? If they’re chocolate-chip cookies, the answer is probably me! In years past when I’ve made holiday cookies for friends, I’ve always given the already-baked versions. But so many desserts surround us during this holiday season (candy canes, Christmas cookies, party food, eggnog, peppermint bark!) That perhaps receiving more cookies might not be the most-appreciated gift. I stand 100% behind today’s recipe and can vouch for it being a hit with even people who claim they hate healthy food and have never met a vegetable they didn’t loathe entirely. Cookie mixes in a jar might just be the perfect gift: Fun to assemble and decorate.Not expensive to make, yet they still show the recipient that you put time and effort into the gift.Who doesn’t love cookies? No seriously, who? You can find quart-sized mason jars at craft stores, at hardware stores, or even at some grocery stores and dollar stores!

(fills a quart-sized mason jar) Macarons de colores. Cookies de chocolate. O completa tu nombre y casilla de email Ya casi terminamos de completar tu perfil. Sólo falta que confirmes tu dirección de e-mail. Es súper fácil: Verifica el correo que acabamos de enviarte y haz click en el link. Gracias! ¡Gracias, todo salió bien! Ups, ocurrió un error Por favor revisa los datos y vuelve a intentarlo. Pumpkin Whoopie Pies with Creamy Cream Cheese Filling.

It's October already! Oh how I love the Fall season! But here in the Malibu, there isn't much of a fall "season" per say. For instance, yesterday, the temperature reached the mid 80's! The sun was beautifully glistening on the ocean and the sky was a clear, bright blue. However, to remind myself that it really is Fall and that we're really in October now, I wanted to bake something with one of my favorite Fall ingredients: Pumpkin! This was my very first attempt at ever making whoopie...pies that is ;) And trust me, there was a lot to learn. While my little pumpkins were baking I whipped up a little cream cheese frosting to go in the middle of the whoopie pie sandwich. Oh and because I used cream cheese as a filling, I think these whoopie pies taste phenomenal on the next day after being chilled in the fridge over night.

Pumpkin Whoopie Pies with Cream Cheese Filling Makes 12-14 3 cups AP Flour 1 Tablespoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon ground ginger. How to make your own citrus scrub. I don’t know about you, but I’m always sad to see the summer go. Like really, really sad. I’m a summer girl, one hundred and ten percent. Winter makes me feel like I need to curl up and die. Not to be confused with ‘Curl up & Dye’, a hair salon in what movie? Ten points to Gryffindor for the first one to get it right. Are you here from StumbleUpon? Thanks so much for visiting! Anyway. I thought the best way to preserve my love of summer was to make a citrus salt scrub.

So here’s how it rolls out. Ingredients: 1/2 cup sea salt1/2 cup olive oil1 or 2 slices of lemon1 or 2 slices of orange Step 1: Add the olive oil and sea salt into a bowl or blender. (You can do this one of two ways: in a blender, or in a bowl. I personally really like chunks of citrus peel in my citrus scrub. And exfoliate-ish. Step 2: Chop the fruit I used about two slices of lemon and two slices of orange and popped them straight into the blender. Step 3: Mix Can you believe that? That’s all folks, that’s all she wrote. Allison. Mixes, mixes, mixes! In my attempts to save money and streamline my meal planning I decided to investigate homemade baking mixes.

Over a period of several weeks, I looked over some of the many mix recipes that are out there. After trying various ones I compiled my own by mixing and matching. Through experimentation I made tweaks to each recipe so I feel that I can share them with you. I decided that I would invest $20 and purchase these containers at Walmart. Because these mixes were to put together to make baking quicker and easier, I decided to also print out the recipes for each one on these tags and hang them on the back of the mix jar.

Click on the following words to print each out : Printable Recipes Printable Labels Using the same template, I created labels for the front as well. I settled on 6 mixes that I thought would be helpful to our family. {New to Redfly? Recette Lasagnes de saumon aux épinards. Crême brulée de cajeta. Crême brulée - Coloque en una olla la crema de leche junto con la leche, la cajeta, el extracto de vainilla y el interior de la vaina de vainilla, lleve a fuego y una vez que rompa el hervor cocine durante 2 minutos más. Retire, cuele y enfrié a baño maría invertido.- En un recipiente mezcle las yemas junto con los huevos, bata hasta romper el ligue y agréguelos a la mezcla anterior.

Tejas de almendra y piñón - En una olla coloque la manteca junto con la glucosa, la crema de leche y el azúcar, una vez que rompa el hervor y la manteca esta fundida por completo agregue el polvo de almendras y el colorante, mezcle continuamente hasta que espese.- En una placa con una plancha siliconada forme las tejas y espolvoréelas con los piñones.- Cocine en horno a 180ºC hasta que se doren. Armado - Llene moldes individuales con la Crême brulée y cocine a baño maría desde agua caliente en horno a 120ºC durante 2 horas aproximadamente. Presentación. Enjambres Enchilados y Galleta de chocolate con beso de frambuesa. Paula Online.

Parfait de Limón Verde con Rötegrütze [6 personas] Para el parfait: 240 g de azúcar 1/2 taza (120 ml) de jugo de limón de Pica o limón sutil 4 g de gelatina en polvo sin sabor 3 claras de huevos grandes 2 cucharadas de ralladura de limón de Pica 200 ml de crema doble, batida espesa.Para el rötegrütze:400 g de berries [frutillas, frambuesas, arándanos, grosellas, 3/4 taza [150 g] de azúcar, 30 g de maicena, 1/2 limón su jugo, 2 cucharadas de kirsch Para las cáscaras de naranja: cáscaras de naranja en julianas muy finas, azúcar. 1. Preparar el parfait. Forrar el interior de un molde de terrina de 20 x 8 cm con papel plástico y reservar. En una olla colocar el azúcar con 1/4 taza de agua fría y la mitad del jugo de limón, cocinar hasta formar un almíbar espeso. 2. En un recipiente remojar la gelatina con el resto del jugo de limón. 3. Savarin con Slmíbar de Champagne, Mascarpone y Frutas Rojas [8 personas] 1. Rejas de Choux y Frutas [6 a 8 personas] 1. 1. Crema o Salsa Inglesa [2 y 1/2 tazas]

Bavarois de Pera con Salsa de Chocolate | Los dulcitos de Adriana. WholeKitchen en su propuesta dulce para el mes de abril nos invita a preparar Bavarois. Los Bavarois entran dentro del grupo de postres que tienen como base una crema, entendida como tal una preparación realizadas a partir de lácteos ( leche, crema ), huevos, azúcar y algún saborizante. En esta amplísima categoría podemos mencionar las cremas: pasteleras, inglesa, mousses, parfaits, soufflés, charlottes, flan, diplomata, frangipane, mousseline, bavarois, brulée, entre otras.

En algunas ocasiones estas cremas constituyen por si mismas un postre ( Mousse, flan, brulée etc), o bien pueden formar parte de alguna otra preparación, como relleno o cobertura ( frangipane, de mantequilla, pastelera etc), también la combinación de algunas de ellas dan origen a otras como por ejemplo la Chiboust que es la combinación de pastelera con gelatina y merengue italiano, la diplomata que es la combinación de crema pastelera mas crema batida etc. En caliente: como la pastelera, inglesa, flan etc Ingredientes: Vegan Lemon Squares. Silken tofu has always stumped me. Regular, firm tofu, I know what to do with — most often I pat it dry, cube it, and sauté it until golden brown and crisp, to be served over puréed, roasted, or stir-fried vegetables. But silken tofu, with its strange, curd-like texture and the whey that pools at the bottom of the tub (is it part of the tofu?

Should I use it? Not use it?) This is why I was so pleased to clip out not just one, but two uncommonly appealing recipes using silken tofu from the September issue of Whole Living: one for Beets and Kale with Creamy Tofu Dressing, and one for Lemon Coconut Tofu Squares. It is the loveliest of three-bite desserts: the crust crumbly just so, the lemon topping slightly chewy, and the perfect balance of sweet and tart. The former I’m keeping under my elbow, as we French say, for when I finally lay my eager little hands on a bunch of Parisian kale*, which I plan to order from Bob’s Juice Bar as soon as I get my act together. Vegan Lemon Squares Recipe Notes. Saffron-Vanilla Snickerdoodles Recipe. I like to sit in the sun on the beautiful stone slab benches across from the Blue Bottle Coffee kiosk in Hayes Valley here in San Francisco.

It's just a short walk from my house in an alleyway, a not-so-secret spot, slightly off the main strip. I also love to have lazy breakfasts beneath the tall ceilings, light streaking through the massive windows, in their cafe at Mint Plaza. I've known there was a Blue Bottle Coffee book in the works, and each time I go, I find myself uttering the same nine words, usually with my mouth full - I really hope this recipe is in the book. In addition to their coffee, which I'm more than happy to brave a line for, I have a list of go-to favorites from their beautifully concise and inspired menu.

My hope was that all would be in the book: these Saffron-Vanilla Snickerdoodles, the Pickled Fennel Egg Salad, the Sesame Absinthe Cigars, and Catalan Eggs with Braised Greens. HS note: As I mention up above, it's worth making a double batch here. Print Recipe. Fennel Mushrooms Recipe. I thought it might be fun to highlight a few vintage cookbooks in the coming months. I pick them up here and there, without much rhyme or reason. There might be a design element I like, it might be the voice of the author, or sometimes a single recipe pops out at me. I typically flip through them in antique shops on road trips, at yard sales and flea markets, but I found this gem at Omnivore Books here in San Francisco - The Seasonal Kitchen: A Return to Fresh Foods.

Published in 1973, it is by Perla Meyers, was published by Holt, Rinehart, & Winston, and designed by Al Corchia. I did an updated take on Perla's Fennel Mushroom recipe for today's post, it's a simple, brilliant twist on everyday sauteed mushrooms with dill, chives, fresh fennel, and a kiss of creme fraiche. There are so many things that resonate with me in this book - subject matter, design, the emphasis on fresh, seasonal ingredients.

More than anything, I love the approachability of Perla's voice. Serves 2-3. Pumpkin and Orange Tart © Kevin Ashton - WannabeTVchef. Pumpkin and Orange Tart (serves 8) © Kevin Ashton 2008 Around this time of the year pumpkin pie often features on American dessert menus. But I always felt disappointed with the flavour and texture of this very traditionally dish, perhaps because it was often made with tinned pumpkin. So a couple of years ago I decided to make a pumpkin pie but start with fresh pumpkin and see if I could improve the dish. Using fresh pumpkin does take a little more time but this recipe is certainly not complicated but the result is a revelation. INGREDIENTS Pastry 200g (8oz) plain flour 100g (4oz) butter 50g (2oz) caster sugar 1egg Pie Filling 1kg (2.2lb) peeled pumpkin 3 large oranges 1/2 tsp grated fresh nutmeg pinch of cinnamon75g (2oz) caster sugar 150ml (1/4 pint) water 2egg yolks 3 whole eggs 100g (4oz) flaked almonds Method 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

To Serve: Serve slightly warm with cold creme fraiche and sprinkle each portion with the candied orange zest. Confessions of a Kitchen Witch: Lemon Tarragon Chicken with Balsamic Vinegar. I decided to try something different this evening for my family. I didn't want to make the same old chicken we normally have so I went on Google to find Chicken Breast recipes and found the Barefoot Contessa's Lemon Chicken Breast recipe. I didn't have a few of the ingredients so I improvised. The original recipe is posted as well as my additions to what is now my Lemon Tarragon Chicken with Balsamic Vinegar. I made this dish with a big fresh spring salad and garlic and olive oil angel hair pasta. Lemon Chicken Breasts 2010, Barefoot Contessa How Easy is That? Ingredients Warm the olive oil in a small saucepan over medium-low heat, add the garlic, and cook for just 1 minute but don't allow the garlic to turn brown. Pat the chicken breasts dry and place them skin side up over the sauce.

Bake for 30 to 40 minutes, depending on the size of the chicken breasts, until the chicken is done and the skin is lightly browned. Ways to use your leftover Egg Whites and Chocolate Petimezi Amygdalota Cookies. Almonds, Healthy Baking and Desserts - Tasting the Future. In this video, CIA Baking and Pastry Chef Aaron Brown demonstrates how to make shortbread cookies with a healthy twist.

To make these cookies healthier than typical shortbread cookies, he substitutes some of the butter with almond oil, and some of the white flour with almond flour. The savory and piney rosemary pairs perfectly with the nutty almonds. In a stand mixer fitted with a paddle cream together the almond oil, butter, and sugars on low speed. Stop the mixer periodically and scrape down the paddle and the mixing bowl.

The mixture should be light in color. Sift together the flour, cinnamon, and salt. Add the almond flour, rosemary, and orange zest. Yield: 35 cookies. Muffins de gotas de chocolate y pasas - El Blog de Mi Sabor Casero. Monday 16 july 2012 1 16 /07 /Jul /2012 04:51 INGREDIENTES (cantidad 12 muffins): . 175 grs. de mantequilla o margarina a temperatura ambiente . 100 grs. de azúcar (si es azúcar rubia mejor) . 4 huevos . 70 grs. de miel . 100 grs. de gotas de chocolate . 100 grs. de pasas sin semillas . 100 mil de licor (ron o brandy) . . 300 grs de harina . ½ cucharada de polvo para hornear . . . . . .

Notas: . . Cantidad de porciones: 12 muffins. In the kitchen with: kristina’s tiramisu. Receta de Quiche de champiñones y verduras de Ramón Roteta.

Recetas Básicas. Pasapalos y Tapas. Panadería. Desayunos. Postres. Licores.