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Nana Eisenberg

Solar Eclipses. Slide Show. Singing famous composers’ names in the style of those composers. Cinnamon Bun Cookies. Duo MainTenanT. Disney's Anne Frank - Jewniverse. My Fundraising Page. Let me introduce you to my Dad, Gary Eisenberg- I can't count the amount of times my Dad has looked at me wide eyed and said "I can't wait for tomorrow!

My Fundraising Page

" and confused I always ask him why as he smirks back, "because I just get better looking every day! " - yes, my father finds himself hilarious. Besides being entertaining my Dad has always been a motivator. He is extremely smart, honest, respected, active, upbeat, and fun. I can remember running my first hill run with my Doodad. Now (years later of course I got over it) and running is our thing- Me and Doodad pushing each other and running. This March my Dad was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. So this year I have decided to run The Columbus Marathon in October for my Doodad and to help find cures and more effective treatments for blood cancers with The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's (LLS) Team in Training.

For those of you out there who are able, I'd love your help in donating. Facebook. Your source of daily updated funny pictures and gifs. TED: Ideas worth spreading. Yes We Can. Il Divo Songs and Videos, Il Divo Playlist in 101 Best Restaurants in America for 2012. It becomes more difficult every year to rank America’s best restaurants.

101 Best Restaurants in America for 2012

We say that having done it for nearly a half-decade. As interest in dining out increases, and more great chefs train younger good ones, fantastic food continues to spread out across the country. Exceptional culinary landscapes in big cities get even better, and new and different dining scenes are born and in turn attract and inspire even more greatness from a growing number of talented cooks. This makes trying to rank the country’s best restaurants in 2014 all the more challenging, but also all the more interesting, worthwhile, and intriguing.

View Slides: 101 Best Restaurants in America for 2014 We have always believed that good food is good food, and so our previous 101s have compared iconic pizza parlors and joints serving transcendent cheeseburgers with the lapidary perfection of a French Laundry or the genre-bending inventiveness of a Next. Read More: 101 Best Restaurants in America for 2013 101. 100. 99. 98. Official Customer Site. John Denver Songs and Videos, John Denver Playlist in Purim Poppy Seed Cake with Lemon Glaze. Note from Tori: This recipe has been retested and updated with new photos for 2014!

Purim Poppy Seed Cake with Lemon Glaze

I improved the recipe by cutting the butter in half and adding vegetable oil to make the cake more tender and moist. I also used full fat dairy and added a bit more lemon juice. It was always tasty, but it’s so much better now. Enjoy! This lemony sour cream poppy seed bundt cake is delicious year-round, but it’s particularly appropriate during the Jewish holiday of Purim. Queen Esther was Jewish, King Ahasuerus was not. There are three different ways to top this beauty, with powdered sugar, a lemon icing or a warm lemon glaze. By the way, a friendly heads up: if you are about to take a new job that requires a drug test, skip this cake.

NO KITCHEN REQUIRED Extended Trailer. America’s Best New Sandwiches of 2012. How to tell if a woman is about to deliver her baby. GRIN. Cream Cheese Pound Cake. L'Odyssée de Cartier. Whats Gaby Cooking — Simple Sassy Gourmet.

Gilbert Allis Jr: biography, pictures and information. TED: Ideas worth spreading. Videos. Animals. IRAN. Daily Deals.

Pearltrees videos

Getting started. A dog’s seeing eye dog. Lily is a Great Dane that has been blind since a bizarre medical condition required that she have both eyes removed.

A dog’s seeing eye dog

For the last 5 years, Maddison, another Great Dane, has been her sight. The two are, of course, inseparable. (via Weird Universe, Daily Record, The Sun)

This and Thar