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Google Forecloses On Content Farms With “Farmer” Algorithm Update. Bing expands Facebook “Liked Results” - Search Blog - Site Blogs - Bing Community. Twilert - Twitter alerts via email. Twitscoop - Stay on top of twitter! - Search twitter, twitter client, hot trends. Home. Twitter Alerts - Like Button. Openbook - Connect and share whether you want to or not. Facebook Search Engine. Welcome to Booshaka! Welcome to Booshaka! Twitter Search. Kurrently - A real-time search engine for Facebook and Twitter.

- Sosialt søk - Kvasir. Real Time Search - Social Mention. De beste søkemotorene for sosiale medier | Metronet Norge Blogg. 23. februar 2011 Har du noen gang tenkt på hvor mye du ”Googler” og ”Facer”? Søk på merkevarer, temaer og person har for mange blitt en naturlig del av hva man gjør på nett, og de siste årene har også sosiale medier fått en viktigere rolle hos forbrukere, bedrifter og merkevarer. Kommunikasjon og dialog mellom venner og kundeservicen fra bedrifter forekommer gjennom sosiale plattformer som forum, nettverk, blogger, mikroblogger etc.

Sammen bygger vi et innholdsimperium for merkevarer gjennom omtaler, tips, anbefalinger, ris og ros som i mye større grad styrer forbrukeres og samfunnets holdning til merkevarer. Hvorfor er dette viktig for din merkevare? Jo, fordi det hver måned blir delt mer enn 30 milliarder biter av innhold på Facebook, vi stoler mer på venners anbefalinger enn media og sosiale medier er det som rangerer høyest i Google organisk. Hvordan ta kontroll? Kvasir Kvasir er en av de beste norske søkemotorene som har lagt til en søkefunksjon for sosiale medier. Kurrently Facebook. An update to Google Social Search. Today we’re doing a little bit more to bring you all the goodness of Google, plus the opinions of the people you care about. As always, we want to help you find the most relevant answers among the billions of interconnected pages on the web.

But relevance isn’t just about pages—it’s also about relationships. That’s why we introduced Google Social Search in 2009, and why we’ve made a number of improvements since then. Today we’re taking another step forward—enabling you to get even more information from the people that matter to you, whether they’re publishing on YouTube, Flickr or their own blog or website. First, social search results will now be mixed throughout your results based on their relevance (in the past they only appeared at the bottom).

This means you’ll start seeing more from people like co-workers and friends, with annotations below the results they’ve shared or created. Now Social Search includes links people share on Twitter and other services. RockMelt - Your Browser. Re-imagined. Connect for an invitation. Google Social Search Update Integrates Your Friends’ Shares. As the Internet continues to expand and we get inundated with an increasingly overwhelming amount of information, we turn more and more to our social spheres for guidance. And that’s where some of the updates to Google Social Search are supposed to come into play.

It makes sense that if a friend decided a page was worth sharing on Twitter and it’s relevant to your search term, that’s probably a good page for you to read (as opposed to any other random search result). Google Social Search has been around since 2009, but they’ve now updated it to integrate these social “shares” with the main search results. Greplin’s Social Search Opens Its Doors To All. Greplin, the service that indexes and lets you search all of your online social stuff (Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, etc.), has just opened its doors to everyone. Earlier this week we reported on their new financing round from Sequoia Capital, and over the last couple of days they’ve let in everyone on the waitlist. And as of right now, you can use Greplin, too. Why would you want to use Greplin? Because it lets you search across all of your emails, Facebook data and Twitter stuff with one query. And they haven’t stopped there. You can also authorize Google Apps, Dropbox, LinkedIn, Google Calendar, Google Docs, Evernote, Yammer, Salesforce,, Basecamp, Google Voice, Google Reader, Google Contacts and more.

And then find stuff in those apps with a single query. We first covered Greplin, a Y Combinator startup, back in August. Slashtag search. Surfmark: Annotate, capture, organize and share your web search. Greplin’s Social Search Opens Its Doors To All | Startup Websites. Greplin Grabs $4 Million From Sequoia For Social Search | Startup Websites.

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