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a6omcl2la0ivlxsn3o8m.jpg from - StumbleUpon. Share Book Recommendations With Your Friends, Join Book Clubs, Answer Trivia. The 13 scariest books of all time NOT written by Stephen King. Yes, we all know King is the Sultan of Scare, and that books like The Shining, Salem's Lot, and It will make you quake in your fuzzy slippers. But here are 13 books that'll start the shivers while spreading the wealth. SILENCE OF THE LAMBS Thomas Harris This isn't the first time we'd meet the psychopathic Hannibal Lecter—that'd be Red Dragon—but it was the most eerie.

And what's more, he wasn't the only serial baddie at work: Buffalo Bill took his share of trophies as Silence of the Lambs worked its way into the public's collective cerebral cortex. GHOST STORY Peter Straub Four men, comfortable in their middle-agedness, never speak of the young woman they killed 50 years before and buried in a watery grave. THE ROAD Cormac McCarthy DRACULA Bram Stoker It may be an oldie—one of the oldie-est, actually—but Stoker's Dracula is the fount from which incarnation of the modern vampire draws power. THE EXORCIST William Peter Blatty THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE Shirley Jackson THE CIPHER Kathe Koja.

The 15 Books You Must Read in 2010 - Education. The Book Seer | What should I read next.