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Pearltrees videos. Help. Conspiracy. Earth Star Home Page. Home. 100 Abandoned Houses. Abandoned Places: 10 Creepy, Beautiful Modern Ruins. Abandoned Places: 10 Creepy, Beautiful Modern Ruins Abandoned Places | We humans are explorers by nature. The quest for discovery, both old and new, is part of what separates us from rest of the animal kingdom. Since the world we live in has been largely mapped and plotted, we urban adventurers turn our sights toward the relics of old and the ruins of the recent past. If you find beauty in urban decay, in the crumbling and abandoned places of yesteryear, you’ll want to read on. Here are 10 of the most amazing, beautiful and creepy abandoned places in the modern world.

Abandoned Submarine Base, Ukraine In a bay on the northern shores of the Black Sea, the Soviet army maintained an elaborate submarine base throughout much of the Cold War. Abandoned Submarine Base Gallery The Ruins of Detroit by Marchand and Meffre In the United States, few cities have felt the burn of urban decay more than Detroit. Ruins of Detroit Gallery Beelitz Military Hospital, Berlin Beelitz Military Hospital Gallery. Ichor Falls - A Quiet Community. Reality Zone Home Page - Iceweasel. The "mystery stone" that suggests ancient Greeks were in New Mexico in 500 BC. Eccentric America: Weird, strange, bizarre, people & places to see in the US. About. The author Greg Fish is an IT consultant with an M.S in computer science, and science blogger whose work appears on BusinessWeek, Discovery News and The Panda’s Thumb, and has been featured on Bad Astronomy, SEED, and io9. He specializes in writing about unusual cutting edge science and promoting skepticism and sound scientific education while writing about robots, aliens, and alien robots.

He was born in the former USSR and lived in the United States for more than ten years, first as a permanent resident and now as a naturalized citizen. Sometimes he will refer to himself in third person. The blog Weird Things isn’t about debunking saints on cheese sandwiches, claims of telekinesis or simply reposting whatever science news come off the wires. After all, where’s the fun in reading about another lake monster or alien abduction and always know that in the end, it will be debunked and dismissed for the upteenth time? Contact info Have a question, comment or suggestion? Strange Artifacts, Baghdad Battery. This experiment proved that electric batteries were used some 1,800 years before their modern invention by Alessandro Volta in 1799. It also seems that the use of similar batteries can be safely placed into ancient Egypt, where several objects with traces of electroplated precious metals have been found at different locations.

There are several anomalous finds from other regions, which suggests use of electricity on a grander scale. The Riddle of "Baghdad's batteries" Arran Frood investigates what could have been the very first batteries and how these important archaeological and technological artefacts are now at risk from the impending war in Iraq. I don't think anyone can say for sure what they were used for, but they may have been batteries because they do work Dr Marjorie Senechal War can destroy more than a people, an army or a leader.

Biblical clues THE KEY COMPONENTS Batteries dated to around 200 BC Could have been used in gilding Scientific awareness "They are a one-off. Enough zap. The Magic Café Forum Index. The Betrayal. Mysteries & Secrets. The Mysterious and Unexplained. "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. " -Albert Einstein Atlantis The antediluvian world from Plato's dialogues Timaeus and Critias. Oak Island One of the most intriguing and frustrating puzzles of all time. Mars In the late 1800s there were reports of Canals on Mars. The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Edgar Cayce Sleeping Prophet or Psychic Lunatic? Nostradamus Michel de Nostredame - Could he see the future? Stonehenge This ancient monument stands silently on the Salisbury Plain in southern England. Bigfoot Sasquatch, Yeti. Loch Ness Nessie is rivaled perhaps only by Bigfoot for the top spot in the mysterious monsters category.

Roswell Something crashed on the desert floor in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 and was recovered by the military. Do you have any suggestions or ideas? There are several ways to pass on your ideas: You can fill out one of the forms: Or you can write to: Stacje numeryczne - radiowe audycje-widmo - Paranormalium - Portal Zjawisk Paranormalnych. Włączasz radio. Przełączasz na krótkie fale. Szukasz jakiejś radiostacji. W końcu coś znajdujesz. Dziwna to jednak radiostacja, bowiem na ustawionej częstotliwości słyszysz jedynie ciąg cyfr: "jedna, jedna, jedna, tri, sedum, dva, szest, tri... " - i tak w kółko. Myślisz sobie - "Bezsens". Ale po chwili słychać tylko krótkie "Konec". Jeśli kiedykolwiek zdarzyło Ci się coś podobnego, to najprawdopodobniej odebrałeś stację numeryczną. Stacje numeryczne to nadające na falach krótkich stacje radiowe o nieustalonym pochodzeniu. Transmisje tego typu są niemalże identyczne za każdym razem i wydają się przestrzegać pewnego planu (choć niektóre stacje pojawiają się nagle i równie szybko znikają).

Każda stacja numeryczna rozpoczyna audycję w charakterystyczny dla siebie sposób. Tylko w pojedynczych przypadkach udaje się ustalić miejsce, z którego nadają stacje numeryczne. Historia stacji numerycznych O szpiegowskim zastosowaniu stacji numerycznych pisali Robert Wallace i H. Achtung! "Achtung! Metaphysical Directory. 10 Most Bizarre Sounds You’d Not have Heard. For humans, hearing is normally limited to frequencies between about 12 Hz and 20,000 Hz (20 kHz), although these limits are not definite. Here we mention 10 sounds that are in some way or another bizarre and you might not have listened to them before or you might have listened but interpreted differently. 10. First Recording (1860) Methods and media for sound recording are varied and have undergone significant changes between the first time sound was actually recorded for later playback until now. 9.

Download Here: lambert The phonograph expanded on the principles of the phonoautograph. 8. 18000 Hz Sine Wave Download Here: 18000 Hz Sine Wave Try hearing this sound. 7. Preview Phantom Melody [Fast] Preview Phantom Melody [Slow] Some pieces of music consist of high-speed arpeggios or other repeating patterns, which change only subtly. 6. Download Here: Blue Whale Sound The blue whale is the loudest animal on Earth! Pages: 1 2.