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G1 : Développement

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Qu'est-ce que le Produit Intérieur Brut. Comment fonctionne l'échelle d'une carte ? - C'est pas sorcier. La population en cartes interactives - Les graphiques/ les cartes - Ined - Institut national d’études démographiques. Google Earth densités+ Frontiere USA Mexique. Frontiere_USA-Mexique.jpg (Image JPEG, 640x427 pixels) IDH Inde. Contrastes Sao Paulo. Evolution IDH. The Human Development Index (HDI) is a summary measure of average achievement in key dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, being knowledgeable and having a decent standard of living.

The HDI is the geometric mean of normalized indices for each of the three dimensions. The health dimension is assessed by life expectancy at birth, the education dimension is measured by mean of years of schooling for adults aged 25 years and more and expected years of schooling for children of school entering age. The standard of living dimension is measured by gross national income per capita. The HDI uses the logarithm of income, to reflect the diminishing importance of income with increasing GNI. The scores for the three HDI dimension indices are then aggregated into a composite index using geometric mean. Refer to Technical notes for more details.

The HDI simplifies and captures only part of what human development entails. Evolution de la population mondiale. Densités. La population en graphiques - Les graphiques/ les cartes. Untitled. L’évaluateur des dépenses publiques. La population en cartes interactives - Les graphiques/ les cartes.

Fin du cours G1 (III.) Collecte des questions G1.