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Expressive photography. Femmes et photographie. My INDIA. 30 photos uniques qui ont marqué l'histoire. La photographie est l'un des meilleurs moyens pour conserver toutes sortes de souvenirs, les bons, comme les mauvais. Pour le plaisir de vos yeux, nous vous invitons à découvrir 30 photos incroyables qui vous feront voyager dans le temps. 1. Le déballage de la tête de la Statue de la Liberté, le 17 juin 1885 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Source : So Bad So Good À lire également : - 20 photos historiques et uniques à voir absolument! 16 photos qui ont marqué l'histoire. Certaines photos resteront gravées dans notre mémoire à jamais, soit car elles ont été prises dans des moments historiques soit car elles reflètent une réalité bouleversante. Voici une sélection de 16 clichés que vous avez certainement déjà vu une fois dans votre vie. Le photographe Kevin Carter photographie la famine au Soudan.

Il remporte le prix Pulitzer pour ce cliché, mais se suicide quelques mois plus tard. Pour la petite histoire, la petite fille sur le cliché survivra à la famine. En 1985, lors de l'éruption volcanique du Nevado del Ruiz, en Colombie, la ville d'Armero est détruite. Cette photo de Steve McCurry est une des plus célèbres de la planète. On ne présente plus cette photo d'un jeune chinois se tenant debout face à des chars chinois lors de l’insurrection de la place Tian’anmen en 1989. Ce portrait du Che a été pris pendant l’enterrement des victimes de l’explosion de la Coubre, en mars 1960.

Luiz Vasconcelos immortalise le mouvement des sans terre au Brésil en 2009. Los Intocables | Erik Ravelo. J e s s i c a  L e d w i c h - Home. L’équipe universitaire féminine de rugby d’Oxford pose nue « Côté Vestiaire. Les joueuses de l’équipe féminine de rubgy de l’Université d’Oxford se dénudent pour la bonne cause. Le calendrier issu de ces photos sera vendu pour récolter des fonds pour l’association "Mind Your Head". Cette organisation d’Oxford fait campagne pour sensibiliser aux maladies mentales. Ces calendriers sont vendus 10£ et sont mis en vente aux membres de l’université d’Oxford. L’objectif est aussi de faire la promotion du Rugby féminin et de son implication dans le combat contre les maladies mentales.

Lien de leur site: Like this: J'aime chargement… Pour leurs 61 ans de mariage, ils font une séance photo inspirée du film “La-haut” Niveau alerte cuteness, chez MinuteBuzz, on peut dire que nos antennes sont en éveil : pas un animal trop mignon qui nous échappe, pas une série de photos adorables qu’on zappe, pas un mec trop chouchou dont on ne fasse pas nos choux gras. On pensait déjà avoir eu un palmarès de mignonitude assez impressionnant en 2013, mais force est de constater que le plus cute restait à venir. Le voici, ou plutôt les voici : Nina et Gramps, un couple marié depuis 61 ans, ont fait pour leur anniversaire de mariage une séance photo. Jusque-là, c’est sympa mais sans plus. Là où ça devient carrément exquis, c’est quand le couple s’inspire du cultissime film d’animation de Pixar Là-Haut pour la D.A des photos. C’est leur belle-fille, organisatrice d’événements, qui leur a offert ce shooting, des années après leur mariage qui lui-même n’avait été immortalisé que par un seul cliché, leur photographe les ayant planté.

Nestor Díaz fotografía. PHOTOGRAPHIE • Portrait de femme. Andrea Gjestvang: Portraits of the survivors of the July 22, 2011, massacre in Norway. Andrea Gjestvang/Moment On July 22, 2011, a car bomb killed eight people at the executive government building in Oslo, Norway. Shortly thereafter, Anders Behring Breivik, responsible for the bombing in Oslo, opened fire at a summer youth camp for members of the Labor Party on the island of Utøya, killing 69 (mostly young) people and wounding many more; 500 people survived. Working as a photo editor at the time, Andrea Gjestvang started taking photographs of the carnage in Oslo, using her camera to help her navigate through the horrific scene.

“I was very scared and confused, almost paralyzed,” she wrote via email about taking the pictures. Focusing on the event was one thing, but Gjestvang wanted to concentrate on the repercussions of the killings in a deeper way. Her series “One Day in History” (and subsequent book En Dag i Historien) focuses on the survivors of the shootings on Utøya. To do that, she traveled around Norway to meet the young people in their homes. Kibera Children's Photography by Jenna Kuokkanen, Nairobi, Kenya. 'What I Be' Project Reveals People's Darkest Insecurities In Stunning Photos. Photographer Steve Rosenfield recently asked subjects far and wide to complete the following statement: "I am not my ___ " He prompted individuals to fill in the blank with their deepest and darkest insecurities, moving people to bring issues regarding body image, substance abuse, mental illness, race and sexuality to the forefront.

The results of the social experiment of sorts is a photography series titled the "What I Be Project," an intimate examination of the anxieties and inhibitions that plague men and women of all ages. Rosenfield posed his volunteers in simple positions, adorning the subjects with bold black phrases of their choosing, written on their arms, chests and faces.

"I am not my gender. " "I am not my PTSD," states one woman, decorated with the words "It wasn't my fault. " "The 'What I Be Project' is all about honesty," Rosenfield writes on his site. "I am not my amputation. " "I am not my turban. " "I am not my bulimia. " "I am not my molestation. " "I am not my number. " 13 Portraits of Homeless People as They Want to be Viewed (Slideshow) Photo Credit: Rosie Holtom January 28, 2014 | Like this article? Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. Scroll down to view slideshow. Photos published with permission. When artist Rosie Holtom began volunteering at Shelter from the Storm, a homeless shelter in London, more that four years ago, her preconceptions about what homeless people looked like were shattered.

“The more time I spent with them I realized there’s a huge disconnect between all the images we get portrayed to us in the media and the people I was meeting,” she said. Holtom sought to create an art project that would capture the character of the homeless people she met, while making the project a collaborative process. The residents chose their best shots, which were then featured in an exhibition held as a fundraiser for the shelter. Holtom said that her project, which started out as a small exhibition, has had an amazing response in the media. Click here to donate to Shelter from the Storm. Le projet Cicatrice... Contre le cancer du sein. Le projet Cicatrice... Très touchant... De braves survivantes ont accepté de poser les seins nus... Pour la cause du cancer du sein. C'est le SCAR PROJECT Imaginé par le photographe David Jay Une exposition qui sera d'ailleurs présentée à Houston au Texas.

Bravo pour la bravoure... Et pour la beauté de ces femmes. Roger Weiss Studies The Hypocrisy Of Beauty In A Series Of Photos Which Distort The Objectification Of Women. Artist Studies The Hypocrisy Of Beauty In A Series Of Photos Which Distort The Objectification Of Women Roger Weiss is a Swiss-born photographer, who displays in his work the obsession with the human form and try to touch in his work, issues such as the objectification of women.

Human Dilations is a study in the feminine form and foray into the subject of beauty and it’s stereotypes. A woman is often boiled down info a series of visual queues that objectify and define her. Weiss’s project studies whether each form—in it’s distortion and elation—is a physical whole, or simply an object. “Human Dilatations does not fear the marks of frailness of the body and its imperfections,” said Weiss. Source: beautifulsavage Share This With Friends « Honey Maid “Made” It Again! Pieter Hugo, Photos of Reconciliation, Rwandan Genocide. Last month, the photographer Pieter Hugo went to southern Rwanda, two decades after nearly a million people were killed during the country’s genocide, and captured a series of unlikely, almost unthinkable tableaus.

In one, a woman rests her hand on the shoulder of the man who killed her father and brothers. In another, a woman poses with a casually reclining man who looted her property and whose father helped murder her husband and children. In many of these photos, there is little evident warmth between the pairs, and yet there they are, together. In each, the perpetrator is a Hutu who was granted pardon by the Tutsi survivor of his crime. The people who agreed to be photographed are part of a continuing national effort toward reconciliation and worked closely with AMI (Association Modeste et Innocent), a nonprofit organization.

In AMI’s program, small groups of Hutus and Tutsis are counseled over many months, culminating in the perpetrator’s formal request for forgiveness. The extraordinary story of Erwin Blumenfeld. The pioneering fashion photographer Erwin Blumenfeld pushed the boundaries in his art and in his life. Tamsin Blanchard recounts his extraordinary story. BY Tamsin Blanchard | 18 May 2013 Lisa Fonssagrives on the Eiffel Tower, 1939, Paris, by Erwin Blumenfeld. Photo: Blumenfeld Studio Erwin Blumenfeld's acerbic autobiography Eye to I , first published in French in 1975, begins with his conception - around midnight on May 5 1896 after his parents had spent a night listening to Wagner at Berlin's Royal Opera House - and ends with an imaginary description of his own death. IN PICTURES: Erwin Blumenfeld's iconic images The fictional account, which describes a suffocating last few moments and ends with 'I was dead', became reality when, a few days later on July 4 1969, in a deliberate attempt to induce a heart attack, he had repeatedly run up and down the Spanish steps in Rome.

Self-portrait, 1955. The documentary has been made by Blumenfeld's grandson (Yorick's son) Remy Blumenfeld. 100 Helpful Photography Tutorials for Beginners and Professionals. Photography as both a profession and a hobby is an incredibly expansive topic that covers a remarkably vast range of subjects from science and art. No matter where you lie on the professional spectrum, there is simply always more to learn. We spent countless hours scouring the web for the best content we could find and share with you, and today we'll help you expand your knowledge with 100 photography related tutorials! "There are many composition guidelines which can be applied in almost any situation, to enhance the impact of a scene. Below are ten of the most popular and most widely respected composition rules.

" "Graphic illustrations [and explanations] of the difference between RAW and JPEG (also called JPG). A basic discussion of white balance and how to respond to different lighting situations. "Use a simple device to get perfect color in all of your shots" "What you need to know to get the most from today’s amazing high-ISO settings" "Low light photography can be a lot of fun. Photography Tutorials. Learn how to take and edit digital photographs using visual tutorials that emphasize concept over procedure, independent of specific digital camera or lens. This is a complete listing of all tutorials on this site; click the drop-down links in the top menu to see particular topics.

Photography is going through an exciting transition period as many film photographers are beginning to explore the new capabilities of digital cameras. While the fundamentals have remained similar, other aspects are markedly different. This is a great time to get involved with digital photography. These tutorials are rarely influenced by changes in image editing software and camera equipment — due to their unique concept-based approach. Most tutorials therefore apply to both compact and digital SLR cameras. So, don't be afraid to dig deeper! View in other languages: Português Русский Deutsch Français Italiano.

40+ Incredible Photo Effects tutorials » DJDESIGNERLAB – Find All Your Design Inspirations From This Laboratory. Photoshop is a master of special effects. Any effects can be created if you know how to play with Photoshop. In this article I have tried to prove that. Don’t believe me then check out the tutorials below. Watercolor painting Water reflection Oil painting Halftone Dots and Linear Light Add Realistic Rainbow To A Photo Age Progression Eery-Eye Photo Manipulation Fantasy Art How To Turn Your Photo Into Movie-Like Effect Watercolor Effect Photo mosaic Pencil sketch Coloring effects Create a Flaming Photo Manipulation How to Make a Melting Camera Scene Blend a Planet Transparently into a Photo Manipulation How to Create a Severed Arm in Photoshop Water effect photo montage tutorial How to Create a Sparkling Fantasy Photo Manipulation Create dynamic distortion effects Electrifying Energy Beam Photoshop Tutorial How to Create a Fantasy Atmosphere Style Car Ad How To Create a Post Apocalyptic Photo Manipulation How to Place a Fantasy Creature in a Misty Landscape How to Integrate 3D Images into Dynamic Scenes.

27 maisons souterraines absolument sensationnelles. L’âge de pierre a beau être révolu, certaines personnes restent attachées à ce côté « caverne » mais avec un confort moderne. Découvrez 27 maisons d’exception… Image via Shutterstock Habitat traditionnel des indiens Navahos Parfois comparée à la maison des Teletubbies… Il y a vraiment de très belles maisons et chez DGS on serait prêt à vivre dedans si on pouvait avoir la fibre optique :D Et vous ?

Envie de passer quelques jours voire votre vie entière dans ces maisons souterraines ? 30 incredible and tragically beautiful images of the world's most haunting shipwrecks. Russian Mother Takes Magical Pictures of Her Two Kids With Animals On Her Farm. Photos with wild animals. The art of science: Stunning, psychedelic images from Fabian Oefner. Bookshelf Porn. DIANE ARBUS - THE PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK. Lisette Model l'instantanée - Arts et scènes. Diane Arbus, photographe écorchée - Arts et scènes. Ce jeune garçon retranscrit ses cauchemars en les mettant en scène dans des photographies effrayantes. Nicolas Bruno. Photographer Nicolas Bruno Creates Stunning Images Based off of Nightmares.

Nicola Lo Calzo Photographer – Official site (Site officiel) 21 Unbelievably Haunting Vintage Photos From The Circus. LALLA ESSAYDI. Q&A: Lalla Essaydi Challenges Muslim, Gender Stereotypes at Museum of African Art | Art Beat. Beyond Beauty. Looking at Iran and the Arab world through women’s eyes and cameras - Theater & art. Cadrez-moi - RendezVousCreation - Nicolas Esposito. Prise de vue et traitement noir et blanc des photographies en numérique.

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