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The Lady Mechanics donne un métier aux prostituées. Aider des anciennes prostituées à s'en sortir en s'occupant des voitures du pays, voilà l'idée d'une Nigériane. © Reuters - Akintunde Akinleye Son nom, c'est Sandra Agebor.

The Lady Mechanics donne un métier aux prostituées

Mais au Nigéria tout le monde l'appelle "The Lady Mechanics". Pourquoi ? Dr Mukwege: L'homme qui répare les femmes. La première fois qu'il a vu dans son cabinet une femme violée, c'était en 1999.

Dr Mukwege: L'homme qui répare les femmes

Le Dr Mukwege travaillait dans une région montagneuse perdue de l'est de la République démocratique du Congo. Il y était le seul gynécologue. Il dormait très peu, travaillant presque jour et nuit. Et voilà que cette femme arrive, brisée. Elle avait été violée à 500 mètres de l'hôpital. En 14 ans de pratique dans la région, le Dr Mukwege n'avait jamais rien vu de tel. Le mois suivant, à l'hôpital de Panzi, à Bukavu, dans le Sud-Kivu, le médecin a observé 45 cas semblables. Il y eut un cas. Près de 15 ans plus tard, le Dr Mukwege estime à 500 000 le nombre total de femmes et de filles violées en RDC.

J'ai eu la chance de rencontrer le Dr Mukwege à l'occasion du premier Forum mondial des femmes francophones, à Paris, le 20 mars. Son travail admirable lui a déjà valu de nombreux prix internationaux, dont le Prix des droits de l'homme des Nations unies. Pendant 14 ans, il a travaillé en ce sens. Renee DeVesty was raped by her friends. Here's her brave story of trauma and redemption. Une Saoudienne domine l’Everest et entre dans l'histoire - ALPINISME. Antoinette Tuff: Meet the Woman Who Prevented a Mass School Shooting Yesterday. Fortunately, Tuesday's gunman incident at an elementary school near Atlanta ended with no injuries or deaths.

Antoinette Tuff: Meet the Woman Who Prevented a Mass School Shooting Yesterday

This is mainly thanks to Antoinette Tuff, a school clerk who spent about an hour calmly persuading the gunman to put his rifle down and surrender. Tuff feared the worst when she encountered the gunman carrying an AK-47 assault rifle and other weapons in her school office. She told reporters, "I saw a young man ready to kill anybody that he could. " Approximately 870 pre-kindergarten to fifth grade students at the Ronald E. McNair Discovery Learning Academy in Decatur, Georgia were safely evacuated during the incident.

Tuff told Atlanta's local news station that the 20-year-old gunman was able to pass the school's security because he followed a parent who had not shut the door. She told ABC's Diane Sawyer that much of her conversation focused not only on trying to understand the gunman, but also on trying to get the gunman to relate to her. Rachel George. TED: Ideas worth spreading. Joan Halifax: Compassion and the true meaning of empathy. Peter Singer: The why and how of effective altruism. TEDxParis. Soif de Rencontres. Caroline Hamilton - Polar Explorer & Motivational Speaker. The Road to Gunsa. Written 21/10/13 Nepal’s second-ever elections are coming up, so the government has – apparently without any notice – co-opted all the government-employed teachers as election invigilators.

The Road to Gunsa

Jimmy Lama from HELP (my charity) has persuaded one school to partially open because I’m coming. This is daunting. I’m not experienced or qualified, and the last time I attempted to teach children was pretty fraught. The village I’m going to is called Gunsa. The road to Gunsa is composed of dust, rocks, mud and no tarmac. The bus’ revving reaches a higher pitch than usual. No-one seems in the least perturbed by this. We sway precariously over a drop that would certainly kill us. At the end of the line, friendly local young men meet me, as arranged, for the walk to Gunsa. As darkness falls, we pick our way across a river, and follow a narrow stone-flagged footpath between paddy fields.

By the light of our phones, we walk along a dust-paved street. Like this: Like Loading...