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Agression dans le métro de Lille: ce qui a poussé les passagers... à ne rien faire. Pendant 30 minutes, une jeune femme s'est fait agresser sous les yeux des passagers de la rame de métro.

Agression dans le métro de Lille: ce qui a poussé les passagers... à ne rien faire

(OLIVIER MORIN/AFP) Nous sommes sous le choc de cette information concernant une jeune femme qui a été agressée sexuellement à Lille dans le métro sous le regard de nombreux passagers par un homme ivre sans que personne ne vienne à son secours, ni n’appelle la police. Malgré ses appels à l’aide, elle a dû se protéger seule comme elle pouvait, fuir hors du métro toujours poursuivie par cet homme qui menaçait de la violer, en plus des agressions sexuelles qu’il avait déjà commises, et ce n’est que dans la rue qu’elle a enfin pu être protégée par un automobiliste qui l’a laissée monter dans sa voiture et par des vigiles qui ont finalement maîtrisé l’agresseur. Pourquoi n'ont-ils prévenu personne ? How you can help. For partners of survivors.

As the partner of a survivor, you may be very important to her in her efforts to deal with the effects of sexual violence.

For partners of survivors

Since this often takes some time, and can affect your relationship, it is important that you get your own support, and look after yourself so that you can best support her. It is very likely that the sexual aspect of your relationship will change while your partner is dealing with the effects of sexual violence. Be sensitive to her needs in this area, and never ever persuade or cajole her into any contact that she isn't enthusiastic about. By rejecting sex she is not rejecting you, even though it may feel like it; the associated memories around sexual behaviour, or even touch, may make it too difficult for her to even contemplate this. If this is the case, reassure her that you understand how important that is, and that you assume that sex is off the menu until she says otherwise.

Just as women need to talk about their feelings so, too, do men. Love After Rape: Being the Partner of a Sexual Assault Survivor. (Trigger Warning) Learning His Girlfriend’s Secret When his girlfriend, Marina*, told him that she had been raped in high school, Tim’s* first reaction was that he didn’t know how to respond.

Love After Rape: Being the Partner of a Sexual Assault Survivor

Shock quickly became anger at what the rapist had done to her. 7 Pitfalls to Avoid When Dating a Sexual Assault Survivor. How to Be a Good Guy on the Sidewalk. If you see a woman walking, and you are driving, do not slow down next to her and ask if she wants a ride.

How to Be a Good Guy on the Sidewalk

I can't tell you how many times this happened before I had a car and relied on walking/public transit. It is scary as shit. You are not being nice. You are being scary. One very early morning, before day-break, I was walking to the bus stop. "FUCK OFF! " The kicker: I have had more than one dude tell me that I was crazy and rude to tell the guy to fuck off, and that I'm paranoid and need therapy and that I must hate all men, and that the guy was clearly just trying to be nice, and of course he wasn't going to try and rape or kill me. Merci de ne pas effrayer la dame. Viol-Femmes-Informations - Accompagner une victime. Help. When someone is raped it affects not only the survivor, but also all of the people around them.


Part of what makes it so difficult is not knowing what to say or do. How to Help a Friend - UC Santa Cruz Student Health Center - S.H.O.P. When someone has been sexually assaulted, chances are that they will turn to a friend for help.

How to Help a Friend - UC Santa Cruz Student Health Center - S.H.O.P.

You are an important person to the survivor; this is why the survivor shared this experience with you. Knowing how to respond will be very helpful in your friend's recovery. This page offers guidance on how to best support your friend. There are also resources available to you, because when you get support for yourself you will be better able to support your friend. When a person is sexually assaulted, keep in mind that their power has been taken away from them.

Table of Contents: What if the sexual assault happened in the past few days? There are some time sensitive decisions your friend may have to make. UCSC students can call a nurse at the Student Health Center (831.459.2591) for confidential medical advice. Roger Williams University. Often friends and family have strong reactions.

Roger Williams University

You may feel angry, frightened, and/or hurt. You may feel angry with the perpetrator or, if you know the perpetrator, you may feel angry with the victim and disbelieve her. To avoid uncomfortable feelings, people often blame the survivor, don't believe her and/or avoid her. None of these responses are helpful to the survivor. It's important to sort out your own reactions. When speaking with a friend who has been victimized, it is important to keep the following points in mind: Believe your friend. Un guide pour les proches des victimes d’une agression sexuelle - Vie communautaire - Réseau Montérégie - Châteauguay Express. CHÂTEAUGUAY – Mieux outiller les proches d’une victime d’agression sexuelle : tel est l’objectif du Centre d’aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel (CALACS).

Un guide pour les proches des victimes d’une agression sexuelle - Vie communautaire - Réseau Montérégie - Châteauguay Express

Pour ce faire, le centre a dévoilé en conférence de presse, le 28 novembre, son Guide à l’intention de l’entourage d’une victime d’agression sexuelle. Le dévoilement s’inscrit dans le cadre des activités entourant les 12 jours d’action pour l’élimination de la violence envers les femmes, une campagne annuelle chapeautée par la Fédération des femmes du Québec. Dans le guide de 48 pages, on retrouve, sans surprise, des statistiques nationales et des définitions de ce qui constitue une agression à caractère sexuel. Mais, surtout, les auteures ont cherché à informer les proches des conséquences et des séquelles que peut entraîner une agression, ainsi que des façons d’aider une victime.