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Clocks, metabolism, evolution – toward an integrative chronobiology. The biannual meeting of the Society for Research on Biological Rhythms happened last week.

Clocks, metabolism, evolution – toward an integrative chronobiology

Memento. Wait but why: Putting Time In Perspective. Humans are good at a lot of things, but putting time in perspective is not one of them.

wait but why: Putting Time In Perspective

It’s not our fault—the spans of time in human history, and even more so in natural history, are so vast compared to the span of our life and recent history that it’s almost impossible to get a handle on it. If the Earth formed at midnight and the present moment is the next midnight, 24 hours later, modern humans have been around since 11:59:59pm—1 second. And if human history itself spans 24 hours from one midnight to the next, 14 minutes represents the time since Christ.

The Relation between Sanskrit and Indian Conceptions of Time. Almanacs. Turtle Time: Creating and Using a 13-Moon Calendar. There is so much to learn and remember from animals about how to stay in rhythm with nature.

Turtle Time: Creating and Using a 13-Moon Calendar

And the humble turtle is a perfect example. Turtle symbolizes being connected to both earth and heaven. Turtle teaches us to have our heart to Mother Earth, to move slowly and with intention. Flow – A Measure of Student Engagement. When I first heard about Czikszentmihalyi’s “Flow” concept and research, I became quite intrigued with this research.

Flow – A Measure of Student Engagement

Its face validity immediately resonated with me. Clear Your Next 10 Minutes Because This Video Could Change How Happy You Are With Your Entire Week. Recovering from information overload - McKinsey Quarterly - Organization - Talent. For all the benefits of the information technology and communications revolution, it has a well-known dark side: information overload and its close cousin, attention fragmentation.

Recovering from information overload - McKinsey Quarterly - Organization - Talent

These scourges hit CEOs and their colleagues in the C-suite particularly hard because senior executives so badly need uninterrupted time to synthesize information from many different sources, reflect on its implications for the organization, apply judgment, make trade-offs, and arrive at good decisions. The importance of reserving chunks of time for reflection, and the difficulty of doing so, have been themes in management writing for decades. Look no further than Peter Drucker’s 1967 classic, The Effective Executive, which emphasized that “most of the tasks of the executive require, for minimum effectiveness, a fairly large quantum of time.”

Yet they are devilishly difficult to implement, and getting more so all the time. Better solutions exist, and they aren’t rocket science. Fantastic Farm Garden Calculator. Garden calendar to keep your kitchen garden growing - vegetables and herbs to sow and plant right now. Farmers' Almanac Best Days.

Farmers' Almanac Best Days. Farmers' Almanac Daily Calendar & Planner. Calendar: birthday, history, Farmer’s Calendar, Daily Almanac podcasts, Today in History. Moon Phases Garden Calendar 2014 Lunar Planting Guide Gardening Calendar with best days to plant by the phase and signs. Lunar calendar 2013. Moon phases 2013 & 2014. January 2014 # The New Improv Page-Groups. How To Use LEGOs To Manage Your Time Better.

AUTISTIFYING MY HABITAT!! At Autreat I learned that my anxiety & my difficulties with doing things that need done (hereafter referred to as “adulting”) are not things that I have to just live with.


Internalized ableism says I just need to try harder, & the attitude of “you're an adult & should act like one” says that too, but let's face it: I am an adult, and that does not mean “I magically have everything together without reminders,” it means “you aren't the boss of me! I can eat ice cream for dinner! I do what I want!” New Year Fridge and Pantry Cleanout, No Spend January » Organic & Thrifty. Happy New Year!

New Year Fridge and Pantry Cleanout, No Spend January » Organic & Thrifty

For some reason, this New Years more than any other I feel like I have some real resolve to make some positive changes in the way our family spends money. Don’t get me wrong, we live pretty simply and there are really not a lot of extras around here. But I think the past several months I’ve taken that for granted, and thus been a bit lax about going beyond my budget for certain expenditures and justifying it one way or another. Honestly, this year has been a bit tougher financially as I’ve cut back many of my tutoring hours since I’m going back to school, and that loss of income, though small, can be felt. On the bright side, I’ve started up a little cottage industry selling Fermented Vegetables in my local co-op, and surprisingly that’s taken off to a good start. I started to realize that I have complete control over what I spend. How to Get Rid of Things. Recyclebank.

Quality Control Logs. Time flies Etymology Dictionary. Why Time Slows Down When We’re Afraid, Speeds Up as We Age, and Gets Warped on Vacation. By Maria Popova “Time perception matters because it is the experience of time that roots us in our mental reality.”

Why Time Slows Down When We’re Afraid, Speeds Up as We Age, and Gets Warped on Vacation

Given my soft spot for famous diaries, it should come as no surprise that I keep one myself. Perhaps the greatest gift of the practice has been the daily habit of reading what I had written on that day a year earlier; not only is it a remarkable tool of introspection and self-awareness, but it also illustrates that our memory “is never a precise duplicate of the original [but] a continuing act of creation” and how flawed our perception of time is — almost everything that occurred a year ago appears as having taken place either significantly further in the past (“a different lifetime,” I’d often marvel at this time-illusion) or significantly more recently (“this feels like just last month!”). Discus chronologicus, a depiction of time by German engraver Christoph Weigel, published in the early 1720s; from Cartographies of Time.

(Click for details) Multitasking - Time Management Training from Can It Help You Get More Done?

Multitasking - Time Management Training from

Is multitasking costing you time? © iStockphoto/juliedeleseleuc You're on the phone with a supplier, while quietly typing up notes about your previous phone call. Systems: Calendar Studies. Fractal Time Calculator - Gregg Braden. The Time Code Calculator is a user-friendly tool that gives us easy access to the patterns that unfold as nature’s cycles—the same patterns that govern much of the universe and life.

Fractal Time Calculator - Gregg Braden

It allows us to peer into the timeline of history in a way that mimics the vision of prophets and remote viewers in many respects. Learn more: What is the Time Code Calculator? Learn more: How to Use the Time Code Calculator Mode: Choose type of calculation; past, present or future fractals, patterns or conditions. SEED or seed date: Your age at the time of the event or condition. Fractal: Patterns that nature uses to fill the space of the universe. Softare to calculate dates and times for equinoxes, solstices and cross-quarter days. The cross-quarter days occur midway between the equinoxes and solstices.

For Imbolc, for example, (as observed in the northern hemisphere) is midway between the northern winter solstice and the northern spring equinox (also known as the northern vernal equinox), and Beltane is midway between this and the northern summer solstice. Ancient Computer Even More Ancient Than We Thought. The astonishing Antikythera mechanism is even older than previously suspected, new research suggests. Instead of being "1500 years ahead of its time," it may have been closer to 1800. The mechanism was found in 1901 in the wreck of a ship that sank in the Aegean Sea around 60 BC. Lunar calendar 2013 and 2014 home and garden - live in the rhythm of nature. Living in Harmony with Lunar Cycles. The Mountain Astrologer Editor's Choice ~ Electional Astrology.

Electional Astrology The Fine Art of Seizing the Moment by Steven Forrest “We’re getting married. Can you help us pick a day?” I hear that message on my answering machine at least once a month. Planting by the Moon Phases - by E. A. Crawford. Moon Planting Calendar Detail Images. Moon phases gardening calendar shows the best days for starting seeds and planting vegetables. PDF Download $2 a month or $12/ year. Time. Productivity. Comes and Goes. @ Ack! Bothersome. Bygone Days. Once Upon A Time. Long Ago. Calendrica. Almanacs. Lunaria. Astrologos Yore. Aspects, Transits, Returns. Comes and Goes. The Moon and Ancient Calendars, by Robin Heath. Since the early part of the twentieth century, information about the prehistoric sites of Britain has been amassing to the point where it is now possible to discover, not only the underlying system by which sites were placed, but also the measures used in the process.

Robin Heath is a leading researcher in this field and his recently released title The Measure of Albion (co-authored by John Michell), demonstrates that the Earth's dimensions were accurately known prior to 3000 BC and that a system of surveyance and measure based on simple numerical and geometrical rules existed. This article, extracted from his ground-breaking work, reveals how the cycles between the Sun, Moon and Earth, acted as the basis for imperial units of measurement. The relationship the orbital period of the earth holds to the lunation cycle - the moon's phases, is a complex one, and the sun and the moon are not easily married. The Observations Cultural Implications Calendar Structures Conclusions. Lunation Planning by Michael R. Meyer - Introduction, Page One - CyberWorld Khaldea. Time-management is key to success and accomplishment, and a plan outlining a series of achievable steps is crucial to the completion of any endeavor.

Lunaception: How to Balance Your Hormones - Using the Moon!