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Free tutorials on HTML, CSS and PHP - Build your own website - School of Webcraft. It's even more Peer Powered We know learning is more fun with friends. We've kept the best part of the School of Webcraft and made it the core of everything we do to #TeachTheWeb. We work alongside our peers, ask each other for help, and offer expertise to those in need. The Webmaker Community supports each other in our community forum. Mozilla & P2PU Mozilla's mission is to keep the web open, and to work together to enable anyone to take part in building it's future.

We support each other. Webmaker's #TeachTheWeb program is part of Mozilla's commitment to help educators and others teach vital web literacy skills. Khan Academy. Code School - Try jQuery. - Free video tutorials on interactive development. Yasmine Mustafa's personal blog. Running my software company from 2009 to 2011 without a development background was challenging to say the least. It is how I became involved with GirlDevelopIt (an organization offers programming classes for women) and why I started LearnRuby101. With this post, my goal is to share the free interactive learn-how-to-code sites I’ve come across that can help you get started.

I’ve also gathered the top recommended books on each language from Hacker News. For non-programmers, I would recommend reading this post by Liz Abinante titled “So, you think you want to be a web developer?”. If you decide it’s the path for you, recruit a friend or find an online community to get assistance. The point is – reach out when you need help. For programmers that know one or more languages already, this is a useful list if you want to quickly dive into something new without using a compiler. (Thanks to Owen Winkler for providing suggestions on this post).

Learning HTML/CSS Learning JavaScript Learning Python Ruby. Yasmine Mustafa's personal blog. Coursera.