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Content Marketing Editorial Calendar Templates: The Ultimate List. If you’re responsible for content within an organization, you need to plan out content for the upcoming weeks, months and year. This helps build alignment between teams and also keep writers accountable for their work. Based on Curata research, 90% of marketers are now using an editorial calendar. For high quality content marketing software with top-of-class calendar functionality, workflow and analytics, the Curata CMP content marketing platform is one of several options available on the market. There are also several excellent free templates available – included below.

The following table lists the creator of the template, the format (Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, WordPress plugin or PDF) and the accessibility (gated or un-gated). A more detailed description of each template and a peek at what each one looks like follows. Do you use a template that we haven’t listed here? Excel Spreadsheets Curata – Download here Accessibility: Gated Hubspot – Download here Accessibility: Gated Web. Don’t Be Distracted by Shiny Objects | Call to Action: Marketing and Communications in Higher Education. The pressure is on for college admissions and marketing departments to stand out from the crowd of options prospective students have today.

If your numbers aren’t where they need to be, the temptation to pull out the bells and whistles can be strong. Do you have a live chat feature on your website to answer questions on the spot? Did you heat-map your key pages to make sure your CTA isn’t an inch in the wrong direction? Is there a Twitter feed for each department? Have you created a series of high-energy viral videos to welcome newcomers to your campus?

Social media account proliferation. Here are four best practice questions to ask yourself before you ponder expanding your marketing and admissions toolbox. Do you have a compelling and flexible messaging architecture? A comprehensive messaging architecture is the first stop on the way to great communications. Do you have a consistent visual approach across communications? Content strategy breaks down: 5 Marketing Tips To Apply In eLearning. This article features marketing ideas and principles that you can apply in your eLearning course design to increase learner engagement and excitement. If you're looking for ways to transform even the most dry and dull subject matter into something truly motivational and interactive, then you've come to the right place.

Let's face it, there are some eLearning courses that leave learners feeling bored, frustrated, and irritated rather than inspired. Whether they don't give learners enough credit (intellectually speaking), or they fall short when it comes to stressing the real world benefits. Either way, the simple truth is that these eLearning courses won't provide any real value to them. Fortunately, there are various marketing tips to apply in eLearning that can in fact transform any eLearning course into an amazing and unforgettable eLearning experience.

Always remember the motivation behind the eLearning course. Get 2 Free eBooks Get the eLearning Industry's Articles in your inbox.