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Business Analysis and User Experience Activities. Folder Size - Screen Shots. Ankle tape. Great Lakes and Tributary Regulations. These regulations apply to New York waters of Lake Erie, the Upper and Lower Niagara River, Lake Ontario, the St.

Great Lakes and Tributary Regulations

Lawrence River, and designated sections of the tributaries to these waters. Tributary sections subject to these regulations are generally defined as the bridge closest to the mouth upstream to the first barrier impassable to fish. Guide * Windows 7 Ultimate Tweaks & Utilities * WARNING!

Guide * Windows 7 Ultimate Tweaks & Utilities *

Use the tweaks at your own discretion. Nothing is written in stone.--=[ SSD Windows 7 Tweaks ]=--Increase System SpeedEnable Write CachingDescription: This will show you how to enable write caching to have better performance for a storage device.Instructions: Open the Control Panel -> System and Security -> Device Manager -> expand Disk drives -> Double click on the listed storage device that you want to enable write caching for -> Click on the Polices tab -> By default, "Enable write caching on the device" is checked under the Write-caching policy section.

If not, then check it -> Select (check) the "Turn off Windows write-cache buffer flushing on the device" box -> Click on OK -> Click on Yes to restart the computer to apply.WARNING: Turning off "Windows Write-cache Buffer Flushing on the Device" runs the risk of data loss in case of a power failure without actually shutting down the machine.


T-SQL. IS [NOT] NULL (Transact-SQL) Expression IS [ NOT ] NULL expression Is any valid expression.

IS [NOT] NULL (Transact-SQL)

Specifies that the Boolean result be negated. Sentences Crisp, Sassy, Stirring. Draft is a series about the art and craft of writing.

Sentences Crisp, Sassy, Stirring

This is the sixth in a series of writing lessons by the author, starting with the basics and leading to more advanced techniques. Gabriel García Márquez writes unhurried sentences that almost defy parsing. William Faulkner wrote a nearly 1,300-word sentence that ended up in Guinness World Records, but he used the five words “My mother is a fish” as a complete chapter of a book. How to Maintain and Use Collaborative Grocery Lists.

What We Learned Publishing Digging Into WordPress. Digging into WordPress is an entirely self-published book.

What We Learned Publishing Digging Into WordPress

It's not that way because we just arbitrarily decided that self publishing was hip and that was what we were going to do. In fact, the plan early on was the opposite. Step one, we thought, was to write the book. So we did that. Programming. The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master (9780201616224): Andrew Hunt, David Thomas. Resetting Lost Password using NT Password Recovery & Registry Editor. Top 10 Highly-Desired Skills You Can Teach Yourself.

Lay Out a Group of Pictures on Wax Paper to Hang Them Perfectly. Get Your Ideas Out of Your Head and On Paper to Actually Make Progress Towards Your Goals. Use Google Alerts as an Identity Theft Watchdog. America's Test Kitchen. Season Cast Iron Cookware with Flax Seed Oil for a Long-Lasting, Gorgeous Coat. Update Your Resume and Get a (Better) Job This Weekend. You've probably heard too many times to count that "in this economy, you should be happy to have any job at all.

Update Your Resume and Get a (Better) Job This Weekend

" Perhaps that's true, but that doesn't mean you can't try to find something better if you hate the job you've got. Here are a few things you can do this weekend to prepare to make a positive shift in your work life. P Update That ResumeP. Removing Stains: The Basics - Martha Stewart Home & Garden. There is no single technique or product that takes care of every spot and spill, but with the right information and supplies, many stains can be removed.

Removing Stains: The Basics - Martha Stewart Home & Garden

If a garment isn't washable, the safest thing is to take it to a dry cleaner, although there are some treatments you can try at home (see Stain First Aid Chart). If you stain a washable garment, the golden rule is: Act quickly. For a liquid, gently blot up any excess with a white cloth, working from the outside in, so you don't spread the stain; do not press hard or rub. Sprinkle an oily stain with cornstarch. If it's a dollop of something, like ketchup, scoop off any excess. Textile and stain experts recommend certain stain removal supplies for each problem.

Always test stain-removal techniques in a hidden area of the garment, like an inside seam. Stain First Aid Chart Combination Solvents(Shout, Spray 'n Wash)All-purpose stain removers, particularly good on greasy stains. Mineral SpiritsFor greasy stains, like tar. Top 10 News, Videos, Reviews and Gossip - Lifehacker. Mind Hacks News, Videos, Reviews and Gossip - Lifehacker. Networking News, Videos, Reviews and Gossip - Lifehacker.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Painlessly Plan and Vet Your Retirement. Use Pretend Money to Learn How to Invest. Personal Finance News, Videos, Reviews and Gossip - Lifehacker. Eh, I'm not sure I buy this 100%...

Personal Finance News, Videos, Reviews and Gossip - Lifehacker

Within a "portfolio" tool that only tracks stocks, investing "socially" across a large cross-section of the market should actually push your returns (and risks) toward the mean market returns, and theoretically result in a stock portfolio yielding market returns and bearing only systemic risk. Most portfolios are basically aiming for this anyways, and use the allocation across asset classes to meet varying risk profiles (basically, "I want my stocks to perform like stocks, and my bonds to perform like bonds, and my metals to perform like metals, and I'll just change my allocation between these broad classes when I need more protection or more risk. ") If it tracked the wide variety of asset classes (not just securitized), you might be right... but within the stock allocation of your portfolio, you could probably do worse than following the aggregate moves of ten thousand strangers. How to Get Started with Usenet in Three Simple Steps.

What's a Private BitTorrent Tracker, and Why Should I Use One? Private trackers are my primary source for all content.

What's a Private BitTorrent Tracker, and Why Should I Use One?

Learn to Code: The Full Beginner's Guide. How Do I Tell If a Mushroom Is Safe to Eat? Ships Captain's Medical Guide Is an Emergency Manual for Non-Doctors. What is the universal edibility test?" G­etting lost or stranded in the wilderness is serious business, and ­you need to make sound decisions to give yourself the best chance at survival.

What is the universal edibility test?"

It also helps to know some basic wilderness survival skills. The Always Up-To-Date Guide to Rooting the Most Popular Android Phones. We love Android, but rooting your phone can give you the opportunity to do so much more than your phone can do out of the box—whether it’s wireless tethering, speeding it up with overclocking, or customizing the look of your phone with themes. Learn the Basics of Photoshop: The Complete Guide. 10+ Dishes and Drinks Everyone Should Know How to Make At Home (Including You) The Car Repairs You Can (Seriously) Do Yourself, Despite Your Abilities. Replacing belts is not something you just swap, at least on newer cars. On only cars, like early 80s or older, it was feasible.

With cars from that era there was often a lot of room within the engine bay. How to Build a Chrome Extension. How to Build a Web Application from Scratch with No Experience. How to Take Your First Coding Project from Start to Finish. I've used various versions of Windows for years, Linux in various flavours for another few years, and OS X for about 2-3 years total. I'm now a convert to OS X (though proudly not part of the cult of Mac — I enjoy the OS, I don't want Jobs' offspring) for general desktop use, switching to Windows for gaming. I find app quality is generally significantly higher on OS X than Windows (and certainly Linux).

Do note the word "generally" — some of this stuff is cross-platform and in some cases Windows offers something better! The drawback of this is that most of it costs a couple of bucks, but that's a small price to pay if you're using your computer for various tasks daily. The UNIX core and bash are very important to me. User experience also plays a large part. Then there are the extras, like the *virtual* immunity to malware.

Books And Courses To Learn To Code. Learn to code. Terminology, Syntax, & Introduction - A Beginners Guide to HTML & CSS. Before beginning our journey to learn HTML and CSS it is important to understand the differences between the two languages, their syntax, and some common terminology. As an overview, HTML is a hyper text markup language created to give content structure and meaning. CSS, also known as cascading style sheets, is a presentation language created to give content style and appearance. To put this into laymen terms, HTML determines the structure and meaning of content on a web page while CSS determines the style and appearance of this content. The two languages are independent of one another.

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