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Time Magazine - January 26 2009 : Books > Magazines - Mininov. Whole Earth Catalog: Access to Tools and Ideas. The Simulator - Garnet Hertz - 1997. 10 Challenging But Awesome CSS Techniques - NETTUTS. Barack Obama at the 2008 DNC. See It. Love It. Free Music: 22 Websites That Are Driving Daggers Into The Heart. 100 Must-Read Books: The Essential Man’s Library | The Art of Ma. The Web Developer's SEO Cheat Sheet.

CSS Frame Generator. V. 1.00 What is it? Ok, here's the deal. Put your XHTML code below, we will grab it and send over to one of our scientists. He will do his voodoo and in return you will get a corresponding CSS frame. And yup, it's free. more More information This tool returns corresponding CSS in a line-by-line way indented with spaces to reflect XHTML structure - each selector and all of its properties and values in one line. Display position z-index visibility overflow float clear list-style width height margin padding border background color font line-height text-* letter-spacing word-spacing word-wrap white-space vertical-align outline cursor. Web Site Optimization: Speed Up Your Site website optimization w. NETTUTS - Web development tutorials and links - Spoonfed Web Tut. Website Optimizer. Yahoo needs a strong husband. While the ongoing Yahoo-Microsoft nuptials play out (picture a lumbering brutish Steve Ballmer of Microsoft dragging Yahoo’s squealing Yang by the hair to the altar), those of us who actually consume their services are left wondering what the impact will be of the seemingly inevitable consummation.

Up until today I was in the camp who thinks it would be a bad marriage from the start because of cultural and technological differences. As a web developer who does more and more work outside of the Microsoft ecosystem I’ve come to depend on the tools and expertise that Yahoo makes freely available to those developing against open standards. There is a veritable treasure trove of material available from the [Yahoo Developer Network] site, including invaluable guidance on development best practices for “exceptional performance”. Then I did a little test. I compared the client-side code delivered to my browser by the portals of Yahoo (, Google (iGoogle) and Microsoft ( Gilma - GUI for ILMerge Application. The Godfather, Al Pacino | The Quotable Al Pacino | Photos | EW. Who Are The Top Tech Bloggers? We’ve been analyzing historical TechMeme data to dig a little deeper than the leaderboard information on the site that shows top blogs over the trailing 30 days. Mark McGranaghan and I are slicing the data in a number of ways and will publish it shortly on CrunchBase.

For now we thought we’d show a teaser – below are the top 100 tech bloggers/authors, based on the total number of headlines they have had on TechMeme from January 1, 2008 until today. The data isn’t 100% perfect as we’ve been grabbing it only once per hour, so a headline that was up for less than one hour may not be counted. But in terms of tracking the most popular bloggers, the data is meaningful.

Since a lot of the top leaderboard blogs are multi-author, this helps to shake out who’s actually writing the popular stories. Clarification: This list doesn’t take into consideration authors who write for multiple publications. Full list is below: Download details: Visual Studio Team System Web Access 2008 SP1. Best practices when moving your site. Posted by Ríona MacNamara, Webmaster Tools Team Planning on moving your site to a new domain?

Lots of webmasters find this a scary process. How do you do it without hurting your site's performance in Google search results? Your aim is to make the transition invisible and seamless to the user, and to make sure that Google knows that your new pages should get the same quality signals as the pages on your own site. Let's cover moving your site to a new domain (for instance, changing from to Here are the main points: Test the move process by moving the contents of one directory or subdomain first. The internet is shit. My picks: The best service providers for startups « RobWebb2k. 5 Firefox Extensions Any Web Developer Must Have | We all know that Firefox has tons of plug-ins and add-on’s, but there are a few any web developer must know and use.

The description and screenshots are taken from the Firefox add-ons site. CSSMate: Inline CSS Editing Evolved. Originally a port of the fantastic EditCSS tool that I’ve been using for many months. I’ve gutted it, made each stylesheet load into a separate tab. Removed the save load clear functionality as i found it to be useless and added in support for loading stylesheets that have a media type of “all” instead of “screen”. Enjoy your development! Amit Tags : CssMateFirefoxFirefox add-inFirefox plug-inFireShotMust haveSeoQuakeViewSourceWithWeb developer. §. Top 10 Best Places to Get Free Books (Part 1) In our fast paced world of email, and RSS feeds, sometimes it’s best to just slow down and read a good book…but if you’re unwilling to shell out big bucks for the latest bestseller – try out these great resources, and read to your hearts content! 1.Find Popular Public Domain Works With The Gutenberg Project Top 100 List This site is the oldest producer of free ebooks on the Internet.

Their collection, pieced together by thousands of volunteers, now amount to over 20,000 works which have fallen into public domain. With great numbers however, comes the headache of picking true literary gems from the fodder - That’s why this Top 100 page is so valuable. 2. Exchange Used Books With BookMooch Want a real physical book for a change? 3.Get Technical Books With ebookspyder This site specializes in technical books ranging anywhere from C# to AJAX. 4. This service has been giving Google a fair bit of copyright headaches, but has moved forward quite well in spite of the circumstances. 5.

Google+ Seth's Blog: Where to find great ideas and arresting images. Free Books Free Minds. Silverlight 3D Column Chart Gallery. Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen - The Weekly Source Code 22. Twitter Tools, Tweaks and Theories: TypePad Hacks. I have to preface this post with a confession: The first time I heard about blogging, my response was "That's the dumbest @$%#&%$ thing I've ever heard of. Why the hell would I want to do that? " I said the exact same thing about Twitter when I first heard about it. The exact same words. Of course, both times I was totally wrong… blogging and Twitter have become the two most important tools I use to make a living, socialize, and get things done.

I bring this up at the beginning because I know there's a lot of people who still respond to Twitter in the way I first did and I want to put it the proper context. I signed up at SXSWi 2007 during the first big Twitter boom… mostly as a way to track people (TwitterStalking). Once I got back home, my Twitter use dropped off pretty quickly and the account gathered dust. If you find this post to be a useful resource, I'd like to ask you to use the social bookmarking buttons at the end of the post to submit it to Digg,, etc. Twitterific5. Good UI Design: Make It Easy, Show Me You Care - ReadWriteWeb. When researching FuseCal this morning, one of the things that made it so appealing to try was the fact that you could just enter in a URL and see the service in action right away.

No sign-up forms, no logins. This got us thinking about UI design as it applies to today's web services. Lately, it seems that less and less services are using sign-up least, they aren't requiring you to sign up right away in order to try them out. Instead, the trend seems to be to let you jump right in and get to work. This is definitely a good move, in terms of usability of the site, and it's not the only UI trend we've noticed lately. Trend #1: Try It Now! An excerpt from an upcoming book by Luke Wroblewski, "Web Form Design: Filling in the Blanks," posted on A List Apart helps to point out the issue with sign-up forms on the web. Instead of forcing users through a dreadful sign-up process when really they just wanted to take a look, he promotes the idea of "gradual engagement.

" Twiddla's Buttons. Project Management Templates Articles Books and PRINCE2 Training. 50 Movies That All Guys Should See Before They Die - A Modern Gu. Classic movies like Bullit, Easy Rider, The French Connection, amongst others, are guy movies, but our list is a modern guide (past 20 years). The movies in this list are pretty much everything that chick flicks are not: any or all of bad ass cars, ass-kickings, kick-ass girls, scary monsters, super creeps, outrageous or immature comedy, with the occasional bit of real emotional or intellectual depth.

It’s not necessarily about an award-winning film, though we’ve included lots of those. It’s about the elements of a guy movie. Some of these should be seen for the actors/ acting, some for the story, others for the cinematography or special effects, and still others for more obscure reasons that are harder to define well. Enjoy, and feel free to commend us or tell us how dumb we are for forgetting YOUR fave guy movie. But beg, borrow, torrent, buy, rent, pay per view, and pass the buttered Orville, please. 50. 49. 48. 47. 46. 45. 44. 43. 42. 41. 40. 39. 38. 37. 36. 35. 34. 33. 32. 31. 30. 5 Famous Inventors (Who Stole Their Big Idea) It has become clear that it's up to the Cracked staff to re-educate America. See, we slept through high school, so we were lucky. We avoided the years and years of brainwashing that accompanies a standard education. To those of you unfortunate enough to have been subjected to a lifetime in the public school system, we've got some bad news for you that you probably won't find in your text books: Every brilliant inventor you've ever loved is a huge, thieving asshole.

Galileo Galilee or "Gal-Gal," as he is more commonly known, was an Italian astronomer, physicist and mathematician. Who Actually Invented It? Lippershey's telescope (internet re-creation) A few countries over, when Galileo heard about Lippershey's work, he quickly built his own telescope in 1609. Necessary? In a final shot to show just how fairly each scientist was rewarded, four moons surrounding Jupiter are named after Galileo, and do you know what carries Lippershey's name? Fuck you Who Actually Discovered It? Ah, Bell. Free XHTML/CSS website templates for download | Mantis-a templat.

Top 12 CSS Frameworks and How to Understand Them | Speckyboy - W. Most designers would have heard of the term ‘CSS Frameworks’, for those who don’t know or aren’t sure, here is a brief description from: Wikipedia: “A CSS framework is a library that is meant to allow for easier, more standards-compliant styling of a webpage using the Cascading Style Sheets language. Just like programming and scripting language libraries, CSS frameworks package a number of ready-made options for designing and outlaying a webpage.” Sounds great doesn’t it, something that is going to make designing and developing a website that little bit easier. It will take away the repeating of the same old boring stuff and if you write your framework correctly you will be guaranteed your code will meet W3C recommendations. That will leave you plenty of time to design your site, the fun side of the job!

There is a lot more to CSS Frameworks than I have written here, but I am not going to bore you, download them and try them out. If you don’t like it don’t use, its not for everyone. Friendfeed Frenzy - Why it continues. I think we can all comfortably credit Louis Gray with carving out a neat niche and bringing the so-called numerous lifestreaming apps to the 'significant awareness' pool. Friendfeed was very smart over the past week and they really should be congratulated. Facebook-level stuff (or better). It makes me wonder why Microsoft, with all their resources, can't move like this (They used to???) And, instead, still be looking at spending a rediculous amount of money on Yahoo. What did Friendfeed do that was different?.

They grabbed 'the buzz' and they ran with it.These guys must have been working day and night? The 'buzz' is FREE ADVERTISING and you never let it get away if you have the time and/or resources.Just when almost everyone in the tech sector was talking about Friendfeed (practically to the day), they introduced the open API and developers jumped all over it.