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EdWebet52 - Pitching the library

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Research continuum.pdf. THE ANNEX@ Research and the CCSS.pdf. SWVBC. Classroom by Google. LessonPaths - Create, share and explore Learning Playlists - LessonPaths. The Wilds of Education. WHEN it comes to bullying, to sexual assault, to gun violence, we want and need our schools to be as safe as possible.

The Wilds of Education

But when it comes to learning, shouldn’t they be dangerous? Isn’t education supposed to provoke, disrupt, challenge the paradigms that young people have consciously embraced and attack the prejudices that they have unconsciously absorbed? Isn’t upset a necessary part of that equation? And if children are lucky enough to be ignorant of the world’s ugliness, aren’t books the rightful engines of enlightenment, and aren’t classrooms the perfect theaters for it?

Not in the view of an unacceptable number of Americans. Last week was Banned Books Week, during which proponents of unfettered speech and intellectual freedom draw attention to instances in which debate is circumscribed and the universe sanitized. Photo Their titles? It’s not exactly “Fifty Shades of Grey.” “It’s the dog book,” Stein marveled when I reached him by telephone in Seattle, where he lives. Newcanaan_schools_Mobile_Learning_2014_487 (2).pdf. In case you missed Connected Librarian Day & Library 2.014. Beyond the Bullet Points: It is Time to Stop Trying to Save Libraries. Close the crisis center.

Beyond the Bullet Points: It is Time to Stop Trying to Save Libraries

Take down the picket signs. Please proceed to un-occupy the library. It is time to stop trying to save libraries. No, this is not another bait and switch act of verbal irony about how libraries are obsolete. This is about the messages we send. New Canaan High School Library Media Center. #SWVBC Discussion of All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill. MJS Intro. Working Together Is Working Smarter. A new report released by the National Center for Literacy Education (NCLE) reveals that school librarians are highly involved leaders playing a critical role in their schools through consistent and sustained collaboration with other educators.

Working Together Is Working Smarter

Additionally, school librarians not only participate in but deliver professional development to peers, educators and staff in their schools. The report, Remodeling Literacy Learning: Making Room for What Works, details key findings from a nationwide survey of more than 2,400 educators representing all grade levels and subject areas. It investigates the connection between professional learning, educator collaboration and student learning. NCLE Press Release Read an executive summary prepared by the AASL Research & Statistics Committee. The infographic below details key school librarian findings from Remolding Literacy Learning.

09f9a.jpg (JPEG Image, 705 × 516 pixels) 10 things classroom teachers need to know about modern school librarians. 1) We hate quiet.

10 things classroom teachers need to know about modern school librarians

Oh, sure, the typical view of a librarian is an older woman, in a cardigan and cat-eye glasses, with a tight bun, shushing everyone who dares to make a sound. That may have been the case a long time ago, and may still be the case with some dinosaur librarians (they still exist, sorry!) School librarians are rising school leaders. “School librarians have the unique position, in school, of being school-wide and curriculum-wide—that really makes for a powerful partnership with school administrators,” said Gail Dickinson, AASL’s current president.

School librarians are rising school leaders

“I think there are a lot of people who view the digital shift as a threat to librarians, and I really just think it’s a call for reinvention,” said Mark Ray, the 2012 Washington State Teacher of the Year. Schools’ increased reliance on digital resources and content leads to different “thinking about the way libraries function and the ways librarians work with students and teachers.” KLA/KASL Fall Conference 2014: Building Advocacy for your School Library Program. As school librarians we wear many hats: book guru, manager, technology leader, instructional partner, research guide, and our very own public relations firm.

KLA/KASL Fall Conference 2014: Building Advocacy for your School Library Program

In advocating for our school library programs, we must identify our stakeholder priorities, develop a mission statement that aligns with our district and school mission, develop programming that will meet the needs of our stakeholders and collect data that doesn't just represent the number of books we check out each month, but really connects to the mission of our district and demonstrates how we support student growth. In this post you will find some resources that James Allen and I shared at the KLA/KASL Fall Conference to help develop that long term, ongoing plan to really advocate for your school library program. The prezi below provides an overview of the topic with research and information from the AASL. The ThingLinked Piktochart includes some basics of advocacy and additional resources. Teacher Librarian Roles. Emerging Tech: Using Technology to Advance Your School Library Program. School Culture and the Library. In preparation for tomorrow's webinar, Pitching the Library: How to Explain What School Librarians Do, I wanted to share a project one of our New Canaan High School seniors created for his documentary filmmaking class last year.

School Culture and the Library

His assignment was to make a video that addressed school culture. He emailed me the day before he came down to capture most of the footage. Here is an excerpt of his email: I am currently taking a Documentary Film class and our assignment is to create a film on a school "climate" Our group decided to choose the library media center as a focus for the film because when most if not all students think of the library, ... the library as enjoyable as it is.

We are Teacher-Librarians.