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Data Visualisation

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Data-Visualisation. Data Visualisation Examples. Data visualisation. Son más de 10 años los que venimos reflexionando, investigando, experimentando, escribiendo y debatiendo sobre el concepto de Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje. Mi querida amiga Linda Castañeda me ‘regaña’ cuando explico que el concepto de PLE surge como respuesta a una necesidad tecnológica: la evolución de los tradicionales Learning Management Systems, o LMS, como Moodle a soluciones más personalizables por el usuario-aprendiz, si bien pronto la gente de pedagogía amplió el concepto, y hoy es una idea con más pedagogía que tecnología.

Y tiene razón en hacerlo, ya que la realidad es que conviven las dos corrientes de pensamiento, la de los que siguen viendo los PLE como una cuestión de software educativo y la de aquellos que entienden los PLE desde una perspectiva pedagógica. Sin embargo, muchos no nos hemos podido resistir a aproximarnos al concepto de PLE desde la perspectiva de las organizaciones. Podemos destacar varias iniciativas en este sentido: Interesante reto, ¿verdad?

§. Simple suggestions for applying the taxonomy to kindergarten-level children. Lesson Planet: This source gives the goods on creating complete lesson plans using Bloom’s Taxonomy. Prezi: Enjoy this stylish Prezi presentation on Bloom’s Taxonomy. Iowa State U.: This is a wonderful tool to build learning objectives based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. The Differentiator: Teachers and students can work together using this source to design creative activities; provides resources, content and the verbs. Slideshare: Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy, this presentation shows how to apply the principles for high-order technology skills. The Literary Link: This is a list of book review questions to use in the classroom. Vague Verbs: A quick list of verbs to stay away from when using Bloom’s Taxonomy. Educators Technology: Unique approach to using Bloom’s Taxonomy to Twitter.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: This is an official iTunes app on Bloom’s Taxonomy. PLP Network: Poses the view of focusing more on creating using Bloom’s Taxonomy. How to Mind Map. FREE Online eLearning Program Download iPad App Learn to capture information and ideas with the technique that is helping over 250 million people worldwide to be more organised, productive and creative.

Mind Mapping is a method of capturing information created by international speaker and bestselling author, Tony Buzan. It is proven to boost your productivity, creativity and memory. This versatile technique is already used by over 250 million people worldwide for a variety of tasks including brainstorming, identifying new opportunities, organising, managing projects, teaching, studying, communicating information and much more… with iMindMap software from Tony Buzan Practise your technique with Mind Mapping software from the inventor himself. Download a Free Trial A Mind Map is a visual thinking tool that can be applied to all cognitive functions, especially memory, learning, creativity and analysis. Mind Maps can be drawn by hand or using software such as iMindMap. Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Cognitive lode by ribot – Simple advice on product psychology. Spritz.

Create beautiful dynamic data driven maps | CartoDB. Selected Tools. Allan's Blog. Powered by Translate DOWNLOAD THE LATEST VERSION: V4 published Mar 2015. This PDF Poster has links to 122 of the latest and most popular educational apps. Now these resources are available in 19 different languages. I am still a little numb at the amazing interest in, and discussion about, the Padagogy Wheel from teachers and educators around the world.

So why yet another version only one week later? Graduate Attributes and Capabilities: Without this your learning design will drift. These capabilities should be identified as part of our graduate attributes and woven into the fabric of our courses in the activity design. Please visit the blog post and listen to the podcast episode at: “If you exercise these capabilities.. you will be employed!” The Puzzle of Motivation: Teachers use the term engagement all the time. Dan Pink shows what science knows about motivation and what business does about it are largely mismatched. YouTube - Sloodle's Channel.url.

Data Visualization

Online. Management. The Edge of Science. Joomla. Education. Learning. Community. October Second. Carnage à Aurora.