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British Library. British Library Timelines. Atlas of World History. Eye Witness. Timeline Creator. Historic Royal Palaces‬‏ BBC School Radio.

3D Panoramas. BBC Primary History. Channel 4 History. Historvius. Heritage Explorer Images. Horrible Histories. Discovery Box. National Geographic Archeology. 2012 Issyk Kul Expedition Follow along as Fred Hiebert and his team search for a sunken palace in Kyrgyzstan.

National Geographic Archeology

Maya Prince's Tomb Found Under a remote Maya palace in the ruined city of Uxul, archaeologists in Mexico have uncovered an ancient burial—and a rare royal cup. Photos: Aztec Sacrifices Found Below street level in Mexico City, archaeologists have found a jumble of bones dating to the 1480s. Mysterious Maya Art Found Researchers have uncovered a remarkably well-preserved Maya mural and calendar markings. Spezify. Infant Encyclopedia. History Encyclopedia.