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Flipped Learning

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Plickers. Listen to the world's trendiest podcasts or create your own on Spreaker! Flipgrid - Video for student engagement and formative assessment. Perusall. Rúbricas para la evaluación del alumnado (Versión editable) 3 herramientas para grabar la pantalla de tu ordenador. Mas de 200 recursos y herramientas para integrar las Tecnologías digitales en el aula Compilado por Raúl Santiago: An ASCD Study Guide for Solving the Homework Problem by Flipping the Learning. Herramientas, insignias y juegos con las hojas de cálculo de Google. Os presento una web, que para mí es muy importante ya que me permite generar artefactos digitales de manera muy sencilla y rápida, cosa fundamental para que los profesores se animen a utilizar las TIC. Herramientas, insignias y juegos con las hojas de cálculo de Google

Además al emplearse con las hojas de cálculo de Google nos permitirá realizar muchos de ellos de manera colaborativa. Esta web dispone de varios artefactos, los últimos que he utilizado permiten incluso utilizar elementos de gamificación, juegos y seguimiento mediante badges o indicadores de progreso. Os animo a conocerla. Evaluación mediante badges en el aula. Fluky. 18 Ways To Use YouTube With Bloom’s Taxonomy – TeachBytes. 14 APPS PARA MAESTROS 3.0. Para iniciarse e introducir las herramientas tecnológicas en educación es conveniente modificar un refrán de toda la vida: "Sin prisa, pero sin pausa".


Debemos hacerlo sin prisa, sí, pero con pausas. Pausas para buscar, para seleccionar, para probar, para valorar, para que los alumnos prueben y creen. De nada sirven las TIC si no las ponemos en manos de nuestros alumnos. Tenemos que implicarlos para que pasen de ser meros consumidoresTIC a creadoresTIC. Aquí os dejo otras 14 Apps útiles para nuestra práctica docente. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 11. 12. 6 of The Best Tools for Creating Digital Learning Portfolios. November 22 , 2016 Over the last few years we have reviewed several educational web tools and mobile apps that allow students to create and share digital portfolios.

6 of The Best Tools for Creating Digital Learning Portfolios

In today’s post we are featuring some of our favourite titles and the ones we would recommend the most to teachers. Although the selection is subjective but is, nonetheless, based on an insider knowledge of the multiple advantages of each of these tools and well as on their growing popularity among educators and teachers. Have a look and share with us your feedback. Enjoy 1- SeeSaw This is an excellent tool for creating digital portfolios, SeeSaw works across different platforms and works seamlessly across them. 2- WeLearnedIt WeLearnedIt is another awesome platform for designing digital learning portfolios. 3- Google Sites With the new added features, Google Sites becomes a powerful tool for easily creating and sharing digital portfolios.

Rememble. Dan (our Flash-guru) has been scanning in his concert-ticket stubs, blasting pics from his mobile, sharing them with his lady, and pulling in his pics from Flickr and his tweets from Twitter like there's no tomorrow.


Nina, our intern, got sick of all the mementos (junk) lying around her flat that she couldn't bear to lose, so she created a Souvenir Shelf timeline and took a picture of everything one-by-one before she threw it out and Remembled them all. Now her flat (and her head) is clear and her junk is virtual! Super-brave! Dec (playwright) has been using it to collect images and reviews of his latest play at the Edinburgh Fringe festival and is documenting his recent sabbatical back to Ireland to write his next play with pics and vids and notes. He reckons he'll start using it as an ideas scrapbook.

Gavin (founder - totally biased) has been going mobile crazy and sending texts, pic and vids of nights out to Rememble to capture 'the moments'. Help us to make Rememble better. FindA.Photo: 10,000 completely free stock photos to use for any purpose. Stock photo search made easy Browse through over 1 million high-quality stock photos across multiple free and paid stock photo sites - from one tab. Enter your search term here ALL Filter by All, Findaphoto (Click again on filter that you want to exclude) Pixabay Filter by All, Findaphoto (Click again on filter that you want to exclude) Splashbase Filter by All, Findaphoto (Click again on filter that you want to exclude)

FindA.Photo: 10,000 completely free stock photos to use for any purpose. Take notes on videos. What is flipped learning and how does it work in class? Daniel Barber investigates in this illuminating article. Moving on to a new Phase – Time for a Change – Flipped Classroom Workshop. Dear Loyal Flipped Classroom Workshop Readers, and New Visitors!

Moving on to a new Phase – Time for a Change – Flipped Classroom Workshop

Thank you so much for supporting this site over the years! I am so grateful for the thousands of readers who visit each month (we averaged nearly 10,000 unique visitors a month in 2016!). I hope the articles have been very helpful as you explore, or expand on, your flipped learning practice. I’ve also throughly enjoyed teaching several online workshops each year, using this site as the host site for much of that training.

After 5 years and a dozen or so workshops, enjoyed by about 150 educators, I have decided to discontinue the offering. If you came here to learn about workshop options, don’t fret, there are more of them becoming available from other sources each year, as flipped learning continues to grow worldwide! Speaking of the Flipped Learning Network, some of you are aware that in the summer of 2016, I accepted the role of Community Administrator for “the FLN” (as we often refer to it).