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Money. Shantanu Starick: How I Went Two Years Without Spending Any Money. Businessinsider. A sign announces a proprieter's loyalty to Bitcoins, where they are also accepted for payment, at a pub on April 11, 2013 in Berlin, Germany.


Sean Gallup/Getty Images LONDON — Bitcoin transactions use so much energy that the electricity used for a single trade could power a home for almost a whole month, according to a paper from Dutch bank ING. Bitcoin trades use a lot of electricity as a means to make verifying trades expensive, therefore making fraudulent transactions costly and deterring those who would seek to misuse the currency. "By making sure that verifying transactions is a costly business, the integrity of the network can be preserved as long as benevolent nodes control a majority of computing power," wrote ING senior economist Teunis Brosens. "Together, they will dominate the verification (mining) process. "Bitcoin's energy costs stand in stark contrast to payment systems that have the luxury of working with trusted counterparties. Bitcoin = Death Processors – The Pivot – Medium. What Is Money?

Bitcoin = Death Processors – The Pivot – Medium

To understand money, one must begin to understand its sources. Perhaps the most fundamental of such introductions is the direct and fascinated observation of animals in nature. The origins of money (and memory) are in nature; exploring them has profound implications for own developing creativity and intelligence. Beavers, squirrels and other small creatures, including the incredibly inventive corvids, store food (and sometimes treasures) in hiding places we call caches. Some predators may also cache food briefly (meat tends to go bad or get eaten by other creatures who can sense its presence).

Notice the homonomy here? We carefully cache and value our dead. Interview: Ethan Hughes of The Possibility Alliance, part one. Less is MoreEH: I got out of the car and started to realize, wow, now I’m really discerning where to go.

Interview: Ethan Hughes of The Possibility Alliance, part one

I used to jump in the car if there’s, oh, there’s a band in Eugene, I’d drive 20 miles. But when you’re biking 20 miles, you really think about it. So I realized my life force started to do exactly what I wanted to do, and that included stop looking at screens. But my life kept getting more rich. The Physics & Spirituality of Gift Economy. Here's my debut blog/vlog, after over a year sabbatical of not blogging!

The Physics & Spirituality of Gift Economy

And I must admit I feel excited about publishing this video, "The Physics & Spirituality of Gift Economy. " This talk is a crystallization of years of what I've learned living without money. Thanks to my friend Cullen Purser for filming this talk. DANIEL SUELO at LITHIC BOOKSTORE. BIOECON TV presents SUELO on OCCIDENTE: PORTRAITS, VISIONS and UTOPIA (Part 1)

Q&A with Daniel Suelo. Heidemarie Schwermer: A rich life without money. Living without money was the way to live in the past.

Heidemarie Schwermer: A rich life without money

Money is only a recent phenomenon. But since we live in a money economy it's a big challenge to live without money. Heidemarie Schwermer from Germany has been doing that for over 18 years, since May 1996. How is she doing this and why? Hoe can Heidemarie provide for her needs? I'm richer now than I ever was before. Living Without Money. Don't Pay Me. Life Without Money. Global Barter Revolution – What if we could. Live without money. A year spent without shopping. Michelle McGagh, a personal finance journalist from London, has nearly finished her year-long ban on shopping and has learned some interesting lessons along the way.

A year spent without shopping

It has been nearly one year since Michelle McGagh embarked on a buy nothing challenge. The 32-year-old personal finance journalist from London, England, realized that she was actually terrible with managing her own money. Despite knowing the major outgoing amounts from her bank account, she lacked knowledge and control over discretionary spending — the small bits here and there that add up so quickly. Inspired by Buy Nothing Day, a growing act of protest to the rampant spending of Black Friday, McGagh decided to take it even further. Her official start to Buy Nothing Year was November 27, 2015. She outlined the rules in an article for The Guardian published last fall: Bunz. Personal Sovereignty library. Social Criticism Collection Most social criticism is an expression of reactive self-justification.

Personal Sovereignty library

A few individuals transcend their own limitations and write about what actually is so. Here you will find books by Vance Packard, Ralph Borsodi, Ferdinand Lundberg and many others. Homesteading/Self-Sufficiency Collection Karl Marx defined real wealth as ‘owning and or controlling the means of production.’ He was thinking of industrial assets. Zeitgeist: Addendum (Part I) How to live without money. TimeRepublik, the ultimate sharing economy experience: a global TimeBank where you share your talents, interests and passions in exchange for time.

Mincome. Mincome was an experimental Canadian basic income project that was held in Dauphin, Manitoba during the 1970s.


The project, funded jointly by the Manitoba provincial government and the Canadian federal government, began with a news release on February 22, 1974, and was closed down in 1979. The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether a guaranteed, unconditional annual income caused disincentive to work for the recipients, and how great such a disincentive would be. It allowed every family unit to receive a minimum cash benefit. The results showed a modest impact on labor markets, with working hours dropping one percent for men, three percent for wives, and five percent for unmarried women.[1] However, some have argued these drops may be artificially low because participants knew the guaranteed income was temporary.[2] These decreases in hours worked may be seen as offset by the opportunity cost of more time for family and education.

Time Banking with Onion River Exchange. May 23, 2014 | Appropriate Technology, Community Projects | 21 Comments | Author: Kirsten Bradley Never has the saying ‘time is money’ been truer than when it comes to this community-based alternative currency idea.

Time Banking with Onion River Exchange

The Moneyless Manifesto. Adventure Podcast #32: Anthony Manrique and Emma Stevens, Adventuring Without Money. After nearly three years of planning, in September 2012 Anthony Manrique and Emma Stevens set out on a big adventure.

Adventure Podcast #32: Anthony Manrique and Emma Stevens, Adventuring Without Money

The plan was to take a roundabout route to Colombia, via France, Spain, Portugal, the Canaries and the Atlantic Ocean. They have now been on the road for over 18 months, despite having run out of money in Colombia just over a year ago. They have not let that minor detail stop them – which we discuss in fascinating detail in this week’s podcast. Money makes the world go round? “Have faith in other people because they just want to help.