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25 Websites To Have Fun With Your photos. There’re some really great sites out there that allows you to add effects to your photo by using their existing effect-templates. Here’s a collection of 25 Sites To Have Fun With Your Photos. 1.) PhotoFunia One of the hottest site with tons of creative backgrounds to play around with. Now comes in 9 different languages. 2.) If you don’t get what you want from PhotoFunia, you reallly need to check out this site. 3.) Create a photo mosaic of your choice for free online. 4.)Hairmixer Choose a photo for the left and right side and start mixing their hairs up. 5.)Photo505 We’d say, with Photo505, Photofunia and Fun Photo Box, you’ll be buzy for days. 6.)Yearbook Yourself Turn your face photo into yearbook alike black & white old school photo. 7.)Loonapic Make funny photos by embedding your face from the photo to the various templates. 8.)Magmypic Create different fake magazine covers from your photos. 9.)Your Own Wired Cover 10.)Hollywood Hair Makeover Love those celebrities’ hair?

11)Write On It 12)Dumpr. Photoshop Quick Tip: Create a Dragan Style Portrait Effect in 5 Steps. If you’re a photo buff of any level, you’ve most likely heard of or seen the amazing work of Andrzej Dragan. His portraits have a very high contrast and color style all their own. The effect is stunning and eye catching. It reveals a lot about the subject that the naked eye doesn’t get to see.

A similar effect can be created in Photoshop with just a few simple steps. Lets take a look. Here’s a look at what we’ll be doing with this portrait. Step 1 First up, lets add a Levels adjustment layer, and adjust the levels to something close to what I have below. Step 2 Now lets add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer and take the saturation down. Step 3 Now lets add a Curves adjustment layer to further adjust the contrast and highlights.

Step 4 Now we’re going to increase the sharpness considerably using the High Pass Filter. Now set this layer’s blending mode to Overlay. Step 5 For this final step we’re going to bring out some of the details in his face using the dodge and burn tools. Related Posts. The echo of silence by Anja Buehrer. Serge salat: beyond infinity immersive installation. Sep 16, 2011 serge salat: beyond infinity immersive installation ‘beyond infinity’, an immersive installation by french artist and theorist serge salat ‘beyond infinity’, a multisensory installation by french artist and theorist serge salat, interweaves mirrors, light, music, and fractal art in an architecture that conflates visitors’ perceptions of space. sponsored by buick cars and usable during the events as a vehicle showroom, the work is installed at shanghai’s westgate mall from september 16th through 18th, 2011. measuring 12.45 by 10.8 meters at a height of 3.8 meters, the structure is completely closed, composed of a steel infrastructure with honeycomb aluminum panels covered in mirrors.

View looking into the third ‘room’ in the sequence: the circular and triangular infinite staircases the ‘infinite fault’ when exiting from the red grid the ‘hyper cross’, the fifth ‘room’ architectural plan process photograph: assembling the staircases video tour through the space. Rare and very interesting photos. Interesting and very rare photographs, you may never see. The first McDonald’s. Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. Capital of Brazil, on the beginning. Pius XII and Hitler. The King. Rare Beatles photos. Osama bin Laden and his family. Titanic.

Fall of the Berlin Wall All forms of Coca-Cola bottles. John Lennon shortly before his death. Principles. Statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Albert Einstein. Charlie Chaplin and Gandhi. First computer. Albert Einstein’s diploma. The early Beatles. The first team of Google. Pope John Paul and the man who tried to kill him. Moment when Bush heard about the attacks 11th September. Achieving a Vintage Look Through Color Tones in Photoshop CS. By Guest Contributor Anna Gay Photographers are often striving for a “vintage” look in their photos, and even though there are endless ways of achieving a vintage look, there are a couple of characteristics to keep in mind. First of all, the color tones in a vintage photo often lean towards either a blue or a red hue, or a cross-processed look.

Vintage photos also have an element of noise or grain that can be achieved through textures, and also a certain amount of vignetting around the edges of the photo. In this tutorial, we will look at adjusting color tones and adding vignettes. This photo is the result of adjusting the color curves, adding two vignettes, and a color fill, which we will walk through step-by-step. First, open your photo in Photoshop and make sure your foreground color is set to white in your side tool bar. Then, select Layers, New Fill Layer, Gradient.

You will see the above dialogue box. Now, let’s adjust the color curves. Select Layer, New Fill Layer, Solid Color. Fireworks Bubbles- Glow in the Dark Bubble Recipe! | Tips-n-Tricks for Kids. The following Content was Provided by "Digging yourself out of debt, when all you have is a spoon" Waiting for the fireworks to begin during various celebrations can be a difficult time for the little ones. Since age is a factor in deciding whether or not to let them play with sparklers, why not spark their interest with something a bit more safe and just as fun- Glow in the Dark Bubbles that Bounce! You'll Need: * 1 cup water * 1 Tablespoon Dawn dish soap * 1 Teaspoon of glycerin * straw or bubble wand * 1 clean glove (or sock) - (this is to keep the bubble from popping) * 2 Tbs Water Based Glow in the Dark Paint First, let me start of by saying, if you know that you have Hard or Soft water you'll need to use Distilled water instead.

If you have nice spring water that isn't loaded with chemicals or minerals, use your tap water. Glycerin can be found in the pharmacy section of most big box stores such as Walmart, Target, CVS, Walgreens, etc. . © Can Stock Photo Inc. / 72soul. In Focus - Afghanistan: June 2012. The number of coalition soldiers killed in Afghanistan last month stands at 39, bringing the number for the entire war to 3,071 -- roughly one death every 30 hours since the initial invasion in October 2001. The soldiers who died in June 2012, all men, ranged in age from 21 to 47, with 29 hailing from the United States, four from the UK, four from France, and one from Italy. Civilian casualties also remain high, as locals are often caught in NATO bombings and are increasingly targeted by Taliban attacks.

Overall levels of violence are slowly declining. But the lengthy process of demobilization and withdrawal remains in its initial phase, and civilians, soldiers and insurgents continue to die in Afghanistan in alarming numbers. Gathered here are images of those involved in this conflict over the past month, as part of the ongoing series here on Afghanistan. [41 photos] Use j/k keys or ←/→ to navigate Choose: A soldier from the U.S. A U.S. Click to view image U.S. A U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Liquid Smoke on Photography Served. Your beautiful eyes on Photography Served. Behance Served Sites Served is a collection of sites that showcase category specific content from Behance, the world's leading platform for creative professionals across all industries.

View All Served Sites → photography Served Join Behance Hire a Designer Behance Project Shuffle Showcase & Discover Creative Work Sign up for free View Next Project → Shuffle <img class="featured-ribbon-2x featured-ribbon featured-ribbon-net" src=" title="Photography Served"></img> Project Featured On: Photography Served — 6/6/10 Your beautiful eyes Info Statistics Created: 2/20/10 Last Edited: 7/26/15 Description Extreme close of eyes, with all their relief. Project Info Owners Suren Manvelyan Tags Copyright Info Attribution Non-commercialNo Derivatives Read More Share inShare Short link: by Yerevan, Armenia Follow on Bēhance Eye with coloboma.Visit my facebook page to find more photos: Save Project. Smashing Picture. - StumbleUpon. - StumbleUpon.


Ethereal by squirl033This photograph was the 3rd Runner-Up (4th Place) in the 2008 Photograph of the Year Contest - read the blog post here.Check out the voting results for the Final Round of the 2008 Photograph of the Year Contest.Also make sure to. - StumbleUpon. Simon Tong Photography. - StumbleUpon. Science. Talk time: 9.5hr (7hr playback, 55hr music) Spec: 3.7in (800x480 pixels) AMOLED screen, 16GB, 1.4GHz Windows Mango, 8MP camera, 720p HD video Verdict: This combination works wonderfully. It's a pleasure to use and Nokia's Drive GPS app is impressive. We've rated these iPhone alternatives from Ace down to Five - and the Nokia is at the head of the pack. Talk time: 8.5hr Spec: Android Ice Cream Sandwich OS, 1.2GHz dual-core processor, 4.65in (720x1,280) AMOLED screen, 5MP camera, 1080p video, 16GB memory Verdict: It's got a beautiful screen, intuitive operating system and cool features like face-recognition security, but battery life doesn't quite match the hype.

Talk time: 6hr 50min Spec: Windows Phone 7.5 Mango, 1.5GHz, 4.7in (480x800) screen, 16GB, 8MP camera, 720p HD video Verdict: The Titan is slim, light and has the largest screen on any Windows device. Talk time: 4hr Spec: Android 2.3 Gingerbread, 1 GHz, 4.3in (800x480) screen, 8MP camera, 1080p HD video, 8GB memory Talk time: 5hr 20min. 40 Of The Most Powerful Photographs Ever Taken.