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Facebook Twitter Home | OpenEnergyMonitor. Mapping for Change. Ushahidi. CheerLights. Design that Matters. | Home. The restart project | repair, don't despair! towards a better relationship with electronics. Active RFID Project - OpenBeacon. From OpenBeacon BruCON 2011, day 2 - OpenBeacon RFID Tag Proximity Data was used to build social network graph for second day over all tag IDs in the lounge area (in PDF and PNG format).

You can also find the live version of this graph (including source code). OpenBeacon Sensor Tag with a 10K potentiometer and constant ADC converting the resistance every 132ms (2.4GHz transmit every 13 seconds and upon change) runs 6 years from a single CR2032 coin cell. OpenBeacon @ Blinkenlights Stereoscope in Toronto 2009: Live Social Semantics with OpenBeacon tags The OpenBeacon project was founded in 2006 by the Berlin located company Bitmanufaktur GmbH as an open platform for active RFID applications operating in the license free 2.4GHz ISM band. This wiki collects and maintains all user and developer documentation of the Open Source and Open Hardware Active 2.4 GHz RFID reader system and our Open Source and Open Hardware active RFID tags. OpenBeacon Hardware Projects OpenBeacon Applications. CoderDojo. The Lamp Post Guild by Pathwright Press. Every kid drew pictures until someone told them they couldn’t.Millions of people wanted to become artists when they grew up,but they were told that being an artist is not a "real job.

"Only a few of them will actually make it as professional artists.It doesn't have to end this way. We want to make this story end differently for these aspiring illustrators and artists by teaching online courses that will help them improve their craft and earn a living doing what they love. Thanks to your generous support, we’ve met and exceeded our initial goal!

Now we want to take things to the next level so we’ve set a series of stretch goals that will make the Lamp Post Guild an even richer learning environment for aspiring artists everywhere. Check them out: We need your help to launch the first three courses that will form the beginning of an online art school called The Lamp Post Guild. Our goals are to make these courses affordable (wer'e thinking $99-$150) and available to anyone in the world. Design Informatics. Welcome | RocketHub. Crowdsourcing, Labor On Demand — CrowdFlower. TimeBank | Be a volunteer. Loomio. OpenIDEO - Home.