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BuzzFeed consigue imponerse a la televisión entre los millennials. BuzzFeed ha publicado un detallado informe sobre como está impactando como un nuevo medio de comunicación y los datos que este ha arrojado son bastante interesantes. De acuerdo a los últimos datos de comScore más del 50% de la generación de los millennials leen BuzzFeed de forma mensual lo que supone un potente indicador de lo que está sucediendo en el sector de los medios de comunicación online Pero hay un medio al que los datos señalados por este informe le ponen un serio aprieto: la televisión. Sí echa un vistazo a la siguiente gráfica podrá ver cómo el alcance de BuzzFeed entre los millennials supera con creces al obtenido por asentadas cadenas de televisión como la CBS, NBC o Fox. Otro de los datos que más debería preocupar al mundo de la TV es que, aunque la tendencia no está del todo definida es que BuzzFeed gana puntos entre los consumidores de todas las edades en lo que a alcance mensual se refiere por encima de cadenas como MTV o CNN.

BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti: Creating A Media Empire With A "Marriage Between Data And Creativity" Full video of Peretti's presentation at #ThinkContent, September 18, 2014 One of #ThinkContent's most inspiring – and hilarious – presentations came from BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti, who delivered a talk called “The Social Experiment – Creating a New Media Model.”

Peretti shared that of BuzzFeed’s 150 million monthly visitors, 75 percent are driven via social and over half are in the coveted 18-34 demographic. “There’s a need to deliver things that people want to share everyday,” says Peretti. But the question remains: “How can we make things people love and want to share?” Peretti’s definitely one to know; he’s been going viral since before the word took on its second meaning. Back when he was a grad student at MIT Media Lab – when chain email forwards were still a thing – his hijinks were already attracting tons of attention. The rest, as they say, is history. Peretti was floored. Looking back, BuzzFeed's success in Peretti's hands seems less surprising. Rieder: Safeguarding journalism's mission, and finances. CHICAGO —It's a dilemma facing so many legacy news outlets. In an exceedingly crowded and competitive media landscape, with so many platforms to do battle on, with staffs far smaller than in the past, how should they proceed?

There are no easy answers. So it's hardly a surprise that that was one of the first topics to surface as many of the the nation's editors gathered here in an annual rite of introspection and searching for solutions. The kickoff event at the American Society of News Editors convention, held this year in conjunction with Associated Press Media Editors, focused on "What's new/What's next?

Trends every editor should know. " And leadoff speaker Tom Rosenstiel, executive director of the American Press Institute, was quick to cut to the chase. The old days when newspapers could be like the old general store, with something for everybody, are over, Rosenstiel said. So what's the prescription, doctor? REM RIEDER: Can newspapers make it on their own? He's right. BuzzFeed: An Open Letter to Ben Horowitz. Ben Horowitz, the erudite cofounder of the Andreessen Horowitz (A16z) firm is a respected heavyweight in the Silicon Valley’s venture capital milieu.

But A16z’s $50m BuzzFeed funding looks surprisingly ill-advised, to say the least. From: To: Ben Horowitz, Andreessen Horowitz, Menlo Park, California Re: A16z investment in BuzzFeed ——————————————————— Dear Ben: May I ask you something? How long did you spend on BuzzFeed before deciding to invest $50m? I’m not talking of Jonah Peretti’s PowerPoint deck or spreadsheets, which, I’m sure, must be quite compelling.

But did you sample the real thing, the BuzzFeed site? And how many times a day do you log in? Frankly, your investment leaves me bewildered. Judging by your blog and your remarkable book (I energetically proselytize both), you embody a mixture of vista, courage, combining focus on details with broad systemic vision, all supported by deep hands-on experience. But is BuzzFeed really such a good multiplier? Estudio: BuzzFeed conquistó a los jóvenes. Aunque se cree que los medios tradicionales han perdido terreno frente al público joven, las cifras no son tan dramáticas y los editores tienen buenas razones para estar atentos y optimistas. De acuerdo a datos analizados por Digiday, los medios ‘tradicionales’ estadounidenses tienen fuertes audiencias millennials en la red (jóvenes nacidos entre 1980 y el 2000).

Para el análisis, Digiday recogió datos de audiencia de medios dirigidos a la juventud: BuzzFeed, Complex, Elite Daily, Gawker, Mic, Upworthy y Vice. Compararon con ‘clásicos’ como Cosmopolitan, Esquire, GQ, The New York Times, The New Yorker, Vogue y The Wall Street Journal. Y estos fueron los resultados. BuzzFeed es el rey entre los jóvenes. Millennial visitantes. The Data Genius Behind Buzzfeed's Success. Dao Nguyen, the head of data and growth at BuzzFeed, eyes half a pie and narrates a brief history of the first part of her career. "I wanted to be part of the Internet revolution," she says, explaining her stint in the late-'90s New York startup scene. She fled after the dot-com boom's implosion--a particularly messy moment for her, since she had to lay off many friends as her company, Concrete Media, went down in flames in 2001. She's no longer bothered by this fact, she says, as she unwraps her pie, forks a bite and explains that, with the dreams of the first Internet revolution in tatters, she declared to her then-boyfriend, now-husband: "This is terrible.

I want to quit and move to France and eat cheese and drink wine. I want to learn French and sit out this Internet recession. " So she did, moving to Paris, consuming her fill of fromage and vin, and also working her way up the French paper of record, Le Monde. And with that, she got herself fired. "That was fine with me. "We said. Estudio: BuzzFeed conquistó a los jóvenes. Different beasts for a new media: Why BuzzFeed and Vice have less in common than you think.

On the face of it, BuzzFeed and Vice are two companies with a lot in common. Both get young internet users, both get mobile and social, both rely on the advertising industry, both produce entertainment, and both produce journalism. It’s almost too easy to find examples of articles comparing the two – Google “BuzzFeed and Vice” to get started and you can pretty much take your pick. The often-mistaken-but-never-in-doubt Michael Wolff is one of the worst offenders, and even TheMediaBriefing team falls into the trap occasionally.

But any comparison between the two is much more complex than many commentators seem prepared to admit. Here – in a format we like to call “a number of connected items written consecutively one below the other that is definitely not a listicle” – are five ways in which BuzzFeed and Vice differ: 1. They operate different business models Sure, both BuzzFeed and Vice are dependent on the ad industry, but that doesn’t mean their business models are the same. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Buzzfeed: how data is shaping modern journalism. Can Mashable pull a BuzzFeed? Mashable is growing up. Started as a social media blog by a 19-year-old Scot, the news site is now flush with $14 million in venture capital that it’s using to bankroll an ambitious plan to become the CNN for the mobile- and social-addicted generation.

So far, the results have been hard to miss, and in some cases, even jarring. Stories about the crisis in Ukraine and the missing Malaysian plane have been juxtaposed with lists like this one, which imagined celebrities sporting Kim Jong-un haircuts. A new Twitter feed, @Mashwire, offers a serious counterpart to the “fun” promised by Mashable’s main feed that is still a hodgepodge of social media tidbits, tech news and typical Internet heartwarming fare. Like BuzzFeed, which brought in editor-in-chief Ben Smith in 2011, Mashable has used venture capital backing to beef up with serious journalists. Roberts defended the piece, saying the criticism ignored the “countless” other more in-depth articles that Mashable has done. But context counts. Can Mashable pull a BuzzFeed? The New York Times' digital challenges, in 5 charts.

The New York Times’ internal Innovation report, leaked after the unexpected ouster of top editor Jill Abramson, brought to light a newsroom culture out of step with changing consumer reading habits. Here, five charts tell the story of the Times’ struggles as it tightens its embrace of digital media. Digital circulation has been a bright spot for the Times. Since it put up a paywall in 2011, paid digital subscriptions have soared to 799,000 as of the first quarter of this year.

Digital-only circulation revenue jumped 33.5 percent in 2013 over 2012, offsetting a decline in print copies sold and contributing to a 3.7 percent increase in total circ revenue. But total ad revenue — 76 percent of which is derived from print advertising — continues to fall as the Times faces lower print ad revenues across all ad categories. Print ad revenues declined 7 percent in 2013 from the previous year.

Readership trends don’t favor the Times. Los artículos sobre periodismo que deberías leer este fin de semana: 21 cosas útiles para la profesión, Ricard García Vilanova, Mafalda y el caso Abramson - Miquel Pellicer. 11 formas en las que Buzzfeed y la cultura de lo viral han transformado el periodismo « Pijamasurf - Noticias e Información alternativa. 1. La tecnología de lo social aplicada a la generación de contenido Buzzfeed es uno de los sitios de más rápido crecimiento en la historia de internet. Actualmente se ubica entre los 125 sitios más visitados del mundo y su modelo de periodismo ha revolucionado la forma en la que se consume la información en la red.

Ciertamente Buzzfeed no fue el primero en buscar page views apelando a información desechable con títulos llamativos e imágenes atractivas, incrustando listas y cuestionarios con cualquier pretexto, pero sí fue el primero que logró ajustar las diferentes variables para crear un modelo que fue empaquetado de manera irresistible, casi adictiva, para los usuarios que crecieron con internet (quizás un poco, guardando distancias, como lo que hizo MTV con los videoclips en su momento).

Hasta cierto punto, a manera de un tweaking sobre lo que ya existía, podemos decir que Buzzfeed acabó de desarrollar una nueva tecnología: la de las noticias sociales. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. El fenómeno de los virales: un contenido que cuesta 850 millones de dólares | Inversor Global. Buzzfeed, la startup basada exclusivamente en internet y que recibe gran cantidad de visitas debido a su contenido de alto interés para las personas, recibió una nueva inyección de dinero en su más reciente ronda de inversión, con la que queda valorizada en 850 millones de dólares.

Los que tomaron el riesgo de entrar con una inversión de 50 millones de dólares fueron los directivos de Andreessen Horowitz, una firma de capital de riesgo apostada en Silicon Valley, que conoce de las potencialidades que tiene la compañía para seguir por la senda del crecimiento y tenga una presencia más global. ¿Qué es BuzzFeed? Para los que no conocen esta página web, es un sitio que incluye algo de contenido informativo, pero que principalmente basa sus artículos en hacer listas de situaciones o cosas con las que miles de personas se pueden sentir identificadas -entre otros- lo cual hace que sea fácilmente divulgada y compartida en las redes sociales, hasta convertirse en virales. Las 10 razones detrás del éxito de Buzzfeed. Portada de Buzzfeed US, que ya vale 636,9 millones de euros. Foto: Buzzfeed Algo más que el periodismo de listas. Con una inversión de 37,4 millones de euros, Buzzfeed ya vale tres veces más que el todopoderoso Washington Post.

No llega ni a los 10 años de edad, pero parece que, de momento, el medio digital es el futuro de la comunicación. O es lo que cree el fondo de inversión riesgo Andreessen Horowitz, que con su inversión ha aumentado el valor de la marca digital hasta los 636,9 millones de euros. Un ascenso fulgurante para una compañía, que pasó de una pequeña oficina de Nueva York a tener sus propias sedes en Reino Unido, Australia, Brasil y Francia. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. "James White es la superestrella de Vine a la que necesitas en tu vida ahora mismo". 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Vía: / Newsrewired / The Guardian / The Drum / Chris Dixon / The Wire / Wired / New York Magazine / News Cred.