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Evolving Collective Intelligence. Collective Intelligence In Organizations: Toward a Resea. ACM Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2010) 6 February 2010Savannah, Georgia, USA description A new generation of web tools is penetrating organizations after successful adoption within the consumer domain (e.g., social networking; sharing of photos, videos, tags, or bookmarks; wiki-based editing). These tools and the collaborative processes they support on the large scale are often referred to as Collective Intelligence (CI). This workshop, co-organized by PARC, XRCE, IBM Research, and University of Milano-Bicocca, will focus on CI tools for collaboration in work-related settings, especially for task forces now increasingly common in industry and government. Information For Workshop Attendees 1. You will get an invitation via email: register and use the private wiki: 2.

Section 1 (9:00 - 10:30) Introductions, followed by two invited talks by: (1) David Millen, IBM Research; and (2) Josh Richau, Jive Software. Break (10:30 - 11:00) Section 2 (11:00-1:00) HomePage. Collective Leadership - Leadership for a New Era. Instructions: To add links, please find the right content type category below and enter the name of the resource, the URL and a brief description. To upload files please select the "add attachment" option under "more tools". Please keep in mind that this website has the capacity to store up to 40 attachments so we encourage users to post files as links (vs. attachments) when possible. If the file is not currently online, please see the FAQ section for additional instructions. For more information check out the Leadership for a New Era user guide!

For new users - please visit FAQ's section to find out how you can edit the page. Overview Strengthen Collective Leadership Capacity: James MacGregor Burns, often considered the father of the leadership development field and author of the seminal leadership book Leadership , was asked in a recent interview about the next frontier for the field of leadership. Latest Update: Resources Books and Articles Initiatives Research Projects Tools. How to Use Twitter to Build Intelligence. Intelligence: n. the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge (this post is a group Twitter experiment – link to similar articles at bottom & share your own experience on Twitter with hashtag #MonTwit) I’ve been thinking a lot about how we can leverage the potential of social networks in order to learn, facilitate innovation and solve problems. I’ve been experimenting with Twitter heavily for the past few months, and would like to share a few basic insights into what I’m discovering.

I started to tackle this a few weeks ago via a comment I posted on @briansolis‘s blog, so I’ll just expand on the main questions I laid out there: What is Twitter? How do you use it strategically? Let me just start by saying I understand that Twitter is a communication channel that can be used in a variety of ways. 1. Getting started on Twitter is like walking into a crowded room blindfolded: you know there’s somebody out there, but you’re not quite sure who they are, where they are, or why you should care. 2. 1. Spigit, idea management, innovation management, enterprise softw. SpaceCollective. How to Use Twitter to Build Intelligence. Welcome to the World of Collective Intelligence : Kreeo. MIT World | Distributed Intelligence. Charles Leadbeater on Collaborative Creativity | Dr. Harish Kota.

Growing Knowledge Together-1.pdf (application/pdf Object) Online Project Management Software Free and Tools: Project Manag. Collective Cognition. 28 Aug 2014 23:49 Rather than repeating myself about what I mean by "collective cognition", I refer you to my review of Ed Hutchins's Cognition in the Wild, and the introduction to the 2002 SFI Workshop on Collective Cognition I co-organized (that introduction is primarily based on an essay I wrote as a distraction from finishing my dissertation). I stole the phrase from Philip Agre, who told me he doesn't remember whence he got it.

(This is fitting.) The workshop was my first experience of helping to organizing a scientific meeting, and quite enlightening. The focus shifted quite a bit from what I originally had in mind, but I still think the papers presented were good; many of them are available via the link for the workshop above. Prediction markets, which I think are horribly over-rated, probably deserve a notebook of their own.

Amplify | Open Intelligence's Amplog. Twitter’s Intelligent, Welcome to Web 3.0. “Collective Intelligence (CI) is the capacity of human collectives to engage in intellectual cooperation in order to create, innovate, and invent.” - Pierre Levy + James Surowiecki + Mark Tovey I wrote a post a few days ago, Is Twitter a Complex Adaptive System? , that proposed the idea that Twitter may be evolving into an entity of sorts, a collective intelligence. I’ve come across some new posts that are amplifying that meme, and I just want to keep the thoughtstream going.

Insight #1 I was reading an article by Nova Spivack from 2006 over on Ray Kurzweil’s site, titled The Third-Generation Web is Coming. He also lays out the key technology trends driving the evolution. Sound familiar? Insight #2 Then this article from ReadWriteWeb passed through my tweetstream, The Future is all about Context: The Pragmatic Web. Then she goes into a different direction, talking about business models and Facebook.

Insight #3 I then found this article by Dean Pomerleau, titled Twitter and the Global Brain. The Co-Intelligence Institute. The Co-Intelligence Institute The nonprofit Co-Intelligence Institute (CII) promotes awareness of co-intelligence and of the many existing tools and ideas that can be used to increase it. The CII embraces all such ideas and methods, and explores and catalyzes their integrated application to democratic renewal, community problems, organizational transformation, national and global crises and the creation of just, vibrant, sustainable cultures. We research, network, advocate, and help organize leading-edge experiments and conversations in order to weave what is possible into new, wiser forms of civilization.

The goal of the CII is the conscious evolution of culture in harmony with nature and with the highest human potentials. If you would like to be involved in this effort, click here or contact us at: The Co-Intelligence Institute P.O. We welcome your support. Our Work | | Endorsements | | CII Board | | CII Associates | | Special Campaigns and Projects | | Major Funders. The Co-Intelligence Institute. Evolution - Conscious Evolution. Conscious Evolution Evolution is happening right now in and around us. It is influenced by all that we do and don't do, and all that we are and are not. Whether we are aware of it or not, we have a lot to do with how evolution unfolds, especially right here on Earth. Recent offspring in life's 13.7 billion years of cosmic, planetary, biological and social evolution, we are on the leading edge of the evolutionary process. Evolution has given us a special kind of consciousness, one that creates -- and is thoroughly conditioned by -- our languages, cultures, stories, and built environments.

Part of that maturing process is learning the dynamics through which evolution does its transformational work. To the extent we do this, we are evolution -- or at least one significant facet of it -- becoming conscious of itself. All the crises of our age are manifestations of our challenge to consciously evolve. Something is Emerging - brief notes on conscious evolution What is Consciousness? See also.