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BOOST. Glamour Trends, Trend Hunter Tags, Page 1. Free Photoshop Brushes at Brusheezy! Create a Multi-Layout Portfolio with WordPress. Wordpress, as a content management system, is often used for creating portfolio websites.

Create a Multi-Layout Portfolio with WordPress

With the evolution of user interface design and functionalities, a new trend has emerged: displaying portfolio items in different layouts. This tutorial details the process of creating a dedicated portfolio section in WordPress' backend, and using jQuery and CSS3 to display the portfolio in a classy manner. In this tutorial, we are going to extensively use powerful features of WordPress, such as custom posts, custom taxonomies, and we'll also write a function to fetch our own custom excerpts.

The first step in creating our portfolio website is to install Wordpress. This is a simple task, and, even better, most web hosts out there provide one click installers. Traduction noms modes fusion anglais français. Free & premium minimal and modern wordpress themes. Free Resource for black Textures - love textures. Vocabulaire Twitter : 15 Mots et Symboles à Connaître ! Lorsque l’on débute sur Twitter, on peut se sentir un peu perdu notamment à cause du vocabulaire et symboles spécifiques à l’utilisation de Twitter.

Vocabulaire Twitter : 15 Mots et Symboles à Connaître !

A quoi sert le @ et # ? C’est quoi RT, DM et FF ? Toutes ces abréviations peuvent paraitre un peu barbares, voici donc un petit lexique des principaux mots et signes Twitter pour vous y retrouver : Photoshop backgrounds at PSD Graphics.