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Logiciels Mind Mapping

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Coggle. Framindmap. Freeplane. FreeMind. FreeMind n’est pas un éditeur de texte à proprement parler, et n’est pas forcément adapté pour gérer des textes très longs et "monoblocs" comme un article, un mémoire ou un rapport.


Ce n’est donc pas un équivalent ou un concurrent de Microsoft Word ou Open Office Writer par exemple. Cependant, même si nous n’irions pas jusqu’à parler de la mort du traitement de texte classique, ce logiciel, à l’instar de Keynote, témoigne d’une nouvelle manière d’aborder l’écriture de documents électroniques. Plus que le contenu, qui reste tout de même le plus important, c’est la mise en forme des textes qui est ici totalement repensée, afin de mettre en exergue une hiérarchie, un plan, ou tout simplement pour obtenir une visualisation plus intuitive et plus complexe que le simple système de titres et sous-titres des traitements de textes.

La prise en main du logiciel n’est pas des plus évidentes. Passées les premières hésitations (mais qu’est-ce qu’il faut que je fasse ???!) 90 logiciels de Mind Mapping gratuits. I see regular inquiries on Twitter and in forums from people looking for free software to support visual thinking.

90 logiciels de Mind Mapping gratuits

To provide answers, InformationTamers have put together 14 pages to help you find the one for your needs. These show the platform, a screen thumbnail and a link for more information in each case. We built this article using the most complete source for details of information mapping software on the Web: Hat tip to Vic Gee who put together and kept it up to date for years. [I took over that site in August 2013 - Roy Grubb] has a good capability for selecting software by map type and operating system (click on the 'Refine software list' tab at the top right of its web page). "Free" here is as in beer, not in freedom, though some of the software listed is open source, so is free in both senses. Of course a pencil and paper is always almost free. Click through for more details: Connected Mind: Draw unique maps in the browser.

Mindjet. XMind. MindMaple. MindMeister. NovaMind. MAPMYself. Mindomo. Mind42. iMindMap 6 Getting Started. Our user guides for our legacy app, iMindMap are available below.

iMindMap 6 Getting Started

Although we are no longer selling iMindMap 11 we are still supporting it for the foreseeable future. For support regarding iMindMap please email iMindMap 11 To download the iMindMap 11 Manual please click here To view the Youtube tutorials please click here To contact support please email If you have lost your download links or serial number please email and we will be happy to send these over to you. iMindMap Kids To download the iMindMap Kids Manual please click here To view the Youtube tutorials please click here iMindMap Cloud and Mobile The iMindMap iPhone and iPad app are available to purchase on the app store, the Freedom subscription is only available as an in-app purchase within these two apps.

To download the iMindMap Cloud and Mobile guide please click here Important information for iMindMap 10 users and under iMindMap 7 to 10 were 32-bit apps built on Java.