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Motivational Devices

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Super Teacher Tools. Motivational devices used in teaching business law at the secondary level / (1972), 1972 [Owen, Barry R.] The Stock Market Game – Tools for Teaching — Value Stock Guide. Stock market games and simulations allow students a valuable and fun opportunity to learn all about the process of making good investments and begins a good foundation for sound money management. These games are designed not only to be used in mathematics and economics but also give valuable lessons in social studies, language arts, technology and even science classes. It helps students expand their knowledge and gain new skills in investing, saving, communication, cooperation, research and decision making. Youth Benefits of the Stock Market Game The main benefit of the stock market game is that students who take part in it earn higher scores on personal finance exams than those who do not play it. More than one learning style is encouraged as both students and teachers become acquainted with the rules of the language of saving and investing money.

Game Process There are two popular stock market games for high school students across America. Stock Market Game Resources for Teachers. Take It to the Bank: Students Learn to Manage Their Money. Student-run credit union branches teach career skills and financial independence. Funds for the Future: Jacob (left) adds up banking deposits while Ray enters the amounts into the computer at the student-run CP Federal Credit Union in the Jackson, Michigan, YMCA.

Credit: Duane Burleson Ray, a seventh grader from Jackson, Michigan, is about to open a savings account -- and he's pretty sure about what he's saving his money for. "I'll be saving up to pay for college, if they don't give me a scholarship," he says matter-of-factly. He's seated behind a laptop at the Jackson YMCA, recording client transactions for a student-run branch of CP Federal Credit Union. "It's very important to start early and start young," says Kelly Hatler, a credit union development educator and CP Federal financial-education specialist. Counting Cents: Isaac (left) and his brother Oliver (right) watch to see where the spinning wheel will stop. Many commercial banks have followed suit. Prime Banking at a Prime Time. 6 Great Learning Games to Fill Time.

Become a Teacher >> Browse Articles >> Continuing Education Featured Author: Mrs. Laura Owen Mrs. Owen is currently teaching 3rd grade at the Westminster Schools in Atlanta, GA. Before moving back into the classroom, she served as the International Baccalaureate Coordinator at Jackson Elementary School, also in Atlanta.

Laura has taught grades 4 and 5 in Georgia and North Carolina. Add Mrs. The opinions and statements made in this article are solely those of the author and do not represent the opinions or representations of the University of Phoenix. About University of Phoenix At the largest private university in North America, you can attend classes at one of our more than 190 convenient locations. Earn your degree sooner than you think. While widely available, not all programs are available in all locations or in both online and on-campus formats. Sponge activities came about in response to teachers’ need to fill time when left with just a few minutes before transitioning. 1. 2. 3. 5.

Lessons and Activities: High School. Free Tools To create and Administer Quizzes. Motivating Students: This Set of Strategies Really Works with Kids. Introduction Providing a means for adequately motivating students, as I've mentioned before on this website, is one of the three primary pillars that support effective teaching. The other two are having a plan for classroom management and establishing clear classroom routines. This page is entirely about getting students motivated. If you haven't had a chance to read about the other two pillars, please click on the appropriate link above.

I will probably be using a lot of imperative sentences on this page. If you find some things here that suit your purposes, please feel free to steal, uh, I mean, borrow them. Quick Links for THIS Page You may use the following quick links to go directly to what interests you on this page. Establishing a Framework for Achieving SuccessEstablishing Class IdentityWork As a Team to Achieve a Common GoalSample Activity: Things That We ReadMake It Interesting and Entertaining Establishing a Framework for Achieving Success Return to Top of Page Things That We Read. Successful Student Motivation Classroom Teaching Strategies. Student motivation, especially intrinsic motivation (the motivation that comes from within ones self), is a critical part of the education process.

Motivation is a necessity so that learning becomes a continuing, improving, interesting and hopefully enjoyable process. I say "hopefully enjoyable" because although you as a teacher try to make learning fun, your students should understand that learning is the goal, the fun part is just nice to have. As I'm sure you know, most people can be intimidated when it comes to doing or learning something new - they would just prefer to maintain the status quo, it's easier. You as a teacher, must develop and encourage classroom motivation, i.e. think of and find ways to motivate students to reach their potential, their goals and their dreams.

Students must also share in the responsibility by doing some things for themselves, such as: * Understand that achieving one's goals takes work and may involve some risk. Create Student Motivation in the Classroom. 100+ Motivational Techniques to Take Learning to the Next Level. Getting students motivated to learn can be hard no matter what grade level you teach.

Sometimes it’s because students find the material boring or useless, or sometimes because they are simply there because they are required to be and not because they have any interest in the subject matter at hand. There are some things you can do, however, to help boost your students’ interest in whatever it is that you’re teaching. Here are 100 or so suggestions of ways that you can make your classes more engaging and encourage your students to work harder at learning. General Here are some basic ideas to consider when motivating your students. Encourage internal motivation. Spark Interest The first step to motivating students is to spark their interest in the subject. Focus on the importance of the subject. Learning Environment Creating a great learning environment is key to motivating students. Make the classroom inviting. Feedback Give praise. Learning Opportunities Rewards.