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Cake pops

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Baking with Almond Flour. Hi friends!

Baking with Almond Flour

Happy Friday! I have a new recipe to try today….maybe out of your comfort zone…but it is worth a try. Have you baked with almond flour? I was intrigued by this when I read an article recently about the great health benefits. I have to say that the jury is still out on weather I loved it or not. The Sweet Chick: Churro Donuts Holes. I watched a documentary about Johnny Cash last night and now I am listening to his music as I write this post.

The Sweet Chick: Churro Donuts Holes

He songs remind me of driving up to Canada in my dad's Oldsmobile Regency with my parents and oldest brother. Dad had Johnny playing on the 8-track. There is just something about his voice that is haunting. While Elvis is still my number one singer, Johnny comes in a close second. I was definitely born in the wrong era. Now I have made Churro Donuts before and they were quite tasty. Cake Pops – How To Add Stripes. Melting Chocolate To Make Cake Pops, Chocolate Pretzels, Chocolate Covered Marshmallows And More. One of the topics I see come up the most often in my comments has to do with melting chocolate.

Melting Chocolate To Make Cake Pops, Chocolate Pretzels, Chocolate Covered Marshmallows And More

Chocolate that’s too thick. Chocolate that’s too runny. Chocolate challenges. Why is my chocolate so thick? How to Cover a Round/Ball Cake with Fondant {Picture Tutorial} Thanks so much for visiting Rose Bakes!

How to Cover a Round/Ball Cake with Fondant {Picture Tutorial}

I hope you're inspired to bake a cake, decorate something fun, or try a new recipe! Sign up for FREE updates in your inbox or in your feed reader to keep up with all the latest things I'm sharing! Happy Baking! Today I want to share with you how I cover a round (or ball) shaped cake. I have to say, I really really wish I had done these pictures back when I did the Bob the Tomato (VeggieTales) Cake. But I was busy that day getting ready for my baby’s 1st birthday party and taking step-by-step pics weren’t on the agenda.

Of course, it didn’t come together quite as easily while the camera was going. But in the end, if I wait around for perfection, I’ll never get anything posted, so here goes!! Cakepops With The Babycakes Cake Pop Maker – Giveaway Closed. One of my Mother’s Day gifts this year was the Babycakes Cake Pop Maker. I will admit, my first thought was “I bet this won’t work”. Cake pops require baking and destroying a cake, mushing it with frosting, and forming all of the pops by hand. It just won’t work if you don’t do it the way Bakeralla does it. I thought the cake pops would be dry, they will fall off the stick and probably won’t even taste good. How To Make Cake Pops With The Babycakes Cake Pop Maker – Tips, Tricks & Resources. When I make cakepops, more often than not I make them using the Babycakes Cake Pop Maker.

How To Make Cake Pops With The Babycakes Cake Pop Maker – Tips, Tricks & Resources

I received this as a gift, and honestly my first thought was “gimmick”. Well it turns out, it’s a great little machine and extremely useful. I LOVE the taste of cake pops made this way, compared to the cake and frosting method, and you can add a filling if you like. Amazon sells it for less than $25, with free shipping if you have Amazon Prime (I love Amazon Prime almost as much as cake – saves me so much running to stores with a toddler in tow!). Kohls often has it on sale and if you can catch it with a sale and a coupon, you can usually get a great price. The question I get the most about the Babycakes Cake Pop Maker is how I get my cake pops round, with many people telling me that theirs come out flat or and odd shape. Given that a regular mix still requires adding ingredients, measuring and mixing, it only takes a few more quick steps to make them from scratch using one of the Babycakes recipes.

Babycakes Cake Pop Maker For Donut Holes. So I think I made it clear just how much I LOVE the Babycakes Cake Pop Maker.

Babycakes Cake Pop Maker For Donut Holes

I am so excited that the wonderful folks at Select Brands are going to give one to one of my readers! Cake pops, marshmallow pops, pie pops… Oh my! « Inspiration. You’ve ogled over photos of them.

Cake pops, marshmallow pops, pie pops… Oh my! « Inspiration

You’ve seen them in weddings, birthday parties, baby showers, and other fun get togethers. You may have even baked them yourself or tasted their deliciousness. Cake pops, people! They seem to be everywhere these days…and I certainly am not objecting. But I have noticed people taking it a step further, and all sorts of pops have been ‘popping up’ lately. 1. Mini pie on a stick? {via Our Best Bites} {via Cookies & Cups} Or, if you don’t feel like taking the DIY route, you can buy some fabulous looking pie pops from Cakewalk Desserts ($25/dozen). 2.

Marshmallow pops are wonderful because of their ease and lack of talent needed to make them. {via the Wicked Noodle} 3. I’m beginning to believe that everything is better on a stick. {via Belle Amour} 4. My heart started racing when I saw these. {via Tartlette} 5. These are a fun idea for anyone who loves Rice Krispies. {via Korean American Mommy} 6. They may look similar to cake pops, but don’t be fooled. 7. 8. 9. How to Make Cake Pops. I’m not Bakerella (Queen of the Cake Pops), but I whipped up some cake pops at my daughter’s request for her birthday.

How to Make Cake Pops

I have to be honest, I think I prefer Oreo truffle pops a bit more, but my daughter was mighty happy with these, and she is the birthday girl. Here’s how to make cake pops… Easy ingredients – a cake mix (and what you need to make the cake), a can of frosting, chocolate, sprinkles and sticks. RECETTE DE BASE A CAKE POPS GENOISE A LA FRAISE FRAICHE VANILLéE. Cette recette à cake-pops allie la délicatesse de la génoise à un glaçage à la fraise fraiche. La texture dense et douce rappelle un peu le cheesecake à la fraise. La génoise permet une texture lisse sans effet mietteux et les fraises apportent une note de fraicheur très agréable. Pour le 1er essai j’avais des fraises savoureuses, la 2ème fois avec des fraises moins gouteuses , j’ai ajouté un arôme fraise de qualité ;-), le gout fut tout aussi délicieux. CAKE POPS AU SPECULOOS CROUSTILLANTES CAKE POP RECETTE DE BASE.

Cette recette de cake pops offre une agréable surprise lorsque l’on croque dedans … du croustillant et le divin goût du spéculoos.


CAKE POPS OREO CAKE POP OREO COMME UNE TRUFFE RECETTE DE BASE. Voici une de mes Cake pops préférée … dense, dark & intense.


Une gourmandise qui se déguste très froide pour cette sensation truffée et onctueuse et si fraîche sur les dents lorsque l’on croque dedans. De plus on peut les congeler et servir en cake pop glacée … que demander de plus …. oh ok j’avoue pour une note presque sublime je trempe parfois dans du Candy Melt à la menthe. FICHE POPS : Texture plutôt molle et dense de truffe chocolat Goût d’ oréo Conservation 5 jours maximum réfrigérées. - Un tantinet ardue car la texture est souple je vous conseil de refrigerer la préparation avant de rouler et de planter le bâton trempé de Candy melt dans la pop juste roulée et de réfrigérer à nouveau avant de tremper dans le bai de candy melt.

. - Pour un tutoriel complet sur comment faire les Cake Pops de A à Z y compris la fonte du Candy Melt ICI. INGRÉDIENTS : - 300 gr de Biscuits Oreo (Plus d’infos sur la fiche des Biscuits Oréo ICI LIEN. - 150 gr de St Moret. - Bâtons à cake pops. Date. Rainbow Cake Pops. Who doesn't love a rainbow? I sure do! How about multiple rainbows?