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BBC Learning English - Go The Distance: Study Skills – Using sources. Learn English with Let's Talk - Free English Lessons. How to build your spoken English confidence?

Learn English with Let's Talk - Free English Lessons

- 04 useful tips. Speaking a foreign language can be really intimidating. You know that you're probably making mistakes. You're worried that you might say something offensive and make people angry. It's stressful! It's hard to make yourself speak when you don't feel confident, but to get better at speaking English, you have to practice. October Learning Plan: 31 Daily English Lessons - Week 1 Vocabulary - English Outside The Box. Hello October and hello new month of learning!

October Learning Plan: 31 Daily English Lessons - Week 1 Vocabulary - English Outside The Box

I am over the moon (*so excited*) to be sharing a very special learning plan with you today, which I’ve created to give you 31 daily lessons to improve your English skills. Today kicks off (*starts*) the 4-week series, called your October Learning Plan. I’ve gotten together with other teachers and English bloggers to give you even more learning opportunities, various resources and exercises to help you improve your skills.

Grammar Videos

Top 10 Time Fillers For Your Classroom. Destinations. Pronunciation. #EdTech4Beginners – New to educational technology? I can help. Improve your English pronunciation using Youtube. Ways To Use Pokemon Go In The Classroom. Pokemon Go is an AR (augmented reality) game in which you explore the real world and use a mobile app to 'catch' hidden Pokemon creatures.

Ways To Use Pokemon Go In The Classroom

These appear on your map and can be collected, trained, evolved and also used in battles. The game can be used as the starting point for learning in many different subjects. Many of the activities below can be completed in the classroom after a fun-filled session of catching Pokemon outdoors (although this isn't essential). If you have any other ideas, please leave a comment at the bottom of the page. Thanks! English Create a set of instructions to teach people how to play Pokemon Go.Write a review of the game.

Maths Calculate how far you have travelled during your Pokemon catching sessions.Use the game to discuss position and direction, e.g. in which direction is the nearest Pokestop? SaveSave Science Choose a Pokemon and write a report about it. Computing Create a video tutorial that teaches people how to play the game. Design Technology Art Music Geography.


Rúbriques. To store sound files. Games. Books. Dipity - Find, Create, and Embed Interactive Timelines. Blogs. Generador QR-Code. Este generador es un servicio gratuito.

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Logos en tus QR-Codes Selecciona el icono que quieres incluir en tu QR-Code o sube tu propia imagen. Test, test, test... y test.


Educreations. Video. YouTube In MP4 - Download YouTube videos in MP4 format. National Geographic Learning - Miscellaneous - 21st Century Reading 1: Creative Thinking and Reading with TED Talks, 1stEdition - 9781305264595. National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, is a leading educational publisher of school, higher education, English Language Teaching, library and reference materials.

National Geographic Learning - Miscellaneous - 21st Century Reading 1: Creative Thinking and Reading with TED Talks, 1stEdition - 9781305264595

At National Geographic Learning, we believe that an engaged and motivated learner will be a successful one, and we design our materials to motivate. We believe that learning can be exciting, inspiring, and transformational. Through our learning programs, we want learners to experience the excitement and joy of learning that National Geographic explorers, scientists, writers and photographers experience. We share real stories from National Geographic that increase learners' knowledge of the world and everything in it. We illustrate these materials with stunning National Geographic photography, video, and illustrations that bring the world to the classroom and the classroom to life. Ateneu - Materials i recursos per a la formació - Departament d'Ensenyament -

Open-Sankoré Programa de codi obert i gratuït que es pot utilitzar en qualsevol pissarra digital interactiva, projectors o altres sistemes de projecció interactiva.

Ateneu - Materials i recursos per a la formació - Departament d'Ensenyament -

Permet interactuar sobre una pissarra o superfície de treball escrivint, enganxant, dibuixant, subratllant o afegint objectes especials (vídeos, mapes, regles…). També permet desar i exportar els resultats. Disposa de versions per a Windows, Linux i Mac. Descàrrega versions Linux: a través del grup de software del YaST.

Grammar pages

BBC - Homepage. Micro Writing: Writing to learn in ESL - ELT Connect. I’ve been thinking lately about how to get more writing out of students.

Micro Writing: Writing to learn in ESL - ELT Connect

It is often something they want more practice in but when set as homework, we don’t necessarily as teachers take advantage of the task as much as we could. And of course getting a full compliment of writing assignments handed in is a rare occurrence. I’ve recently been introduced to the terms ‘micro writing’ and ‘writing to learn’ in a very practical webinar by Ceri Jones. There are loads of great ideas on how to get your students writing and thinking more in class. Teach English Writing: Arguments. Understanding the basic structure of an argument is essential for many kinds of writing tasks that require a degree of critical thinking.

Teach English Writing: Arguments

Developing that skill is the objective of this ESL writing lesson. Read through the literature and you’ll find an incredible amount of detailed information about critical thinking and arguments. This lesson ignores most of it. It’s far too complex and time-consuming. Instead, this lesson zooms in on a specific sentence pattern for arguments. Flow Part 1: Review Background Slides This slide presentation shows students four things they need to know: argument, claim, premise, a basic sentence pattern.
