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Tons of templates to create awesome courses! Thinking & Learning. Plan differently. EduScapes: A Site for Life-long Learners. eLearn Magazine. Podcasting in Education. Storytelling. Learning tools. Creativity Toolbox.

ATutor Learning Management System: Information: DIY U: Build a Personal Learning Plan. I guess I've come to the end of this challenge - though my learning, of course, is only just beginning.

DIY U: Build a Personal Learning Plan

I've been into the idea of Edupunk for a long time without knowing what to call it, so it's good to have a challenge like this to put some structure to the idea, and Anya kamenetz's books, The Edupunk Guide and DIY U, have been invaluable. As part of this challenge I have defined my path and created a plan of my proposed learning, which you can see at Visible Darkness, a website I built in Wordpress as a space to contain my work in an organized way. Here you can also see a mind map of my initial Personal Learning Network - I'm sure this grow as I progress with my learning. From this PLN I plan to nurture ongoing relationships that will, I hope, evolve into mentorship.

The next step is, of course, to get on with it and start progressing along my road to success. Thinque - founded by Anders Sorman-Nilsson - Thought Leader on Innovation, Change Management, and Generational Trends. Eduvant - Goalbook. PLATO® Online Learning Solution, Online Learning Management System. Social Media in Education. The Gallery of Teaching and Learning. 2020 Forecast: Creating the Future of Learning. Gary Vaynerchuk - Keynote Speech at Inc 500 Seminar 2011. How To Become Rich And Famous On YouTube. Flip Books. Academic Writing.

Teachit PDF resources. Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journals. Login. Research Tools. Secure Social Learning Network for Teachers and Students. » Directory of Learning & Performance Tools C4LPT. Tech Literacy II: Skills for the Online Instructor. "Technology is just a tool.

Tech Literacy II: Skills for the Online Instructor

In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important. " — Bill Gates Maybe you have been tapped to offer a popular course via the Internet, or you are looking to take advantage of the growing opportunities available to expand your professional portfolio. Online teaching has many advantages for students and teachers, such as 24-hour availability and a wealth of readily available resources. But it also has significant disadvantages, such as a lack of face-to-face contact and the distraction of being just a click away from online games not related to the course.

However, if you are willing to embrace the strengths and weaknesses of the medium, you can open the doors to an outstanding educational experience for your students and yourself. Even if you are not currently tech-savvy, computer skills and the knowledge to create, manage, and teach courses online can be gained with perseverance and guidance. Web 2.0 Literacy. Whiteboard. Collaborative Learning. ShowMe - The Online Learning Community. Great Video Lessons from Great Teachers. Overview. Back In 2007⋅⋅⋅ In 2007, supported by five of the most prominent textbook publishers in higher education, CourseSmart started out with the simple goal of providing instructors in college and higher education a better textbook evaluation service.


We knew that for instructors, getting textbooks for evaluation was a tedious and time consuming task. They'd contact the publisher directly, then wait days for a book to ship or wait for the publisher sales representative to deliver it in person. And go through the same process again for each book they wanted to review. For publishers, it was just as difficult, spending millions of dollars each year to give away thousands of sample textbooks to faculty across the country, without knowing if an instructor would eventually assign the book for their course. Millions Of Users, Millions In Savings. Live Video Learning at eduFire. Study Guides and Strategies.

Edutopia. WiZiQ Free Online Teaching and E-Learning with Web Conferencing. Kerpoof Studio.