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Musée Calvet d'Avignon, musée des Beaux-Arts et d'Archéologie. Les collections égyptiennes et les monuments déplacés à travers le monde. The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art - Collections. Egyptian Art. Index of /art/musee. Département d'Archéologie — Grand Curtius. Le Musée Curtius est né du souhait de la Ville de Liège, dès 1896, d’abriter ses collections et celles de l’Institut archéologique liégeois (I.A.L.) dans un endroit approprié, digne d’une véritable institution muséale.

En 1901, la Ville de Liège porta son choix sur la Maison Curtius, imposant immeuble de style Renaissance mosane construit à la fin du XVIe siècle pour Jean de Corte dit Curtius, prospère marchand d’armes et de poudre à canon en affaires avec l’armée espagnole, qui fit de ce superbe édifice sa vitrine commerciale. D’importants travaux de restauration furent réalisés entre 1904 et 1909, sous l’œil attentif de l’architecte Joseph Lousberg. Le Musée Curtius – nommé dans un premier temps « Musée archéologique liégeois » - fut officiellement inauguré le 1er août 1909.

Les années 1910-1920 furent marquées par deux donations exceptionnelles qui permirent de constituer une des collections de Préhistoire les plus riches du pays. Egipatski odjel - Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu. Kliknite ovdje za odlazak na mini-site EGIPTOLOGIJA Fundus egipatske zbirke broji više od 2100 predmeta i uglavnom je nabavljen u 19. stoljeću otkupom od obitelji austrijskog podmaršala Franza Kollera. Ranija egipatska razdoblja u zbirci zastupaju pogrebne i zavjetne kamene stele iz Srednjeg kraljevstva (2040-1785. god. pr. Kr.) te neki predmeti iz Novog kraljevstva (1552-1070. god. pr. Kr.). Glavni dio fundusa čine predmeti iz kasnog razdoblja starog Egipta (1070. god. pr. Kr. - 30. god. po Kr.). Iz tog razdoblja (osobito iz doba saiskih vladara 26. dinastije) potječe niz spomenika u kamenu i bronci. Zagrebačka mumija Poznata egipatska mumija, nedavno temeljito restaurirana, bila je ovijena razrezanim trakama Zagrebačke lanene knjige, najdužeg sačuvanog teksta etruščanskog jezika. 1998. god. dr.

Virtualna šetnja, stalni postav. Stručni djelatnik: Igor Uranić, mag., muzejski savjetnik, voditelj Odjela ( Carlotta - Overview. Eternal Egypt - Home. Égypte prédynastique et pharaonique - Les Musées Barbier-Mueller. Cat | Catalunya país de faraons. Incorporem més amulets “Patec Panteó″ procedents del Museu d’Eivissa Incorporem més amulets “Patec Panteó″ procedents del Museu d’Eivissa. El Museu Arqueologic d’Eivissa i Formenterals ens ha fet arribar noves imatges, arribant a les 200 les que ja tenim. dins de les darreres podem veure Patecs Panteos, que es confonen en ocasions amb Bes.

Estaven associats a altres divinitats com Isis i Neftis, per potenciar el seu poder profilàctic. Nans deformes, com embrions humans, fills de Ptah. Deïtats menors protectores dels artesans, orfebres, escultors, metal·lúrgics i navegants, per exemple. Podríem considerar els equivalents egipcis dels Cabiros fenicis i grecs. Estàtues votives d’Afrodita-Isis; Manifestacions religioses sincrètiques Estàtues votives d’Afrodita-Isis; Manifestacions religioses sincrètiques Volíem apropar-vos a una de les joies de la col·lecció arqueològica del P. Us convido a llegir l’article Afrodita?

“La vida de Sinuhè o El gust de la mort”. Escanejat de la publicació de F. MAH | Collections en ligne · Les Musées d'art et d'histoire de la Ville de Genève. Egypte - Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig. La collection égyptienne restera fermée du 22 au 28 avril 2014. Nous vous remercions pour votre compréhension. La collection égyptienne de l’Antikenmuseum Basel s’affirme par sa richesse et son exceptionnelle variété. Réunissant des objets propres (60%) et des prêts (40%), elle se déploie dans une nouvelle salle construite en 2001 au-dessous de la cour du musée.

La collection compte plus de six cent œuvres retraçant l’art et la religion cinq fois millénaires de l’Egypte antique – depuis la préhistoire jusqu’à l’époque gréco-romaine. Parmi les reconstructions d’un intérêt particulier, l’on mentionnera une tombe préhistorique avec une momie en position contractée et une fausse porte en faïence (carreaux originaux) provenant des galeries de la pyramide des rois Djoser à Sakkarah. NCMA. Antiques. Searching for *World Cultures* – Online Collections.

A Bíblia Lands Museum Jerusalém. Galeria de Museum für Kommunikation Nürnberg (Pressebilder) Browse All - Emory University: Michael C. Carlos Museum. Museum - Online Collections Home. Collection Egypte | Musée d'Art Classique de Mougins. Amarna Virtual 3D Museum. Art. Skip to main content You are here Home Art. Gregorian Egyptian Museum. Virtual Museum. During Spring 2013 Birmingham Egyptology discussed the topic of virtual museums at the fortnightly forum. Through this debate it was realised that no clear definition of a ‘virtual museum’ existed and that the digital world could allow those interested in displaying objects to present their findings in new and innovative ways.

There were however, no online platforms allowing research to be submitted to a virtual museum. Therefore Birmingham Egyptology decided to create this platform for those people researching objects thereby enabling them to submit their virtual exhibitions. There are only two things needed to create an online exhibition; interpretation and digitization. If you would like the chance to present your research on this platform please email for details ( 3D models are available in pdf format linked to some of the objects presented.

Rechercher une oeuvre | Le site officiel du musée d'Aquitaine. Český egyptologický ústav. 100 Jahre Ägyptologie in Prag Der Beitrag jener, die zur akademischen Gemeinde der deutschen Universität Prag gehörten, im Rahmen der hiesigen Universitätsbildung ist im einzelnen noch immer nicht ausreichend gewürdigt worden. Bedřich Hrozný award for creative work On the 3rd of April, 2013, the Czech Institute of Egyptology received the Bedřich Hrozný Award for creative work for pursuing multidisciplinary work at the Czech concession in Egypt at Abusir and particularly for the discovery of a unique set of statues of high officials from the 5th Dynasty. Czech Institute of Egyptology is on Facebook Czech Institute of Egyptology launched in January 2013 official Facebook page here: Cairo: Hidden Charm of Islamic Architecture 13.1.2010 Hana Benešovská Photography: Jan Brodský Bahariya Workshop | další >> Spring 2013 season at Abusir (February 19th to May 3rd, 2013) 17.7.2013 Jaromír Krejčí Ground breaking discoveries in Abusir South 11.1.2008 Miroslav Bárta.

The Grand Egyptian Museum. Saqqara. De saqqara au Musée du Louvre : le mastaba d'Akhethétep. Startseite (Museum Ägyptischer Kunst München) Szépművészeti Múzeum - Main Page. A Revolution in Art - Russian Avant-Garde in the 1910s and 1920s Avant-Garde Works from the Collection of the Ekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts 29 January 2016 - 1 May 2016 It is exceptionally momentous for Budapest to host a major collection of Russian avant-garde art from a single museum, especially when the works in question have never been seen together before outside Russia. The Hungarian National Gallery is proud to welcome forty outstanding works of art from the avant-garde collection of the Ekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts, produced by such notable Russian artists as Kazimir Malevich, Wassily Kandinsky, Alexander Rodchenko, El Lissitzky, Natalia Goncharova and Mikhail Larionov.

“In Search of Prince Genji - Japan in Words and Images” Ferenc Hopp Museum of Asiatic Arts. Antiques. Museo de La Plata - FCNyM - UNLP - Arqueología. La División Arqueología cuenta con tres Depósitos donde se alojan las piezas de las colecciones, dos de ellos ubicados en el segundo piso Museo y visibles desde las salas de la Planta Baja, y uno más ubicado en el subsuelo del edificio. En conjunto, se estima que el total de piezas arqueológicas con que cuenta la institución supera las 60.000, a las que se suman miles de fragmentos de objetos procedentes de todo el país y de otros países de Sudamérica, de Europa y Africa. Cada una de las cincuenta colecciones posee una historia particular que refleja las condiciones y características de la ciencia en el país en el momento en que cada una de ellas fue ingresada al Museo.

Consideradas como colecciones fundacionales, la Francisco Moreno, la Florentino Ameghino, la Samuel Lafone Quevedo, la Hermann Ten Kate, la Adolfo Methfessel, la Santiago Roth y la Carlos Bruch ingresaron al Museo durante las dos primeras décadas de funcionamiento del mismo. Museum Collection. Collection search. Privacy Policy Update We want to give you the best possible experience online. To help us, we use small files called 'cookies' that provide some of the site's features, and supply information we use to improve it. For further information about the cookies we use, please see our Cookie Policy . Skip to content You are: Home > Collection search > Egypt > Collection search Help | Advanced Search View: Items per page: 12 20 32 Current search 1984 results found for Egypt Pages Sort by Filter by creator: Show more Filter by materials: Filter by category: Filter by object type(s): Quick links Residences Keep in touch Follow us.

Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Abydos, Egypt U-M archaeologists record epigraphy at Abydos, Egypt. Tel Kedesh, Israel Kelsey Museum conservators repair Hellenistic wall plaster on site at Tel Kedesh, Israel. Karanis, Egypt U-M excavation in progress at Karanis, Egypt, ca. 1927 Upjohn Wing Museum-goers begin their visit in the ancient Near East portion of the Upjohn Wing Egyptian mummiform coffin Detail of the Egyptian mummiform coffin (KM 1989.3.1) of the priest Djehutymose (685-525 BC) displayed in the Upjohn Wing Villa of the Mysteries Watercolor reproductions of the Villa of the Mysteries murals from ancient Pompeii in the Upjohn Wing Medieval Islamic textile Medieval Islamic textile with Arabic inscription (KM 22506) from the Kelsey’s large textile collection The Kelsey Museum houses a collection of more than 100,000 ancient and medieval objects from the civilizations of the Mediterranean and the Near East.

To receive email updates about Kelsey events, click here. Click here for a video introducing the Kelsey Museum. The Manchester Museum Collection Database. Dauerausstellung — Universität Bonn. Drei Wege nach Ägypten - Die Dauerausstellung des Ägyptischen Museums der Universität Bonn Das pharaonische Ägypten fasziniert - nicht nur Forscher, sondern auch Kinder und Erwachsene, Laien und Spezialisten, Kunstfreunde, Esoteriker und Sammler. Die Dauerausstellung lädt dazu ein, auf drei Wegen unterschiedliche Zugänge zum alten Ägypten zu erleben. Gleich rechts vom Eintretenden befindet sich das kulturhistorische Panorama. Hier werden in Themenvitrinen wesentliche Aspekte der pharaonischen Kultur vorgestellt und laden dazu ein, in den Dialog mit den Dingen zu treten. Die Vitrine Keramik zeigt an ausgewählten Beispielen, wie sich Gefäßformen in der Zeit verändern, was sie über Gebrauch und Inhalt erzählen und wie sich die Keramik verschiedener Ethnien in Ägypten unterscheidet. Werkzeuge und Waffen demonstrieren, dass Stein im Niltal ein universeller Rohstoff war, aber auch Holz und Metall genutzt wurden.

Als ein dritter Bereich ist das Museum der Sammlungen konzipiert. Llection Search : Egyptian | the mcmanus. Green shabti figure, inscribed Shabti Africa, Egypt Glazed ceramic Museum number 1976-803-2 1976-803-2 on display ... Collection record - admin - 19 Mar 2013 - 15:18 - 0 comments Blue glazed scarab, Thutmose III Scarab Blue and green glaze Geographical origin unknown Museum number 1975-488-5 A scarab beetle with a blue and green glaze, bearing several hieroglyphs on the underside.

Scarabs were mostly made for the living as amulets or charms, and wer ... Glazed steatite scarab, inscribed Scarab Glazed steatite Geographical origin unknown Museum number 1975-488-7 The symmetrical arrangement of hieroglyphs dates this protective amulet to the late Middle Kingdom. Faience scarab, Amenhotep III Scarab Geographical origin unknown Dark blue faience Museum number 1975-488-1 Scarabs were mostly made for the living as amulets or charms and were believed to have protective powers.

Collection record - admin - 19 Mar 2013 - 14:58 - 0 comments Heart scarab Cartonnage case, Egypt cartonnage mask, Egypt. Egyptology Collection – The Atkinson. The Goodison collection of Egyptology contains around 1,000 artefacts and represents both funerary and domestic objects dating from the Predynastic Period (before 3100BC) to the Coptic Period (around 200AD). This collection was an important feature of the Bootle Free Library and Museum, which opened to the public in June 1887. When the museum closed in 1974, most of the objects were brought to Southport for storage.

When The Atkinson museum galleries open in 2014, this collection will be on display for the first time in forty years. Highlights of the collection include a sarcophagus lid from Thebes (modern day Luxor) dating to around 700BC; three exceptionally rare paddle dolls dating to around 1900BC; a rare bronze ring inscribed with the name of Seth, Lord of Nubt dating to around 1550BC; royal shabtis dating from around 1000BC; bronze figures of gods and goddesses; and a pair of well preserved leather sandals that are over 4500 years old.

Allard Pierson Museum. ΕΘΝΙΚΟ ΑΡΧΑΙΟΛΟΓΙΚΟ ΜΟΥΣΕΙΟ ΑΘΗΝΑΣ-OFFICIAL SITE. La culture pour tous - Musée Dobrée. Le site officiel du musée d'Aquitaine. Comune di Trieste - civico museo di storia ed arte. Museum der Universität Tübingen MUT. Multimedia-Produktionen des Museums (Museum Ägyptischer Kunst München) 50 Objekte Weiden. Hem — Medelhavsmuseet. Museus, exposições Voronezh, Voronezh, Voronezh Museu de Arqueologia: gráficos Voronezh, pintura Voronezh, Voronezh kramsokoy. English site. National Museum Copenhagen - Copenhagen Tourist - Copenhagen Cruise Visitors< Museo Arqueológico Nacional. Musée des Beaux Arts et d'Archéologie de Besancon - Label Musée de France.

Willkommen im Ägyptischen Museum der Universität Bonn — Universität Bonn. Fondation Gandur pour l'Art - 1 Egypt. Egyptological Institute in Egypt: Graduate Program. Allard Pierson Museum. Museum August Kestner. The Walters Art Museum. Accueil - Musée Royal de Mariemont - Administration Générale de la Culture - Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. Cessing Virtual Egypt.

Fakultät für Geschichte, Kunst- und Orientwissenschaften der Universität Leipzig: Startseite. Collections: Ancient Egypt | Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology. Musée départemental des Antiquités de Rouen. Lepsius-online - Ausstellungen. Carmentis - Catalogue en ligne du musée des MRAH - Collection | Highlight. Musée d'art et d'histoire. Search collection | Dutch National Museum of Antiquities. ANTIQUITÉS ÉGYPTIENNES | Musée des Beaux-Arts de Limoges. Egypte. Collezioni egizie in Italia. The Fitzwilliam Museum : Pharos - explore the collections by theme or time. Egypt at the Manchester Museum. Deir el-Medina stelae in the Egyptian Museum in Turin. Museo Egizio, Torino Italy (Egyptian museum) - LED lighting by Philips Ilti Luce. Homepage: View (Egyptian Museum Berlin) Woking College Loan. The State Hermitage Museum: Digital Collection -- Powered by IBM. Eternal Egypt - Site Down. Digital Egypt for Universities.

Bible und Orient Museum. Saint Louis Art Museum: Collections. Egypten — Medelhavsmuseet. Louvre-Lens : site officiel du projet. MUSEO CIVICO ARCHEOLOGICO DI BOLOGNA. Museo Arqueológico Nacional. British Museum. Online research catalogues. Collection database online. Musée du Louvre. Base Atlas LOUVRE.

Ny Carlsberg Glyptoteket.