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Museo Arqueológico Nacional

Museo Arqueológico Nacional

Louvre-Lens : site officiel du projet Home page Fundació Joan Miró Museo de Altamira Saint Louis Art Museum: Collections Página Inicial da Biblioteca Digital Mundial Site officiel du musée du Louvre Collection database online Registration numbers The most common type of Museum number begins with the year of acquisition. The database standardises these numbers in the form, for example: 1887,0708.2427 (year: comma: block of four numbers - usually representing a month and day: full-stop and final number). The final number can be of any length and may be followed by another full-stop and a sub-number. In some cases the same number is shared by two or more objects across departments. In some of these cases a prefix has been added before a number (e.g. If the number you are entering has come from an old catalogue it could appear in the form 1887-7-8-2427. In the case of some two-dimensional works from Asia and the Middle East a full stop may need to be inserted into the final number. The second most common type of Museum number takes the form of one or two letters followed by two numbers. BM or 'Big' numbers Other numbering systems Sir Percival David Collection of Chinese Ceramics Chinese and Japanese paintings

The National Gallery, London British Museum El Museu Blau | Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona El Museu Blau està situat al parc del Fòrum. Va ser construït pels arquitectes Herzog & de Meuron l’any 2004. Prop del mar i del riu Besòs, ha esdevingut des de març de 2011 un equipament obert i dinàmic, representatiu i útil en el context de la problemàtica mediambiental actual. Ocupa 9.000 metres quadrats distribuïts en dues plantes amb instal·lacions i serveis moderns per a tots els públics que s’estructuren al voltant d’un immens vestíbul de lliure accés , que és el punt de partida i d’arribada de tots els programes i serveis del Museu: l’exposició de referència «Planeta Vida», els espais per a exposicions temporals, la Mediateca, el Niu de ciència per a infants de 0-6 anys, les aules, la sala d’actes, els tallers i la botiga. El Museu Blau ha guanyat un certificat d’excel·lència en hospitalitat el 2014, atorgat per Tripadvisor a partir de les opinions emeses pels visitants del centre i pels usuaris d’aquest portal.

Woking College Loan Share on facebook Woking College Loan A collection of over 50 ancient Egyptian objects travelled from Surrey to Swansea, and arrived at the the Egypt Centre today (31st May 2012). The artefacts, donated by Woking College, include several shabtis (servant figurines) which the ancient Egyptians believed would do work for their deceased owners in the afterlife. The ancient artefacts were donated to Woking College in the 1970’s and were re discovered by Martin Ingram, Principal of Woking College who sought the advice of the British Museum to ensure that the valuable collection would be put to best use to encourage current students to pursue their studies in Ancient History. The Egypt Centre is trying to find out more about these artefacts. The Egypt Centre will borrow the artefacts from Woking College initially for 10 years. Woking College is a very successful sixth form college, from which the vast majority of students progress to university.
