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40+ Online Competitive Intelligence Tools. Rather than go into how you do online competitive intelligence, I’m just going to run through a free list of tools that have earned themselves and honorable mention here and give you some awesome tidbits for finding information online.

40+ Online Competitive Intelligence Tools

I review competitive information on a daily basis; Ihave to warn you that its a lot of information. Don’t be afraid of simply sitting down and playing with one or two tools a week and seeing what you come up with. Alerti, un outil de veille et d'alertes intéressant bientôt di. Alerti. Stample. Veille et curation en mode collaboratif. VEILLE. KIT DE RESSOURCES OPENDATA. Llrx. [Note: The accuracy and reliability of data and information published on the Web is subject to continuous verification.


It is recommended that you use multiple sources, cross-check data and routinely perform due diligence reviews on sources and publications to which you cite and from which you source data. The Web is a dynamic entity - sites often change URLs, content focus, and ownership. Many sites go offline with little or no notification. Llrx. 10 Marketing Lessons From The Game of Thrones. , // @ Mark Harai // One Comment The Game of Thrones is loved by all, that is no secret.

10 Marketing Lessons From The Game of Thrones

The Game of Thrones can be used as a reference point for marketing strategies should also be no secret, considering the valuable lessons one learns from it. Intelligence économique et créativité au sein de la PME/PMI : une compétence offensive à organiser. Topsy - Real-time search for the social web. With iOS 9, Search lets you look for content from the web, your contacts, apps, nearby places, and more.

Topsy - Real-time search for the social web

Powered by Siri, Search offers suggestions and updates results as you type. There are two ways to use Search on your iOS device. Quick Search Drag down from the middle of the Home screen and type what you're looking for. Analyze Words. Social Media Monitoring and Engagement – Radian6. Social Media Monitoring and Analysis with Alterian SM2 (Formerly Techrigy) Do you know the process your customers take to buy and connect with you?

Social Media Monitoring and Analysis with Alterian SM2 (Formerly Techrigy)

Their journey is often filled with many steps, stops and starts. What you do to help them along the way makes all the difference in gaining a competitive foothold. Taking action to improve the experiences your customers have within that journey can convert them from shoppers to customers, and then to advocates. Too often customers don’t ask for what they want, and rarely do they behave in the way you expect them to; however, they are telling others directly in social media.

Taking a walk in your customer’s shoes isn’t necessarily a walk in the park, but it can provide a rich and contextual view into exactly where the customer is in their journey. Twitalyzer: Serious Analytics for Social Relationships. Real-time Web Analytics, Funnel Analysis. There are many metrics that measure engagement but page views are not one of them.

Real-time Web Analytics, Funnel Analysis

Make your product better by measuring actions, instead of page views. Mixpanel gives you the ability to easily measure what people are doing in your app on iOS, Android, and web. See how it works Answer your hardest questions without writing SQL Working with data often means writing SQL queries, which is great for engineers or data scientists but hard or impossible for everyone else. LinkedIn Launches New Analytics For Company Pages.

LinkedIn has always been the job seekers platform. Looking for a job, look no further than LinkedIn. While they have added features to enhance their “stay power” with Twitter updates, the LinkedIn sharing tool, the ability to upgrade to place your resume high atop of a pile, to our updates and groups, their focus has always been to be a professional site where users can come and be professional and build a platform that was conducive to connecting with people to gain employment or build a business. GazeHawk - Eye Tracking For Everyone - Usability Services & Software. WebShare's Sample Size Estimation Tool - Plan your landing page test by calculating your necessary sample size. Social Media Monitoring Tools for Business by Sysomos.