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Foreign Policy In Focus | International Affairs, Peace, Justice, and Environment. Europe - Robert Schuman Foundation - The french think tank on Europe. Accueil. Cercle Alexis de Tocqueville. Ideas into Action for Peace, Justice, and the Environment - Institute for Policy Studies.

CLUB OF ROME - Europabüro in ÖSTERREICH. Adam Smith Institute - the free-market think tank. RAND Corporation Provides Objective Research Services and Public Policy Analysis. Blog. Wednesday's Supreme Court decision in McCutcheon v. FEC has brought a lot of speculation about the likely growth in the role of big donors now that overall limits on donations to parties, PACs and candidates have been demolished.

But what effect will the ruling have on the share of campaign contributions coming from men versus women? In the 2012 election cycle, 644 individual donors hit the aggregate limit of $117,000. Among them, 501, or 78 percent, were men; women accounted for just 22 percent these contributors. By comparison, among all individual donors of more than $200 in the 2012 cycle, only 66.7 percent were men, and they accounted for 69.7% of campaign contributions. Women are a majority of the population, but a minority of campaign donors and a smaller minority of maxed-out campaign donors. And if married couples are excluded, the percentage of women drops even lower. Image: Miriam and Sheldon Adelson in Macau in 2012 (AP Photo/Kin Cheung) Home. Observatoire Français des Think Tanks. Fondation Copernic.

Accueil. Chatham House: Independent thinking on international affairs | Home. Defense and National Security.