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- Renseignement, Défense, Technologie, Terrorisme, Intelligence économique Britain accused of trying to block EU data protection law | Technology Britain has been accused of trying to impede data protection reforms that would make it more difficult for spy agencies to get hold of material online. The European parliament is planning to vote on a new, unified law for EU member states in the next few weeks, but activists fear Britain is deliberately obstructing the path to new legislation. Speaking at an international conference on data protection in Warsaw on Thursday, the UK information commissioner, Christopher Graham, said the first draft of the proposed regulation was "too dirigiste". Britain was "not interested in regulation that is a to-do list". The first draft of the new general data protection regulation was presented on 25 January 2012. However, the British view is that the disclosures have merely highlighted how differently European countries feel about online privacy, which will make it harder to reach any compromise. The standoff between Britain and other EU countries has several dimensions.

Cryptome accueil et nouveautés Orphelins de laboratoire (par Liam Scheff) Pendant que des enfants meurent en direct à Besla devant les téléviseurs du monde entier, d’autres agonisent en silence entre les murs blancs d’une clinique, à l’abri des regards indiscrets. Pour ces orphelins séropositifs il n’y aura pas de couverture médiatique ou si peu. Un hebdomadaire, le New York Press, a néanmoins brisé le silence religieusement observé par la grande majorité des media sur la controverse des dissidents du SIDA en publiant un article décapant de Liam Scheff ; un journaliste engagé qui signe ici une enquête sur les études pharmacologiques menées à Washington sur des enfants abandonnés.

ISC - CFHM - IHCC Will the NSA Revelations Kickstart the Cybersecurity Industry in China? | China Power A look at the opportunities – and the challenges – for cybersecurity entrepreneurs in China. By Adam Segal for The Diplomat September 28, 2013 Facebook0 Twitter0 Google+2 LinkedIn0 One of the common arguments in the wake of the Snowden revelations about NSA surveillance is that other countries are going to double down on developing their own technology industries to reduce their dependence on U.S. companies. This week the National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team Coordination Center of China and the Internet Society of China sponsored the Chinese Internet Security Conference in Beijing. Yuan highlights at least three problems China will face: Awareness. Investment. Entrepreneurship. In his speech, Yuan suggests that he will be attacked for airing these weaknesses.

List of think tanks This article is a list of think tanks sorted by country. United Nations[edit] United Nations University (UNU) Australia[edit] Azerbaijan[edit] Bangladesh[edit] Belgium[edit] Bosnia and Herzegovina[edit] Center for Socio Economic Studies POPULARI Brazil[edit] Canada[edit] Chile[edit] Czech Republic[edit] Institute for Social and Economic Analyses Denmark[edit] Egypt[edit] Fiji[edit] Pasifika Nexus (PN) Finland[edit] France[edit] Georgia (country)|Georgia[edit] New Economic School – Georgia Germany[edit] Greece[edit] Hong Kong[edit] Hong King Policy Research Institute Hungary[edit] India[edit] Ireland[edit] Iran[edit] Israel[edit] Italy[edit] Japan[edit] Kenya[edit] African Progress Center Mexico[edit] Morocco[edit] Amadeus Institute Hypatia of Alexandria Institute for Reflexion & Studies ( Netherlands[edit] New Zealand[edit] Nigeria[edit] Pakistan[edit] Philippines[edit] Resources, Environment and Economics Center for Studies (REECS) Poland[edit] Portugal[edit] Russia[edit] Singapore[edit] Slovakia[edit] Sri Lanka[edit]

Jeff Beck's website Armees.Com - Actualité NSA/Ecoutes numériques : Les renseignements africains veulent créer un système de communication sécurisé Conclusions de la 2ème réunion ministérielle sur le renforcement de la coopération en matière de sécurité et l’opérationnalisation de l’Architecture africaine de paix et de sécurité dans la région sahélo-saharienne - See more at: 1. Dans le cadre du suivi des conclusions de la réunion ministérielle sur le renforcement de la coopération sécuritaire et l’opérationnalisation de l’Architecture africaine de paix et de sécurité (APSA) dans la région sahélo-saharienne, tenue à Nouakchott, en République islamique de Mauritanie, le 17 mars 2013, la deuxième réunion des pays de la région a eu lieu à Ndjamena, au Tchad, le 11 septembre 2013. 2. Union Africaine - peaceau

Muckety-Exploring the paths of power and influence
