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Docs séquence. Britain cracks down on sterotypes. Time's up & MeToo. STEM. Women and Men fighting for gender equality. Women CEOs. Gender roles. Boys. We should all be feminists - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie at TEDxEuston. International Women’s Day 2017: 6 of the best campaigns empowering women. P&G launches corporate #WeSeeEqual campaign to fight gender bias In honour of International Women’s Day, Procter & Gamble (P&G) has launched a new corporate #WeSeeEqual campaign aimed at uncovering gender bias.

International Women’s Day 2017: 6 of the best campaigns empowering women

The campaign is running on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram and features a video showing men, women, boys and girls defying gender stereotypes, using clips from a number of its brands including Always and Secret. P&G brands including Pantene, Ariel and Fairy have all done ads on gender equality themes in recent years, but this is the first time it has brought them together under the corporate umbrella. Speaking to Marketing Week, P&G marketing director for Northern Europe Stefan Feitoza says the FMCG giant is keen to “create new expectations for people to live up to”. JeongMee Yoon's official website. My current work, The Pink and Blue Projects are the topic of my thesis.

JeongMee Yoon's official website

This project explores the trends in cultural preferences and the differences in the tastes of children (and their parents) from diverse cultures, ethnic groups as well as gender socialization and identity. The work also raises other issues, such as the relationship between gender and consumerism, urbanization, the globalization of consumerism and the new capitalism. The Pink and Blue Projects were initiated by my five-year-old daughter, who loves the color pink so much that she wanted to wear only pink clothes and play with only pink toys and objects.

I discovered that my daughter’s case was not unusual. In the United States, South Korea and elsewhere, most young girls love pink clothing, accessories and toys. Pink was once a color associated with masculinity, considered to be a watered down red and held the power associated with that color. As girls grow older, their taste for pink changes. Want to be an activist? Start with your toys - McKenna Pope. Superheroes send out 'wrong message' to boys. "When not in superhero costume, these men, like Ironman, exploit women, flaunt bling and convey their manhood with high-powered guns.

Superheroes send out 'wrong message' to boys

" The comic book heroes of the past did fight criminals, she said, "but these were heroes boys could look up to and learn from because outside of their costumes, they were real people with real problems and many vulnerabilities," she said. To understand how the media and marketing managers package masculinity to boys, Lamb surveyed 674 boys age 4 to 18, walked through malls and talked to sales clerks and came to understand what boys were reading and watching on television and at the movies. She and her co-authors found that marketing managers take advantage of boys' need to forge their identity in adolescence and sell them a narrow version of masculinity.

They can either be a "player" or a "slacker" – the guy who never even tries – to save face. Break the Box campaign launch. Mar.12/ This past week, Citizen and the Texas Association Agaisnst Sexual Assault (TAASA) lauched our Break the Box campaign encouraging Texans to pledge against sexual violence by speaking out against gender stereotypes.

Break the Box campaign launch

Sexual violence isn't just about rape or physical harassment. TIME Person of the Year 2017: The Silence Breakers. TIME Person of the Year 2017: The Silence Breakers. Movie stars are supposedly nothing like you and me.

TIME Person of the Year 2017: The Silence Breakers

They're svelte, glamorous, self-­possessed. Tom Hiddleston in Leading Lady Parts. Comedy Short: Leading Lady Parts - BBC. Is it ok for guys... The Reel Foto: JeongMee Yoon: Boys versus Girls, The Pink & Blue Project. "Blue is for boys and pink is for girls".

The Reel Foto: JeongMee Yoon: Boys versus Girls, The Pink & Blue Project

That statement has been so subconsciously ingrained into the minds of practically everyone in the first world that it seems silly to challenge it. Indeed, the differences in gender with boys versus girls and blue versus pink has become an accepted fact that manufacturers nowadays will automatically assign blue products to guys and pink products to gals. If Women Ruled The World. Man and Woman : Songs - ESL RESOURCES. Taylor Swift - Mean (YouTube) + LYRICS ( "You, with your words like knives And swords and weapons that you use against me...

Man and Woman : Songs - ESL RESOURCES

Someday, I’ll be living in a big old city, And all you’re ever gonna be is mean. Someday, I’ll be big enough so you can’t hit me... " English Through Music: Taylor Swift’s Song, “Mean” Read and listen to the article. Then, open the activities on the right side of the page to learn English. Man and Woman : Videos - ESL RESOURCES. New Ad Shows The Sneaky Ways We Keep Girls Away From Science. The Truth About Being A Girl. Cracking the Gender Code. The gender wars of household chores: a feminist comic. Gender bias harms women - and men. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. How to teach ... feminism. Gender equality is rarely out of the news, and feminism is a term and topic that rightly has support in high places.

How to teach ... feminism

In her enormously popular Ted talk, Nigerian novelist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, says We Should All Be Feminists – the Swedish Women’s Lobby agrees, giving a copy of the speech to all 16-year-olds in the country. LearnEnglish Teens. 100 Women. 5 Celebrities who've Fought Back Against Gender Stereotypes. Gender stereotyping, by definition, is the generalisation of attributes, differences and roles onto each gender.

5 Celebrities who've Fought Back Against Gender Stereotypes

This can range from the belief that make-up is specifically reserved for women, to the idea ‘dirty’ and ‘dangerous’ jobs are ‘jobs for a man’. Despite these messages unfortunately still being prevalent in our society, change is occurring. We can see an increase in the number of people challenging these norms, most notably celebrities. What better use their fame and ability to deliver messages to a wide audience than to promote the act of breaking these rigid gender ‘norms’? Troye Sivan After a steady rise to fame via YouTube since 2012, the Australian singer-songwriter has brought about a lot of change in breaking gender norms and consoling fans and those alike that it is okay to express yourself as whoever or whatever you wish to. Although a commonly broken norm, Troye partnered with Vevo Lift late last year to create a video where he gets his nails painted. Celebrities Speak Out About Gender Equality and Feminism In Hollywood.

Now more than ever, women from all walks of life are speaking up about the political, social and economic injustices they face because of their gender.

Celebrities Speak Out About Gender Equality and Feminism In Hollywood

Whilst we might think of Tinseltown as exempt from these kinds of struggles, these celebrities are speaking out about how even in one of the most glamorous and sought-after industries in the world, they still face many forms of inequality... Cracking the Code: Bringing Technology to Girls of Color. The gender gap at universities: where are all the men? If you're a male student on campus at Liverpool Hope, Bath Spa or Cumbria University, you may be feeling a little outnumbered. These are some of the 20 institutions where there are twice as many female fulltime undergraduates as there are male, according to Higher Education Statistics Authority (Hesa) data. In 2010-11, there were more female (55%) than male fulltime undergraduates (45%) enrolled at university – a trend which shows no sign of shrinking.

The latest statistics released by the University and Colleges Admissions Service (Ucas) revealed a 22,000 drop in the number of male students enrolling at university. This meant that last autumn women were a third more likely to start a degree than their male counterparts, despite the fact that there are actually more young men than women in the UK. • Flick between the tabs on the interactive graphic below to view a gender breakdown at institution and subject level, as well as an overview of subject changes over the past five years.