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Esta es toda el agua que hay en el planeta - Gizmodo ES - The gadgets weblog - Nightly (Build 20120320043530) Magnifying the Universe - Nightly (Build 20120320043530) Embed this infographic on your site!

Magnifying the Universe - Nightly (Build 20120320043530)

<iframe width="500" height="323" scrolling="no" src=" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><br />Copyright 2012. <a href=" the Universe</a> by <a href=" Sleuth</a>. The above is an interactive infographic. We have also developed a complimentary poster that you can view here: Sizes of the Universe poster. If you're technically inclined, here's a look at the references we used to construct these infographics: Facts About The Universe. Introduction: This interactive infographic from Number Sleuth accurately illustrates the scale of over 100 items within the observable universe ranging from galaxies to insects, nebulae and stars to molecules and atoms.

While other sites have tried to magnify the universe, no one else has done so with real photographs and 3D renderings. How To Use: Step 1:To experience this interactive infographic in full screen (our recommendation) click the "Full Screen" button in the top right corner of the infographic. The Scale of the Universe 2.

Pendulum Waves - YouTube - Nightly. Sand Pendulum - YouTube - Nightly. Flickr: Intercambio de fotos - Aurora. Scale - What If other planets replaced the moon? - YouTube - Aurora. Fogonazos. Así aterrizará el Curiosity. Así aterrizará el Curiosity Posted by Jordi Guzmán on abril 6th, 2011 El rover Curiosity, dentro de la misión denominada Mars Science Laboratory, tiene previsto su despegue a finales de 2011 y la llegada a Marte hacia agosto de 2012.

Así aterrizará el Curiosity

Es un vehículo de considerables dimensiones y con casi una tonelada de peso. Para hacerse una idea de su tamaño incluyo dos fotografías de un gran reportaje fotográfico que hoy ha publicado Boing Boing. ‪Mars World That Never Was‬‏ Cinco disciplinas místicas “ancestrales” que fueron inventadas antes de ayer. Los occidentales estamos fascinados por todo lo que venga de oriente, así que solemos estar más que dispuestos a embutirnos en unas mallas de colores y practicar todo tipo de ejercicios y rituales, a ser posible “ancestrales”. Al fin y al cabo, Pregunta a alguien que lleve leotardos y que permanezca mirando al infinito cuál es la antigüedad del yoga y la respuesta aproximada que te dará es de cinco mil años.

En otros términos, el común de los mortales está convencido de que los estiramientos y las poses serenas se anticipan varios siglos a la construcción secreta de las pirámides por parte de los extraterrestres… El conjunto de posturas y técnicas de respiración que conocemos como yoga datan del remotísimo año de 1960. ¿Y cómo es posible? La primera mención al yoga aparece en los Upanishads, unos textos sagrados hindúes de hace 2.500 años. . , que incluía 122 posturas tomadas principalmente de la gimnasia india. El mito: Versión traducida y reducida del . View the Universe in different wavelengths. 7 Man-Made Substances that Laugh in the Face of Physics. The universe is full of weird substances like liquid metal and whatever preservative keeps Larry King alive.

7 Man-Made Substances that Laugh in the Face of Physics

But mankind isn't happy to accept the weirdness of nature when we can create our own abominations of science that, due to the miracle of technology, spit in nature's face and call it retarded. That's why we came up with... #7. Ferrofluids What do you get when you suspend nanoparticles of iron compounds in a colloidal solution of water, oil and a surfactant? A ferrofluid is a liquid that reacts to magnetic fields in trippy ways that make you think that science is both magical and potentially evil. Atomic Weapon. Time Travel Research Center © 2005 Cetin BAL - GSM:+90 05366063183 - Turkey/Denizli Atomic Weapon - Atom bombası Diagram-1 Diagram -2 Diagram-1 Stabilizing Tail Fins Tail cone Air inlet tubes Air pressure detonator Lead Shield container Detonator arm Detonating head Conventional Explosive Charge (cordite) Uranium-235 "Bullet" (ca. 24 kg, 16 cm long, 10 cm diameter) gun cylinder (not drawn to proportion: it was 180 cm long, with an inner diameter of 10 cm) Uranium-235 "Target" (ca. 36 kg) with receptacle (neutron reflector is just above) Archie radar altimeter antenna (4xAPS-13) Fuses (inserted to arm bomb just before dropping it) Diagram-2 The Fat Man atomic bomb being readied on Tinian The initial design for the plutonium bomb was also based on using a simple gun design (known as the "Thin Man") like the uranium bomb.

Atomic Weapon

Fat Man Specifications Interior of the Fatman bomb. Hubbard's comments on the bogeyman of the time - the atomic bomb - are unintentionally hilarious. Fusion.