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The Best iPad Text Editors [Best Of. The best five iPad text editors, according to me.

The Best iPad Text Editors [Best Of

I write a ton on my iPad these days, which lets me work wherever I like (usually in bed) and concentrate way better than I can working on my giant-screened iMac. Thanks to our complex blogging back end here at Cult of Mac, it’s still easier to add pictures and other bits and pieces with the Mac, but the writing part is so much better on the iPad that I try to do it as often as I can. I figured I’d show you a few of the apps I used. Below you’ll find my favorite writing apps for the iPad. This is a list of the five writing apps I still use.

Writing Kit $4.99 First up is Writing Kit, the app I use every day. It has a built-in browser for research (and you can send links and photos straight to the editor), a “Quick Research” popover window which lets you look things up, perform conversions and a whole lot more, and support for various bookmarking sites.


About Storybook. Awesome Highlighter. Citebite. TubeChop. Check Spelling, Style, and Grammar with After the Deadline. Plagiarism tracker & checker. Students, get citable references for your research with The Full Wiki. PhiloComp: The Signature Stylometric System. The aim of this website is to highlight the many strong links between Philosophy and Computing, for the benefit of students of both disciplines: For students of Philosophy who are seeking ways into formal Computing, learning by discovery about programming, how computers work, language processing, artificial intelligence, and even conducting computerised thought experiments on philosophically interesting problems such as the evolution of co-operative behaviour.

PhiloComp: The Signature Stylometric System

For students of Computing who are keen to see how their technical abilities can be applied to intellectually exciting and philosophically challenging problems. The links along the top of these web pages lead to the main sections of the website (click here for the next page in the "Home" section). The images along the left, right, and bottom link to some of the most popular pages, including those that are host to the teaching systems Elizabeth, Signature, and Turtle. See the Site Map for a comprehensive list of other links.

Phrase Detectives - The AnaWiki annotation game. Labs, trattamento automatico della lingua. A cosa lavoriamo TRANSLATED è un provider di servizi linguistici.

Labs, trattamento automatico della lingua

Il suo successo nasce dall'applicazione dell'informatica al settore della traduzione. Nei T-Labs vengono sviluppate e testate tecnologie per migliorare la qualità dei processi di traduzione professionale. Le aree più importanti di ricerca sono: Bilingual Sequences Extraction from the web Semantic search Statistical Machine Translation Multilingual Web Architecture and Usability Translation Workflow Automation Language Modelling Data Mining and Web Information Retrieval Automatic classification of unstructured data. Leximancer: From Words to Meaning to Insight. Analyse lexicale d'un texte ou d'un discours avec Antconc - Bafo. L’objet de ce billet est de présenter une méthode simple, rapide et gratuite pour effectuer l’analyse lexicale d’un ou plusieurs textes.

Étant loin d’être un spécialiste confirmé de la question, je me baserai sur l’ouvrage L’analyse de contenu de Laurence Bardin, plus particulièrement sur la section intitulée « Analyse lexicale et syntaxique sur un échantillon » (p. 82 à 92). Je me limiterai ici à exposer la façon dont on peut calculer la richesse du vocabulaire utilisé dans les textes analysés. Il s’agit d’une méthode purement statistique, qui ne prête aucune attention au sens des mots ou des phrases et qui est incapable de dire quoi que ce soit sur la maîtrise syntaxique de la personne ayant produit le texte. Free Summarizer, an online automatic tool to summarize any text or article. Summarize a Document. Laurence Anthony's software.

AntConc A freeware concordance program for Windows, Macintosh OS X, and Linux.

Laurence Anthony's software

The AntConc Homepage (including previous versions, tutorials, and help) AntPConc A freeware parallel concordance program for Windows. AntWordProfiler A freeware word profiling program for Windows, Macintosh OS X, and Linux similar to Paul Nation's Range program. The AntWordProfiler Homepage (listing all previous versions of the AntWordProfiler software.) AntFileConverter. Analizzatore di leggibilità. Introduzione.

Analizzatore di leggibilità

ItalWordNet. Speech Accent Archive. Chris Harrison - Web Trigrams Visualization. Back in late 2006, Google released a massive set of web n-gram data (basically pieces of sentences).

Chris Harrison - Web Trigrams Visualization

A trigram (n=3), for example, might be "I like food" or "frog is tasty. " Each n-gram is also labeled with the number of times it appeared in Google's corpus. The entire archive, which is almost 100GB uncompressed, has unigrams (n=1) through fivegrams (n=5). The data set is offered through the LDC for those who are interested (link). As soon as I got my hands on the data, I quickly got to work on some straight forward visualizations. These visual comparisons allow us to see differences in how the two subjects are used - both where they are similar and diverge. I also created a little series of visualizations that shows how six common subjects are used. Very simple, but kind of cool. WordSift - Visualize Text.

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