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Slow Your Home. Loving Simple Living | Using minimalism to declutter, destress and focus on what matters. Minimalist Lifestyle - Minimalism Is Simple - A Minimalist Mother Daughter Journey. Miss minimalist. Blog | The Minimalist Mom. I haven’t forgotten my commitment to track how much comes in, and goes out, of my home this year.

We have a running tally on our chalkboard (just a sticker chalkboard as we’re renting and I’m loath to put holes in the wall) of the new shoes that come in, old shoes that go out, the [...] Minimalist Adventures. Midway Simplicity | Simple Living Ideas For The Mainstream. About. Be more with less is about simplifying your life and really living.

Here, you can learn how to create a life with more savings and less no debt, more health and less stress, more time and less stuff, and more joy with less obligation You will find tips and ideas to simplify your life and learn to live with less to enjoy more and be more. You can read this for more details about the topics I’ll write about and visit this page to see interviews with me, guest posts and other media coverage. You might be wondering why I am the right person to cover this subject. My name is Courtney Carver and I am a 44 year old, aspiring minimalist. In 2006 I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Please subscribe to receive regular updates through email and if you have questions, or want to get in touch, email me anytime with questions, ideas, or any feedback.

This is an ad-free site. Reading my tea leaves. Minimal Student. Zenhabits. Habitudes Zen | :mnmlist. 100 objets? The Green Minimalist. Castles in the Air. Ken Ilgunas.