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How To Create A Custom Search Engine For Your Students. How To Create A Custom Google Search Engine For Your Students by TeachThought Staff While many teachers embrace the chaos of digital research, for others setting students loose on Google is a recipe for a research project chock-full of Wiki Answers and other less-than-ideal information sources. Because evaluating the credibility of information is an important part of any research project, giving your students proper tools to do the cognitive heavy lifting is critical.

Luckily, Google gives you the option to customize students’ search experience to rope off certain sections of the internet, or to gently emphasize others. (In fact, you could even have students create their own custom search engine as a part of the project itself.) Below is an overview of the steps, from naming the search engine and choosing the sites you’d like students to select from, to customizing search features and sharing the link with students. How To Create A Custom Search Engine For Your Students 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Use GoogleDocs Self-Grading Quiz as an Exit Ticket. Tips & Tricks for Searching Google Like a Pro [Infographic] 100 Great Google Docs Tips for Students & Educators. Google Testing Center.

9 Apps to Help You Completely Organize Your Life - TIME. Educational Paradigms: Learning and Leading in the 21st Century: 10 Google Th... Digital Learning Day is March 13th. Here are ten things to try. All compliments of Google. 3-Create and Use the built in Task Feature (Google’s To-Do List) With Google Cultural Institute you can find landmarks and world heritage sites, as well as digital exhibitions that tell stories behind the archives of cultural institutions across the globe. 8-Create playlists in You Tube for use in class. You Tube is owned by Google and you already have You Tube account. If you regularly use You Tube videos in class, you may want to create a playlist with different topics to help organize them.

Google Classroom helps teachers create, assign, and collect student classwork and homework paperlessly. 10-Finally understand what Google+ is. Get better and learn more about any Google App using the Apps Learning Center I'm reading: 10 Google Things to Try for Digital Learning Day Tweet this! The end of ‘just Google it’: Why students need to be digitally literate. Just because young people are functionally very capable, doesn’t mean they always have the criticality to appraise the wealth of information available. English teacher Jennifer Wilson discusses how critical thinking and digital literacy need to go hand-in-hand. Most students in school today are digital natives. They’ve grown up with smartphones and tablets, interacting with the world in a very different way than we did 15 years ago. Thanks to the wonders of the internet, we're just a click away from information about any topic imaginable.

With that in mind, it’s worth considering how schools can prepare students to respond to the wealth of information available, to them and how they can use technology for personal and social benefits. "Delivering a lesson on iPads in front of students who were vastly more comfortable with this technology was daunting. " Digital literacy is about more than the practically competent use of devices. Why do students need to be digitally literate?

1. 2. Ten Tips for Teaching Students how to Research and Filter Information : Primary Tech. Posted by Mrs Kathleen Morris on Tuesday, May 29th 2012 I was recently involved in a conversation about how difficult it now is to filter what is on the internet and research effectively. In the past, students would primarily use books to research; being overloaded with possibly unreliable information wasn’t really an issue. Teaching students research skills is becoming increasingly important. Some refer to the filtering and critical evaluation of information as ‘web literacy’. Unfortunately, many teachers don’t feel confident with their own skills to be able to assist their students with this. Some schools get around this issue by heavily blocking the sites children have access too. I’m no expert in this area but I have compiled a list of ten tips that I try to give my students to help them with internet research and filtering.

Search: Start with some general key words. Image: 'not quite clear on the concept' What tips can you add? Google Testing Center. Making the Most of Google Docs: Tips & Lesson Ideas. Since attending the Google Teacher Academy in April, I have been trying to learn as much as possible about each Google application. The result? I am realizing how little I actually knew about these tools and how tragically I was underutilizing them!

Take Google Docs, for example. I have been using Google Docs for a couple of years, yet I had no idea how much I could actually do with docs personally or with my students. So, in this blog want to share some information on basic functionality as well as fun ideas for using Google Docs (now Google Drive for some of us) with students. Back to Basics Let’s start with a definition, Google Docs “is a suite of products that lets you create different kinds of online documents, work on them in real time with other people, and store your documents and your other files — all online, and all for free.”

Types of Docs: Documents Documents are a free online word processor. Forms Use forms to: – Collect student data & get to know them better Spreadsheets 1. 2. Google Launches YouTube Kids - An for Watching Family-Friendly Videos. Google Apps Tips : Scripts. Using Google Apps, Extensions and Scripts to Make Teaching Easier. How To Undo A Sent Email In Gmail. REUTERS/Jorge Dan Lopez A clown called Bubo works on his computer during the 4th Latin American Clown Congress in Guatemala City, July 25, 2012. You clicked send. Oh crap. When you send a no-take-backs email — maybe an admission to a secret crush, or accidental reply-all — there's an instant pang of regret.

It feels like there's no going back. Meet Gmail's Undo Send feature, a lifesaving little hack buried in the Gmail Labs settings. It gives you a 30-second window to "undo" sending an outgoing email. You just have to enable it first. Here's how it works: 1. Gmail screenshot 2. 3. 4. 5. Now when you send an email, the yellow dialogue that displays "Your message has been sent" will also give you the option to Undo. It defaults so that you have 10 seconds to click before the Undo button disappears, but you can adjust that window of opportunity.

We weren't the first to discover this cool trick. Note, features in Gmail Labs are experimental and may change, break, or disappear at any time. Create Surveys and Graded Quizzes with Google Drive » Teach Amazing! Written by Teach Amazing! Using Google apps such as Google Forms and Google Sheets (spreadsheet similar to Microsoft Excel) is free and easy. These tools combine to provide and excellent way to receive feedback and even distribute self-graded quizzes.

As of the date of this post, Google has updated the look of Google Drive and moved things around. So, even if you have done this before make sure you read this post to find out where everything is. Step 1: Access Google Drive In your browser, navigate to and sign in to your Google account. Step 2: Create a Google Form To create a new form, which can be used as a survey or a quiz, click New > More > Google Forms. Step 3: Add Title, Description, and First Question Type a Title and Description for the Quiz.For the rest of this post we will use the word “quiz.” Step 4: Additional Questions Click Add Item to add additional questions. For each question, type a Question Title, select the Question type, and type your answer choices. 100 Great Google Docs Tips for Students & Educators. Google Form Tip: How to Prepopulate a List in "Choose From a List" Learn To Code Online With These 15 Online Resources. Free Technology for Teachers.

Tester: iOS 8 Apps Will Work 'Like Magic' - Business Insider. Teachers Handbook on Creative Commons and Copyright ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning. Twitter for Teachers: A Quick Start Guide. Technology is a growing part of the classroom, with tablets and smart TVs quickly integrating themselves into the curriculum. But fast-paced change – and the fact that students are often miles ahead of both teachers and parents when it comes to the latest apps and social networks – can intimidate even the most tech-savvy teacher. Here’s a quick-start guide for teachers who are looking to incorporate Twitter into their classroom as a learning tool, without getting lost in the millions of tweets sent every day.

There are a variety of ways that teachers can use Twitter to augment their student’s time in the classroom, a number of which we outline below. To broadcast On the simpler end of the spectrum, Twitter can be used as a secondary, online bulletin board. As a teacher, you can create an account and invite your students to follow. To learn Some teachers use Twitter not to connect to students directly, but to connect to other educators. To discuss Resources for teachers. Coding in the Classroom: Computational Thinking Will Allow Children to 'Change the World' 6 Must-Have Apps for Tech Leaders -- THE Journal. Save This List! 21 Top Websites for Social Studies Teachers. Every day on our Facebook page, teachers post "Helpline" questions and receive resource recommendations, lesson and classroom management ideas, career advice, and so much more.

Recently, a high school teacher asked readers to suggest their favorite sites for teaching social studies. The list was so awesome, we just had to share it! 1. iCivics 2. Teaching Tolerance 3. Who. 3D learning tools positive for pupils, says study. 29 September 2011Last updated at 18:11 Biology teacher Ros Johnson says 3D projections of body organs have given lessons a new direction at the Abbey School in Reading. A study of the impact of 3D in the classroom has found that it improves test results by an average of 17%. Increasingly schools are using 3D projectors and learning resources to add a new dimension to learning.

The research, conducted in seven schools across Europe, found that 3D-enabled learning tools helped children concentrate more. It also led shy children to speak up in class discussions. Only a handful of schools in the UK use the technology, which requires a 3D-enabled projector as well as 3D glasses for all pupils and a set of bespoke learning resources. 3D provides a wow factor in class but it has longer lasting effects, research says Students were tested before and after the lessons with a control group learning with traditional resources only.

"Children can see how things function. Prezi - Ideas matter. Triptico. Infographics & Data Visualization | Storify · Make the web tell a story. 10 Tools to Help you Flip Your Classroom. Two years ago I "flipped" my high school Anatomy & Physiology class. Read my previous post for the full story. I learned by trial and error. I have also found some very helpful resources that I would like to share with you. 1. : The leading screen casting software title on the market. Easily zoom, pan, and create call-outs on your screen captures. Accepts multiple audio and video tracks. 2. : from the makers of Camtasia ( TechSmith ), this screen capture tool allows you to quickly capture a still image of all or part of your screen. 3. : You will be creating lots of presentations and handouts in your flipped classroom. 4. : After creating your recorded lectures and hand-outs, you will want somewhere to post them sot that your students can access them.

The commercial version of wikispaces includes advertising. 5. : The internet has enabled like-minded people, scattered across the globe, quick and easy access to each other. Jing is not as full-featured as Camtasia or Snagit. Lesson plans. TeacherTube - Teach the World. Standardized Test Preparation. Teacher Support Network | The helpline dedicated to school teachers and staff in FE and HE. A Great Guide on Teaching Students about Digital Footprint. Videos.

Khan Academy. Audioboo for Education. Schools and universities around the world are embracing Audioboo as the easiest, most effective way to give teachers and students a voice. Audio enriches the curriculum, engages the learner, and creates conversations that build community. Take a look at some amazing ways that Audioboo is reinventing the classroom experience. Give Your Students A Voice Your students have a lot to say!

Capture their thoughts by giving them access to Audioboo - the easiest, simplest way to let your students express themselves and share their voices with you, their peers and their families. Download our free app today and sign up today for free accounts - and let your students speak! Listen to Brody proudly read the book he authored. The students at Michael Faraday School are using Audioboo to recreate history in their own voices.

Mr. Student Voice Live is an initiative that strives to to create a international network of students who are empowered to tell share their stories. Technology Integration Matrix. Technology Enhanced Lesson Plan Sites. Infographics & Data Visualization | The Past, Present, And Future Of The iPad In Learning. The Idea When Apple started dropping hints about a coming “tablet PC” in 2009, it would have been difficult to see the way it might change the way we interact with digital media. The first-generation iPad was introduced in April, 2010 and in lieu of some significant hardware limitations, was a world-beater, garnering $1 billion in sales in just 4 months.

The iPad 2 was released 11 months later, and the iPad 3 is currently rumored for a Spring 2012 release. While discussing the “history” of a product less than two years old may seem a bit premature technology moves at a dizzying, humming pace. Dog years have nothing on tech years. The concept for the iPad started over a dinner. As told in Walter Isaacson’s Steve Jobs biography, Jobs was annoyed the way a particular Microsoft employee (not Bill Gates) kept going on and on about a forthcoming new tablet PC. But Jobs was bothered by Microsoft’s insistence on using a stylus. The Gee Wiz Era “Motor skills are not necessary. Gee Wiz. The App Era. Free Technology for Teachers. How to print multiple Google Docs at once | technology. Here’s a Google Docs tip that has eluded me. It’s pretty neat. Most of the time, there’s no need to print out Google Docs. In fact, one of the best features of Google Docs is that it decreases printing and paper waste. But sometimes, I have to print out my students’ documents.

All you have to do is click on the documents you want to print and then download them from Google Docs as a zip file. Here’s the YouTube video (@epsbtips) that explains the tip. I hope you find this tip helpful. Related Google Cloud Print is very confusing, not ready for students Several months ago, Google announced Google Cloud Print. September 11, 2011 In "technology" PrinterShare is a winner for teachers Before Google Docs, the No. 1 thing excuse my students gave me on due dates was, "My printer didn't work.

" July 7, 2009 3 tips to organize your students' Google Docs Google Docs (now Google Drive) is great. Scripts. Blog: Top 10 Google Apps Scripts for Education. Get Google Apps News & Tips Today’s guest blog post is contributed by Andrew Stillman, he is a 15-year veteran STEM and outdoor educator and Senior Systems Developer at New Visions for Public Schools, where he supports 76 NYC secondary schools in the use of Google Apps for Education and other sustainable technologies. His goal is to foster efficient, high-capacity urban schools through the development of automation and system-building tools that allow educators to solve their own systems and workflow challenges. Andrew is also the author and collaborator of numerous popular Google Apps Scripts for educators that are featured in this post.

Google Apps Scripts are an invaluable tool that enable educators to extend and automate functionality inside of Google Apps for Education. We will explain how the top 10 Google Apps Scripts for Education can enhance teacher workflow and student learning experience. Top 10 Google Apps Scripts for Education 1. 2. Drum Roll, Please! Announcing the Newly Released Doctopus, A Google Add-on for Docs | New Visions for Public Schools. A beginner’s guide to Google Plus. What ThingLink can do for Education. Ways to Use ThingLink in the Classroom - Google Slides. Elementary Thinglink Examples. Thinglink. Science World. Scholastic News.

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Educational Paradigms: Learning and Leading in the 21st Century: 10 Google Th... How to share slides and documents with Google+ Theme. Respect. Free online tutorial on Podcasting and how to Podcast. Stuff You Should Know Podcast. Ipadflow.jpg 736×552 pixel.