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Facebook Twitter TweetValue | How much is your Twitter profile worth? Twitter Analytics - Influence Summary for martinlessard (martinl. Hashtags. Hashtags Introduction Hashtags are a community-driven convention for adding additional context and metadata to your tweets. They're like tags on Flickr, only added inline to your post. You create a hashtag simply by prefixing a word with a hash symbol: #hashtag.

Hashtags were developed as a means to create "groupings" on Twitter, without having to change the basic service. The hash symbol is a convention borrowed primarily from IRC channels, and later from Jaiku's channels. provides real-time tracking of Twitter hashtags. How To Use Hashtags Start using hashtags in your tweets, preceding key words. Finally, track other tweets on the subjects you're interested in (ie: those containing the appropriate hashtags) by browsing/searching at, TwitterGroups, TweetChat, TweetGrid, Twitterfall, etc.

Use of hashtags Chris Messina wrote up this use in his post on Twitter hashtags for emergency coordination and disaster relief. Suggestions and tips CamelCase Example uses On Twitter: Twitter Background Checker « » Twitter: futile ou pas? - Innovation Web - Réseaux sociaux. Fermer [x] Cet article provient de l’édition papier du magazine. Seuls les abonnés ont un accès illimité à ces articles. Si vous n’êtes pas abonné, l’accès est limité à un certain nombre d’articles par mois.

Pour lire cet article ainsi que tous les autres publiés dans le magazine Bénéficiez de l'accès illimité au contenu de L'actualité marqué livraison à domicile de l’édition papier de L'actualité accès à l’édition numérique de L'actualité Full access to L'actualité on all web-enabled devices Des rabais sur de nombreux livres, livrels et éditions spéciales publiés par Rogers. TwitBlock - ridding the Twitterverse of spam. Le « n’importe quoi » sur Twitter et dans les études à son propo. Twtpoll :: a simple survey twitter app. Twellow. Top 100 Social Entrepreneurs, Businesses, and Ideas on Twitter | Twitter is here to stay. In the past few months site usage has increased dramatically, over 55% from January 2009 to February 2009. Users include Barrack Obama, CNN, and TechCrunch. Twitter is a microblogging platform which connects users and allows them to share what they are doing- in 140 characters or less. The site empowers individuals, companies, and even the government to interact with their core constituents.

This includes social entrepreneurs, businesses, and ideas. Twitter is a powerful means for social entrepreneurs to inform others of the positive change they are creating in the world. At SocialEarth, we wanted to promote social entrepreneurs and social organizations who are currently using Twitter.  While some of the users may not be classified as a social entrepreneur in the traditional sense, we sought users who were genuinely interesting in increasing human welfare via their work. Education EducateOrglnpprojectNanubhaiEFSchSocEntSicamp Fundraising Green Humanitarian.

The Oil Drum (TheOilDrum) 19 Twitter Desktop Apps Compared. Twitter has become an integral part of our social media lives, marketing strategies, and business objectives. We have multiple accounts, hundreds of followers to watch, Twitter trends to track, hashtags to follow, and a frequent need for continuously updating search results. As such, getting by on the limited feature set available via is difficult at best. Enter the desktop application, a third-party piece of software that you can install on your computer to interface with Twitter and get more out of your microblogging activities.

Now that Twitter is older than a toddler, you have a variety to choose from. From apps for groups, Mac and PC specific clients, and apps that let you do a whole lot more than tweet, you can use this guide to help you find the desktop client that's right for you. *Note: all ratings are based on 5 stars Power Users Only Destroy Twitter: Certainly not your most sophisticated Twitter client, but definitely above average and packing a few hidden nuggets. The Praized Media Product Blog » Blog Archive » 365 Days Later… Retweetrank: Find any twitter user's retweet rank.

Twitterfall. SharedFollowers. Blogue du Fouineux » Archives du Blog » Un 14 juillet 1789 sur T. 7 ‘Secret’ Ways To Use Twitter Search. By Thomas Baekdal. Follow him @baekdal. Twitter Search is just amazing because it can give you real-time feedback about pretty much everything. That is, if you know how to look for it. Here is how: Before we start I need to point out that both TweetDeck and Seesmic (my two favorite Twitter apps – with Seesmic being the #1) allows you to open special search panels, allowing you to “follow” a search term, instead of a person. This is a great way to keep on top of things. The Secrets… 1: Get up to speed with all the latest buzz The primary way that I keep up-to-speed on social networking is to follow a social networking search. Simply search for: “social web” OR “social media” OR “social news” -rt filter:links 2: Find all the people who are not talking about you directly Another thing you might want to do is to find all the people who talks about you (or your product) but isn’t including you directly.

Baekdal -to:baekdal -from:baekdal -@baekdal 3: Get all reactions across multiple twitter profiles. : feed your blog to twitter - post RSS to twitte. TwitterCounter - The Ultimate Twitter Statistics Provider! Twitter: Ist der Hype schon bald vorbei? | Basic Thinking Blog. Kommen auf den beliebten Micro-Blogging-Dienst demnächst düstere Zeiten zu? Es sieht jedenfalls so aus. Die renommierten Marktforscher von Nielsen haben das Phänomen Twitter einmal näher unter die Lupe genommen und eine nicht uninteressante Wendung festgestellt. Demnach kehren 60 Prozent aller registrierten Nutzer im Folgemonat dem Micro-Blogging-Dienst den Rücken zu und loggen sich nicht wieder ein. Oder anders ausgedrückt: Nur 40 Prozent der angemeldeten Nutzer kehren auch wieder zu Twitter zurück.

Anzeige Auch im Vergleich mit den beiden großen Online-Plattformen MySpace und Facebook kommt Twitter nicht gut weg. Allerdings ist das Ergebnis der Marktforscher mit ein wenig Vorsicht zu genießen. Via: Netzökonom (Michael Friedrichs) Social Media Abgelegt unter: "Twitter-Qualitätsliste" Why text messages are limited to 160 characters | Technology | L. Credit: Lori Shepler / Los Angeles Times Alone in a room in his home in Bonn, Germany, Friedhelm Hillebrand sat at his typewriter, tapping out random sentences and questions on a sheet of paper. As he went along, Hillebrand counted the number of letters, numbers, punctuation marks and spaces on the page. Each blurb ran on for a line or two and nearly always clocked in under 160 characters.

That became Hillebrand's magic number -- and set the standard for one of today's most popular forms of digital communication: text messaging. "This is perfectly sufficient," he recalled thinking during that epiphany of 1985, when he was 45 years old. "Perfectly sufficient. " The communications researcher and a dozen others had been laying out the plans to standardize a technology that would allow cellphones to transmit and display text messages. Before his typewriter experiment, Hillebrand had an argument with a friend about whether 160 characters provided enough space to communicate most thoughts.

La politesse des foules | Psy et Geek ;-) Lilian Mahoukou et Emmanuel Gadenne ont publié 15 façons de dire non aux twitters snob . Pour les auteurs, dans l’idéal serait la réciprocité et celui qui ne répond pas à cette exigence serait un twitter snob. Comment définir le twitter snob ? C’est simple, il a énormément de followers et très peu de followings. A l’image du spammer, il pratique donc la communication unidirectionnelle à direction des foules. En somme, le twitter snob est celui qui ne suit pas les règles de la conversation du Web 2.0 : partage, réciprocité, convivialité. Comme cela a été noté dans les commentaires par Enkerli , il y a sans aucun doute d’autres usages possibles dans twitter. Cela dépend de ce que l’on veut faire de twitter. La netiquette ou la politesse des foules La politesse est d’abord une façon d’entrer en contact avec l’autre en minimisant les risques fantasmatiques liés à toute rencontre.

Toute rencontre et toute séparation sont crisogènes. La sociablitité est "leprincipe constitutif du savoir-vivre". #hashtags - Popular. The 100 Most Popular Twitter applications. Penser tout haut mais ne le Twitter pas. Ten Twitter Tools for Managing Your Reputation | national real e. Reppin’ the Reputation Tools We’ve talked before about getting set up on Twitter and now that so many in the real estate industry are actively using Twitter, you should have the tested tools at your disposal to manage your Twitter experience.

If you’re not using Twitter, that’s okay, we advise going all in to whatever social media outlet you choose, but if you plan on utilizing Twitter, make sure to be an effective user. 1. Broadcast Your Blog’s RSS on Twitter One way to turn other people off is to use Twitter exclusively to broadcast your RSS feed, so if you choose to use TwitterFeed, be sure to remain active in the conversation or you will lose followers. It *is* important, however, to funnel your blog to your Twitter, especially with more people using Twitter in lieu of their feed reader. 2. 3.

Friend or Follow is by far the most intuitive tool for visualizing who is or who is not following you and is designed by fellow Austinite Dusty Reagan. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Now You’ve Got It! Twitter Sidelines One Founder and Promotes Another - Bits Blog - 8 Awesome Firefox Plugins for Twitter - Mashable. Months after the initial Twitter boom, it's still strong and kicking.

A day rarely goes by that we don't notice some new Twitter tool in the wild. The ideal place for Twitter-related tools is the web browser, which is apparent from the quick-rising number of Firefox plugins. We've found eight; you let us know if there are more! 1. The latest plugin in this bunch is very new, and we've covered it here on Mashable. 2. Tweetbar works with both Firefox and Flock, and just like Twitbin, it's a sidebar-based plugin which you can use to send and receive messages from Twitter. 3. As the name suggests, TwitterNotifier notifies you with updates from your Twitter friends. 4. If you think that the world should know exactly which song are you listening to at any given time, then TwittyTunes is the plugin for you. 5. Speaking Twitter TEDDY - The Gillmor Gang » Blog Archive » Gillmor Gang 05.09.08. The Gillmor Gang – Marc Canter, Robert W. Anderson, Dana Gardner, Doc Searls, and Mike Vizard – decentralize Twitter with Chris Saad, Bob Lee, and Loren Feldman. Recorded Friday, May 5, 2008. [music] Gillmor: Yesterday we had a wide-ranging discussion about a number of things Twitter-related.

Friend Feed, etcetera, with Scoble and Jason Calcanis and Mr. Canter: Absolutely. Gillmor: So I want to start with Marc Canter. Canter: Sure, no problem. Gillmor: Who are you characterizing there? Canter: I couldn’t even remember. Gillmor: Are you saying you don’t care? Canter: Oh, no. Gillmor: OK. Saad: Sure. Gillmor: All right. Lee: I’m here. Gillmor: All right, so Bob — just for the audience’s information — is an engineer at Google and the author of “Trouble,” which the utility and viral spread of which eludes me, but I’m sure that it’s very exciting. Lee: Yep. Gillmor: Bob has been working with the Twitter API, I would imagine, correct? Lee: Correct. Lee: Yes. Gillmor: OK. Gillmor: OK. Lee: OK.