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Lindsay Zoladz - How To Not Not-Write. Psychology studies relevant to everyday life from PsyBlog. Binaural beats and brainwave entrainment for the psychedelic mind. 18 Rules of Living by the Dalai Lama. How to Develop a Photographic Memory.

Author quote posters. Being around a successful author would surely be exhausting and inspiring in equal amounts. As well as all that wisdom they put into their books, their thought-provoking one-liners would literally be falling out here, there and everywhere. So while you'd beat yourself up for not possessing even a smidgen of that kind of talent, you'd also be maniacally scribbling it all down for dinner party quoting. The rather smart Evan Robertson has created a set of posters that combine iconic author quotes with genius design work. If you don't want at least two of these hanging on your wall then we need to have a serious chat. Tags: books, Design, Posters. "mused" "a day at the park" by Kostas Kiriakakis.