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Idiagram: The Art of Insight and Action. The Measure of Things. Οι δέκα εξυπνότεροι άνθρωποι στον κόσμο. Η λίστα με τις δέκα μεγαλύτερες ευφυΐες είναι μεν υποκειμενική, σημειώνεται όμως πως η εν λόγω ιστοσελίδα θεωρείται έγκυρη και βασίζεται στο IQ που έχει επισήμως καταμετρηθεί καθώς και στα βραβεία και τις διακρίσεις που έχουν κατακτήσει οι δέκα διάνοιες.

Οι δέκα εξυπνότεροι άνθρωποι στον κόσμο

Άλλωστε, υπογραμμίζεται και από τους ίδιους τους συντάκτες της ιστοσελίδας, πως η λίστα δεν μπορεί σε καμία περίπτωση να εκληφθεί ως "Ευαγγέλιο", "αφού η έννοια της εξυπνάδας είναι κάτι υποκειμενικό κι υπάρχουν πολλοί διαφορετικοί παράγοντες πέρα από το IQ που καθορίζουν πόσο έξυπνος είναι κάποιος". Πρόκειται λοιπόν για έναν ενδεικτικό κατάλογο με δέκα ανθρώπους που αν μη τι άλλο, ξεχωρίζουν για τα επιτεύγματα τους. Η λίστα των "εγκεφάλων" 1. Τέρενς Τάο, μαθηματικός Το "παιδί θαύμα".

Το 1986 σε ηλικία 10 ετών παίρνει μέρος στη Διεθνή Μαθηματική Ολυμπιάδα και κερδίζει το χάλκινο μετάλλιο, το 1987 το αργυρό και το επόμενο έτος σε ηλικία 13 ετών κερδίζει το χρυσό μετάλλιο. Ηλικία:36 2. Ηλικία:30 3. Ηλικία:50 4. Πολυπράγμων και εκκεντρικός. 5. 6. ΑΠΟΚΑΛΥΨΗ: Στα άδυτα του εγκεφάλου της συνείδησης και της σκέψης (Ντοκιμαντέρ) FactsGalaxy. Spaceengine - Home page. Improve your Brain Health. Graphene: The perfect water filter. Researchers from the home of graphene, the University of Manchester in England, have discovered — seemingly by chance — one of the most important properties of graphene yet: It’s impermeable to everything but water.

Graphene: The perfect water filter

It is the perfect water filter. In an experiment, the University of Manchester researchers filled a metal container with a variety of liquids and gases and then covered it with a film of graphene oxide. Their most sensitive equipment was unable to register any molecules leaving the container, except water vapor. The graphene oxide filter even prevented helium gas from escaping, which is notoriously finicky. This fantastical feature joins a huge list of properties that have led graphene to be called a “wonder material.” Now, technically graphene oxide isn’t quite the same thing as graphene, but in a good way: graphene oxide is much easier to make. In another experiment, Dr Nair & Co. sealed a bottle of vodka with the graphene filter. Read more at ScienceDaily. Brain Fitness And Memory Programs, Brain Training - CogniFit - StumbleUpon.

Primates as prey, predators, competitors of snakes - StumbleUpon. Photo by J.

Primates as prey, predators, competitors of snakes - StumbleUpon

Headland/Courtesy of PNAS Reticulated python shot by Kekek Aduanan, the adult male Agta on the right, on June 9, 1970, at the headwaters of the Koso River in the Sierra Madre of Aurora Province, Luzon, Philippines. Note the snake's girth and head size relative to the size of the men holding her carcass. More than a quarter of the men in a modern Filipino hunter-gatherer group have been attacked by giant pythons, reports a study that also concludes that humans and snakes not only eat and are eaten by each other, but have long been competitors for the same prey.

Skin of the same python as above after the two hunters and Headland butchered it, thereby providing about 55 pounds of meat to the men's families and fellow group members. Human aversion to snakes may be a result of a shared evolutionary history, researchers have often speculated, but since snakes swallow their prey whole, little fossil evidence remains to help define the relationship between snakes and primates. Chronology of Events in Science, Mathematics, and Technology - StumbleUpon. - StumbleUpon. Scientist Bio: Eric R. Kandel, M.D. By probing the synaptic connections between nerve cells in the humble sea slug, Eric Kandel has uncovered some of the basic molecular mechanisms underlying learning and memory in animals ranging from snails to flies to mice and even in humans.

Scientist Bio: Eric R. Kandel, M.D.

His groundbreaking studies have demonstrated the fundamental ways that nerve cells alter their response to chemical signals to produce coordinated changes in behavior. This work is central to understanding not only normal memory but also dementia and other mental illnesses that affect memory. Kandel's research has shown that learning produces changes in behavior by modifying the strength of connections between nerve cells, rather than by altering the brain's basic circuitry.

The traumatic events of Kandel's childhood likely influenced his later interest in the biological mechanisms of memory. Initially, he focused on recording the activity of nerve cells in the hippocampus, a region of the brain vital to memory formation. Eric R. Kandel - Autobiography. Prologue: Life in Vienna in the 1930s There was little in my early life to indicate that an interest in biology would become the passion of my academic career.

Eric R. Kandel - Autobiography

In fact, there was little to suggest I would have an academic career. Rather, my early life was importantly shaped by my experiences in Vienna and I spent many years later coming to grips with the circumstances and place of my birth. I was born in Vienna on November 7, 1929, eleven years after the multiethnic Austro-Hungarian Empire fell apart following its defeat in World War I. Although Austria had been radically reduced in size (from 54 million to only 7 million inhabitants) and in political significance, its capital, the Vienna of my youth, was still intellectually vibrant, one of the great cultural centers of the world. Best videos of 2011: Malaria invades blood cell. Video - Cute cardboard robot produces documentary. Scirus - for scientific information - StumbleUpon.