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Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art. The Football Grounds of Funchal. A recent short break in Funchal, Madeira led to me discovering two football grounds of contrasting import.

The Football Grounds of Funchal

The first revealed itself as we took a cable car ride from the sea front up to Monte. It came into view just after we took enough and may well belong to a school but is a suitable addition to the series of obscure grounds seen from unusual viewpoints which began in Lindos in 2011 and continued in Rye last year. Later that day I took a short walk from our hotel to take a look at the more famous home of CS Maritimo, Dos Barreiros. Although currently under reconstruction you can only wonder at its magnificent setting. Cranes battle floodlights in one corner whilst another accompanies the club. When buying tickets you can choose between the hillside or seaview. A couple of days later we passed through the village where Cristiano Ronaldo grew up. Leo Tolstoy’s Doukhobors: The culture of this remote pacifist sect in Georgia is on the verge of extinction. Photos courtesy of Natela Grigalashvili Each Friday Roads & Kingdoms and Slate publish a new dispatch from around the globe.

Leo Tolstoy’s Doukhobors: The culture of this remote pacifist sect in Georgia is on the verge of extinction

For more foreign correspondence mixed with food, war, travel, and photography, visit their online magazine or follow @roadskingdoms on Twitter. GORELOVKA, Georgia—The July sun had yet to shake the night chill from the air, so the men stood hunched with their hands in their pockets, watching the appointed soup makers stir two large cast-iron caldrons full of borscht and lapsha. The two men worked over a brazier of tezek, bricks of dried manure that are the favored fuel in a land that has few trees but many cows. They were preparing the food for a Doukhobor wake that would mark 40 days since another member of their religious sect, a carpenter named Vladimir Smorodin, was taken by old age. An Expatriate in Rapallo. In the bay along the Lungomare, next to the Castello, an informal grouping of stone sculptures has sprung up.

An Expatriate in Rapallo

CRACO (Basilicata) Torna ad IMMAGINAMENTE Craco vecchio Un paese fantasma Craco vecchio è uno tra i più suggestivi paesi fantasma che oggi ancora sopravvivono in Italia. E' situato in basilicata. Si presenta su un alto dirupo, con le case che circondano il castello. I primi anni '60 hanno visto pian piano degradare il paese attraverso frane o terremoti, e la popolazione ha dovuto abbandonare il vecchio Borgo per un piu' sicuro insediamento a valle. Oradour-sur-Glane - Oradour-sur-Glane Travel Blog. A well maintained 800 km tollway took me from Barendrecht, Holland to Limoges in the middle of France.

Oradour-sur-Glane - Oradour-sur-Glane Travel Blog

From there it was only 20 km west to Oradour-sur-Glane, where I rented a room at the local Hotel Glane. This was a simple family hotel on the main square with a fine restaurant. The village is constructed after the second world war next to the location of the original village. At this location it all happened on June 10th 1944 in the shadow of D-Day. A group of German soldiers arrived in Oradour marching north to Brittany. Abandoned Places.

Report - Denmark, abandoned lighthouse. Had the pleasure to get into this lighthouse before the local authorities made it impossible to get in.

Report - Denmark, abandoned lighthouse

The area is full of sand and the sand is moving all the time.Some years ago, there was a small house just to beside the lighthouse but has gone into the sand now.Anyway I found a small place to get in and the inside bottom was filled up with sand. Deserted Village on Great Blasket Island, County Kerry. (Image: public domain) The notorious sea mist swirling around the Dingle coast often conceals the Blaskets despite their proximity to the mainland.

Deserted Village on Great Blasket Island, County Kerry

Situated only two kilometers off Dunmore Head in County Kerry, Ireland, and former home to several noted writers, Great Blasket Island – the largest of the group – has been abandoned since 1953 when the Irish government decided it could no longer guarantee the safety of its remaining residents. (Images: Dimod61, public domain; Cargoking, cc-3.0) Until that time, a small fishing community perched on the relatively sheltered north-east shore looking over the Atlantic Ocean. Even at its peak, the population was little more than 150 inhabitants living in primitive cottages that form the now deserted village. Cinque Terre. Elfeledett paloták – a régi dicsőség romjai - Kívül tágasabb. Málló vakolat, félig összeomlott lépcsők, kosz és por mindenütt – régvolt dicsőségük utolsó maradékát őrizgetik azok az olasz villák, melyeket egy francia fotós, Thomas Jorion örökített meg Olaszország északi részén.

A por és az elmúlás alatt azért felsejlenek még a hajdanvolt dicsőség jelei azokban a palotákban és villákban, melyeket Piemontban, Lombardiában, Toszkanában és Emilia Romagnában fotózott le Thomas Jorion ( további képeket ide kattintva nézhetsz meg ). A francia fényképész Elfeledett paloták című sorozatában olyan épületek szerepelnek, melyek valaha az észak-olasz terület legszebb ingatlanai közé tartozhattak, ám mára leginkább csak rom maradt belőlük. A paloták és villák jellemzően gazdaságilag nehéz helyzetbe került környékeken fekszenek, ahonnan elmenekültek az emberek, mondjuk éppen munkát keresni. Forgotten palaces - Thomas JORION Photographer. MILANO Part 20 San Bernardino alle Ossa - photos of sightseeing in Milan on Worldisround. San Bernardino alle Ossa.

Aviation museums

Magyar múzeumok. LENGYEL. Vayable - Tours, trips and other things to do on vacation.