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Making Fused Plastic. March 12th, 2013 I’ve been wanting to experiment with fused plastic for ages so what better place to try it out than here on Tutorial Tuesday and share my experiences with you. I’ve got lots of plastic bags stored in the kitchen from a few online supermarket deliveries we’ve done since Milo was born and I’ve just never got round to taking them back to the supermarkets for recycling. Good job too as then I wouldn’t have any bags to experiment with. As I was experimenting and learning at the same time, the images in the tutorial below show different bags all at different stages – I hope it’s not too confusing! What you will need: - Sharp Scissors - Plastic Bags - Iron - Ironing Board - Greaseproof Paper - Large Wooden Chopping Board - Metal Ruler - Craft Knife - Cutting Mat Step One The first thing you need to do is lay your plastic bag out flat and cut off the bottom and the top so that you’re left with a large tube of plastic.

Stretch and flatten this out and put aside. Step Two Step Three. 11 DIY Outdoor Mood Lighting Projects. This season feels made for hosting outdoor dinner parties and relaxing under the trees of your own backyard, especially once the sun goes down. And one of the first things I think about when it comes to outdoor entertaining is mood lighting. Why? Well, there aren't a lot of bell and whistle decorations needed for the great outdoors.

A few well placed lights and great food is all you need. So here are 11 DIY ideas for outdoor lighting, that will bring ambience to your backyard with ease. 1. Make a cool, lightbulb centerpiece 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. For even more DIY outdoor lighting project, visit these additional Curbly posts: 10 DIY Outdoor Lighting Projects and 8 Easy Outdoor Lighting Projects. Tagged : How-To, lighting, outdoor, mood lighting Material : recycled Room : outdoor Decor Element : Lamps & Lighting. Recycled crafts. Recycle repurpose. BIJOUX DIY. Making Useful Items From Reused Materials. Cereal box drawer dividers. How To Make T-Shirt Yarn. Reader Blair liked our t-shirt yarn dishcloths, but had a major question about t-shirt yarn: "So I don’t know how when one piece of yarn ends, to begin again with a new one… Does that make sense?

Someone please email me.and tell me! " Well, Blair, I'll do you one better and write a whole post about it! How do you turn t-shirts into yarn, and then attach the ends? Read on! There are a few common methods for making t-shirt yarn. The photo from the top of the page is from Let Birds Fly - she has a great visual tutorial for making t-shirt yarn. This seems to be the most common method for cutting a t-shirt into yarn, and it also seems the most time-economical. When you get to the end of one piece of yarn you can attach it like this: 1.

Amanda's Happy Hearth shows how you can attach yarn ends simply by stitching through the ends of the t-shirts. 2. As you can see, the knots add a certain amount of rustic charm to your knitting project. 3. T-shirt Yarn Craft Project Ideas: 1. 2. 3. 4. Recycled yarn, fabric yarn and spinning fiber. Recycle repurpose. 100%Reciclado / 100% Recycled « La Factoría Plástica. Por Belén Si el otro día os hablaba de unos paraguas a los que se les había dado otro uso… aquí va otra idea no menos original, convertirlos en lámparas. Imaginación al poder, sí señor. :) Ah, y luego vuelvo con más cosas… This kind of ideas which I applaud. Nothing better than to use for another use. -A few days ago I showed you another example-. Foto: Under World of VB Hay mil cosas posibles para hacer con tapones de cava, pero este león de Sergio Dias me ha robado el corazón… No os perdáis todos y cada uno de los proyectos que hace este fantástico creativo!

Fotos e instrucciones: Kedublock Cork stopper, wire champagne cork holder, push pins, toothpicks for a nice lion. 31 DIY Ways To Make Your Backyard Awesome This Summer | While you’re impatiently waiting for summer to just GET HERE already, start planning your outdoor space. 1. Set up a movie theater. Directions here. 2. Plant a bunch of these giant allium flowers. They’re also called truffula flowers, inspired by Dr. 3. Get the directions here. 4. 5. They’ll catch the light on a sunny day. 6. 7. 8. Here’s a very cool personal fire pit you can make for less than $25. Get the full tutorial here.

Perfect for s’mores night. 9. 10. 11. This one cost $200 to make and took up 100 square feet of space. 12. 13. Turn the tent into a pillow-filled reading nook. 14. 15. Get directions here. 16. Home Depot sells the whiskey barrels for $30, and Bed Bath and Beyond sells the glass tops for $9. 17. 18. Get the full instructions here. 19. 20. 21. 28 Amazing Chicken Coop Designs. Many people spend more time designing their chicken coops than they do their homes. It's a small project that doesn't take up too much time, so an individual can achieve construction by themselves. That makes it a great project for any household. Watch these two great videos, and then check out all the great designs that others came up with! :) Dave Elegante Rollie Birdie Count Birdula Mickey Bird's Playhouse Them ain't Birds! 100 Ways to Repurpose Everything. Think this title is a tall order? Well, you’re in for a post of epic eco-tastic proportions. So epic that you may need to give your computer or mobile device an extra moment to load all of our pretty pictures.

Seeing as we love to repurpose just about anything under the sun, we’re celebrating Earth Day by serving up 100 of our favorite ways to upcycle, reuse, and transform everyday materials into creative new things to wear, hang on the wall, and give to friends. 1. Newspaper Party Hats: We’ll kick things off with a must for any celebration: party hats! 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 50 Ways To Re-Purpose & Reuse Glass Jars. Making Useful Items From Reused Materials.

Dare to DIY: Tutorial DIY: vestido palabra de honor con escote corazón. ¡Buenos miércoles! Esta semana tenemos un tutorial perfecto para aquellas que aún estáis esperando a amortizar vuestra máquina de coser, se trata de mi primer vestido 100% DIY. Como ya os adelanté, parte del patrón de cuerpo base, un patrón especialmente útil y que seguro volveré a utilizar en próximos tutoriales. Nos puede servir para hacer camisas, abrigos, vestidos... En cuanto a la modificación de patrones que os propongo con este vestido, también es bastante versátil. Por ejemplo, podríais cambiar la parte de abajo y añadir una falda circular, o una falda globo, añadir tirantes, hacer la espalda más escotada... Las posibilidades son muchas. De hecho, yo utilicé los patrones de este vestido para hacer de arriba de mi disfraz de Carnaval.

Por otro lado, como algunas me comentábais que teníais problemas para imprimir los patrones, he cambiado el archivo y lo he dividido en hojas din A4. ¡Os prometo que es muy fácil de hacer! ¿Qué os ha parecido? Leather Hair Clips DIY - Whimseybox DIY Craft Kits, Craft Supplies, Online Craft Supplies, Monthly Craft Subscription Box, Craft Projects - Whimseybox. This DIY was inspired by the metal feather barrette I found on The Fancy this week. It was also inspired by the price tag – $150. Ouch! The DIY version is made out of gold leather, one of my favorite materials lately. Here’s how to make your own: Start with a scrap of leather at least 6” by 2” and a pair of scissors. I sketched a rough feather shape on the back of the leather and then cut it out. After I had the general shape cut out I drew in some random feather details. And then cut the details with small snips all around the feather shape. Once the feather shape is cut out you might notice a problem – the leather has no body and just wilts over like a sad week-old flower.

Wax! Use a brush to spread the wax on the back of the leather. Here’s how it looks when you’re finished. And this is how it looks from the front. Here’s the finished product. Old Mens T-shirt Sewn Into Women's Dolman Tee. My husband and I are runners so we have a million t-shirts. I love transforming these boxy, oversized tees into something I will actually want to wear other then for a nightgown. I love this heather grey and wanted to make it into my favorite style tee. I love the comfortable, effortless style of the dolman tee... It took me about 15 minutes or so. I played around with seams to get the fit right. It's a great new shirt for one of those "I've got nothing to wear" days.

I can always count on a dolman! Supplies: DIY intructions: Full Video go here (it's old though). Begin by removing the collar of the shirt, pull to create an off the shoulder look. Mark your 1/2 your hip measurement inside the t-shirt so it's even. Pleat about 4 inches up by folding accordion folds and pinning through front and back. Mark your arm hole measurement and pin from the under arm seam to that measurement. When you sew, start at the bottom hem and sew up to the under arm seam in a gradual line. Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Crafty - 31 Pics. Dump A Day Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Crafty - 34 Pics. Amazing Uses For Used Tires - 27 Pics. Dump A Day Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Genius - 35 Pics. 10 DIY iPhone docking stations. If you don’t have an iPhone, well you don’t have an iPhone!

This is a statement that accurately defines this Apple product. The features, the looks and the Apple logo makes this smart phone stand apart in the competition. This pretty amazing device which solves the purpose of your entertainment and communications of all sorts without a doubt must be your priced possession. But haven’t you paid enough? If the answer is yes and you don’t want to spend more money to buy a docking station for your favorite device, consider making one on your own. 1. I wonder how rare creativity can be achieved with such small monetary resources. 2. Do you have an unused phone lying around which our grandpa must have used in his time? 3. You can buy a tree trunk docking station from the market for a reasonable price or instead be creative and make one of your own. 4.

This is a fancy iPhone docking station made up of fine 20 gauge steel and custom painted. 5. 6. Now that’s amazing. 7. 8. 9. 10. Jabón artesanal de lavanda - Zona Manualidades. Me encanta el aroma de la lavanda, pero la verdad es que todavía no había hecho ningún jabón de esta planta, así que aquí os dejo la receta por si os apetece probar. 109 grs de aceite de coco. 480 grs macerado de lavanda en aceite de oliva. 93 grs de aceite de palma. 19 grs de cera de abeja. 234 grs de infusión de lavanda congelada. 89 grs de sosa caústica. 30 grs de aceite esencial de lavanda. Un poquito de colorante de uso cosmético para jabones de color morado. Antes de empezar a hacer el jabón deciros que tenemos que hacer previamente el macerado de lavanda. Yo lo hago de la siguiente manera: Suelo segar algo de lavanda en Julio, bueno lo hace mi marido, luego le corto los rabos y solo dejo la parte florida, lleno un tarro de cristal y relleno con aceite de oliva, le pongo etiqueta con fecha.

Meto este bote en una bolsa de basura para preservarlo de la luz y lo saco al balcón para que le dé el calorcito. Si es invierno lo pongo encima de un radiador. Escrito por Aliena | Jabón casero líquido para lavadoras - Zona Manualidades. Hay muchas maneras de hacer el jabón tradicional para lavar ropa líquido, hay personas que lo hacen rallando pastillas de jabón ya hecho y curado y añadiéndole agua, también hay quien no lo bate sino que echan los ingredientes en una garrafa y ahí lo van agitando y mezclando, también se puede hacer con potasa en vez de con sosa ya que la potasa gelifica en vez de solidificar como la sosa, yo por el momento la mayor cantidad de veces lo he hecho como os cuento a continuación. Lo primero las medidas de seguridad siempre, debeis usar gafas grandes de protección, delantal, mascarilla (cuando mezcleis la sosa y el agua) y guantes. Necesitaremos: Un litro de aceite usado. 200 grms de sosa caústica *Para saponificar esta grasa con 145 grms de sosa hay bastante, pero como luego añadiremos mucha agua el efecto limpiador del jabón reduce, esto con jabones corporales no se debe hacer nunca ya que sería perjudicial para nuestra piel, se tiene que mirar siempre el indice de saponificación.

Blog :: Applied PDA Software: Using smartphones with a purpose. Monday, July 20, 2009, by Sebastian Dwornik The whole point of mobility is to be anywhere, and I write my software for people who take their mobile devices outside. Exploration, adventure, and travel. These are the things I look forward to, and thus enjoy field testing my own software. Straight from the labs, comes the latest on-going experiment of having mounted an HTC Touch Diamond phone to the handlebars of my mountain bike.

It’s not pretty, but very effective. The secret comes in the form of a brilliant product called Model Magic. It makes for an excellent shock absorber as well as a perfect fit for any device you sculpt it for. LocateMe Goes Rugged Having a fancy touch screen device on your bike brings the feeling of owning one of those extravagant new luxury vehicles. Using the LocateMe app, I was able to transmit my location to people at home regarding where I was on the trail. Modern Ink Portrait Arts of Chinese Paintings. Ideas para reciclar las llaves. Decoro sin decoro: Reciclar llaves. How to make professional lined curtain panels.

I’ve got loads of photos (too many probably!) So hopefully you’ll see just how easy it really is to sew your own curtains. To start, spread your fabric out on a large flat surface (the {clean} floor works great), measure it, and cut each panel about 10″ longer than you’d like your curtains. Once your fabric is cut, it’s time to iron! I ironed the reverse of the fabric just to be safe. I didn’t want my iron freaking out on me or anything and ruining my fabric. That would suck hard core. If you don’t like to iron, you might as well give up now. I ironed the entire curtain panel first, then I ironed both of the length-wise edges (sides). To iron the edge, fold the raw edge over about 1/2″ and press. Once your edge is ironed, fold it over again and iron a 2nd time. Once your edge is ironed, you’ll need to iron the opposite edge as well. Both edges should now be ironed about 1/2″, then folded over and ironed about a 1/2″ again to create a finished edge.

Now un-stitch the top edge of the sheet. Do-It-Yourself Decorating. DIY Roundup: Valentine's Day Heart Crafts. DIY Roundup: Top 10 Wickedly Clever & Simple DIY Projects. DIY Wrap Bangles. Latest Posts. Whimseybox. Dare to DIY: DIY: Personaliza tus tazas y objetos de porcelana.