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Udacity Nanodegree Style Guide. Message Structure A commit messages consists of three distinct parts separated by a blank line: the title, an optional body and an optional footer. The layout looks like this: type: subject body footer The title consists of the type of the message and subject. The Type The type is contained within the title and can be one of these types: feat: a new feature fix: a bug fix docs: changes to documentation style: formatting, missing semi colons, etc; no code change refactor: refactoring production code test: adding tests, refactoring test; no production code change chore: updating build tasks, package manager configs, etc; no production code change The Subject Subjects should be no greater than 50 characters, should begin with a capital letter and do not end with a period.

Use an imperative tone to describe what a commit does, rather than what it did. The Body The Footer The footer is optional and is used to reference issue tracker IDs. Example Commit Message. Welcome - Polymer 1.0. Keyboard Shortcuts. Susy. 960 Grid System. YAML CSS Framework — for truly flexible, accessible and responsive websites. The Most Advanced Responsive Front-end Framework from ZURB. Bootstrap · The world's most popular mobile-first and responsive front-end framework. A Complete Guide to Flexbox.

The W3C CSS Validation Service. JSHint, a JavaScript Code Quality Tool. Format HTML for Free. Enter your messy, minified, or obfuscated HTML into the field above to have it cleaned up and made pretty. The editor above also contains helpful line numbers and syntax highlighting. There are many option to tailor the beautifier to your personal formatting tastes. When do you use HTML Formatter Often when writing HTML your indentation, spacing, and other formatting can become a bit disorganized. It is also common for multiple developers to work on a single project who have different formatting techniques. This tool is helpful for making the formatting of a file consistent. It is also common for HTML to be minified or obfuscated. Examples The minified HTML below: Becomes this beautified : CSS Beautifier. Responsive Images Done Right: A Guide To <picture> And srcset.

Sublimetext - Sublime Text 2 - View whitespace characters. Udacity Teams. Unicode character table. Про Юникод. Юникод (англ. Unicode) - это стандарт кодирования символов, представляющий знаки многих письменных языков. Кодирование – это сопоставление элементам текста (буквам, цифрам, знакам препинания) последовательности длиной в один или несколько символов другого алфавита. В азбуке Морзе буквы представлены в виде точек и тире, а в компьютерах нулями и единицами. Каждый ноль или единица является одним битом. 8 бит – это один байт. Про символы Юникода. Все символы в Юникоде имеют свой номер и HTML-код. Что есть в Юникоде и чего нет. Юникод включает большинство современных письменностей: латинскую, кириллицу, греческую, грузинскую и т.д. Консорциум Юникода не придумывает новые буквы и знаки. Товарные знаки кодируются только в порядке исключения.

Classroom. Grunt for People Who Think Things Like Grunt are Weird and Hard ◆ 24 ways. Front-end developers are often told to do certain things: Work in as small chunks of CSS and JavaScript as makes sense to you, then concatenate them together for the production website. Compress your CSS and minify your JavaScript to make their file sizes as small as possible for your production website. Optimize your images to reduce their file size without affecting quality. Use Sass for CSS authoring because of all the useful abstraction it allows. That’s not a comprehensive list of course, but those are the kind of things we need to do.

I bet you’ve heard of Grunt. But let’s face it: Grunt is one of those fancy newfangled things that all the cool kids seem to be using but at first glance feels strange and intimidating. Let’s nip some misconceptions in the bud right away Perhaps you’ve heard of Grunt, but haven’t done anything with it. I don’t need the things Grunt does You probably do, actually. Grunt runs on Node.js — I don’t know Node You don’t have to know Node. I’m a designer too. Technovation Challenge México. Responsive Web Design Tips from Bootstrap's CSS. With the release of version 3, Bootstrap has gone mobile first, building on its already responsive base. What kinds of things does Bootstrap include in its CSS to help with this? Let’s examine a few things and gain some insight that might help us in our own custom projects. Bootstrap has clearly defined breakpoints for different kinds of devices, specified by using CSS media queries.

The following are the breakpoint categories used for the different types of devices: Note: Mobile devices that we use today come with 2 different screen orientations: Portrait and Landscape. So the above is mostly true for landscape view only. This kind of categorization is common in responsive frameworks and it’s something you can certainly benefit from understanding better. The Grid System Demystified If you are familiar with Bootstrap’s grid system, you might know that there is a specific HTML structure required to properly set up its grids.

Let’s first have a look at Bootstrap’s HTML for a two-column setup: HTML5 <picture> Element. Responsive design techniques are a way for developers to adapt a site layout to a wide range of devices, from desktops to iPhones, and have it consistently look sharp and load quickly. And no responsive design solution is complete without an adequate technique for dealing with images. An ideal adaptive image strategy should do the following: Fit the screen. Most images within desktop layouts are too large to fit within the tiny screen real estate of a mobile device. An adaptive strategy needs to resize the image, via CSS or otherwise, so that it can resize into a mobile screen.Reserve bandwidth. High-res images are enjoying greater popularity with the advent of retina displays and loading high-resolution images can eat up quite a bit of bandwidth. Current Responsive Image Solutions The simplest technique for adapting images to small screens is to include the following CSS rule in your media query: Note: A similar solution to HiSRC is Adam Bradley’s Foresight.js.

The <picture> Element. Media Queries for Standard Devices. If you think responsive’s simple, I feel bad for you son. We got 99 viewports, but the iPhone’s just one. —Josh Brewer, March 10, 2010 A major component of responsive design is creating the right experience for the right device. With a gazillion different devices on the market, this can be a tall task. We’ve rounded up media queries that can be used to target designs for many standard and popular devices that is certainly worth a read. If you’re looking for a comprehensive list of media queries, this repository is a good resource. If you’re reaction to this is: you should never base your breakpoints on devices!! Responsive Images: If you're just changing resolutions, use srcset. By Chris Coyier On September 30, 2014 responsive images If you're implementing responsive images (different images in HTML for different situations) and all you are doing is switching between different versions of the same image (the vast majority of usage), all you need is the srcset attribute on the <img>.

Gaze upon this easy syntax: It's not just the syntax that is easy, it does a better job than <picture> with <source>s with explicit media attributes (we'll cover why in a moment). Plus it has the opportunity to be much better in the future with browser settings and browser improvements. I've screencasted about this before, but it clicked better watching Mat Marquis's talk at An Event Apart Austin and with Jason Grigsby's post.

I'm writing about it again here because I think it's important for all of us to understand. #With srcset, the browser does the work of figuring out which image is best Mat Marquis demonstrated this by showing how the browser approaches it with math. #Also, sizes. Shorthand properties. Definition Shorthand properties are CSS properties that let you set the values of several other CSS properties simultaneously. Using a shorthand property, a Web developer can write more concise and often more readable style sheets, saving time and energy. The CSS specification defines shorthand properties to group the definition of common properties acting on the same theme. Tricky edge cases Even if they are very convenient to use, there are a few edge cases to keep in mind when using them: A value which is not specified is set to its initial value. Background properties A background with the following properties: background-color: #000;background-image: url(images/bg.gif);background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: top right; Can be shortened to just one declaration: background: #000 url(images/bg.gif) no-repeat top right; (The shorthand form is actually the equivalent of the longhand properties above plus background-attachment: scroll and, in CSS3, some additional properties.)

See also. A List Apart: For People Who Make Websites. CSS Color Names. RGB Color Codes Chart. RGB color picker | RGB color codes chart | RGB color space | RGB color format and calculation | RGB color table RGB color picker RGB color codes chart Hover with cursor on color to get the hex and decimal color codes below: RGB color space RGB color space or RGB color system, constructs all the colors from the combination of the Red, Green and Blue colors. The red, green and blue use 8 bits each, which have integer values from 0 to 255. RGB ≡ Red, Green, Blue Each pixel in the LCD monitor displays colors this way, by combination of red, green and blue LEDs (light emitting diodes). When the red pixel is set to 0, the LED is turned off. Any value between them sets the LED to partial light emission. RGB color format & calculation RGB code has 24 bits format (bits 0..23): RGB = (R*65536)+(G*256)+B , (when R is RED, G is GREEN and B is BLUE) Calculation examples White RGB Color White RGB code = 255*65536+255*256+255 = #FFFFFF Blue RGB Color Blue RGB code = 0*65536+0*256+255 = #0000FF Red RGB Color See also.

Color Hex Color Codes. CSS. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including XML dialects such as SVG, MathML or XHTML). CSS describes how elements should be rendered on screen, on paper, in speech, or on other media. CSS is among the core languages of the open web and is standardized across Web browsers according to W3C specifications. Previously, development of various parts of CSS specification was done synchronously, which allowed versioning of the latest recommendations. You might have heard about CSS1, CSS2.1, CSS3.

However, CSS4 has never become an official version. From CSS3, the scope of the specification increased significantly and the progress on different CSS modules started to differ so much, that it became more effective to develop and release recommendations separately per module. Instead of versioning the CSS specification, W3C now periodically takes a snapshot of the latest stable state of the CSS specification. Ready to check - Nu Html Checker.