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WordPress QR Codes - Complete Guide. You might be more familiar with seeing QR, or Quick Response Codes, featured in print media, where they are used to convey some form of data, usually a URL to a mobile device.

WordPress QR Codes - Complete Guide

Simply use the camera on your smartphone to scan one of these codes, providing an app like QR Droid or Scan is installed, and some data from the code will be extracted by the device. This is usually a URL to the website of the advertiser or publisher but it could be any number of things. Common uses for print media could be an encouragement for the scanner to like or tweet a message to their friends, sign up to a mailing list or interact with the brand or publisher in a continued way once they are no longer in front of the advertisement displaying the code. But why would you want to use QR codes on a WordPress site, and how easy is it to create one?

Well, despite being more commonly found in print media and offline advertising, after their origins in manufacturing, QR Codes do have a place in the online world. 10 New Popular jQuery Plugins You Should Check Out. We regularly look for useful new tools,websites and plugins for designers and developers and we share them either on Designbeep or on Facebook and Twitter.In today’s post we bring together recently released jQuery plugins which might be really useful for your upcoming design projects.

10 New Popular jQuery Plugins You Should Check Out

Here is the collection of 10 free jQuery plugins worth checking out. You may also take a look at our past collections; Flat Shadow A small jQuery plugin that will automatically cast a shadow creating depth for your flat UI elementsSource fullPage.js A simple and easy to use plugin to create fullscreen scrolling websites. SlideMe A responsive, css3, compatible (works fine even with IE7), customizable, easy to install (and use), multi-instance, fullscreen, cool, powerful slideshow plug-in for jQuery.Source Tabslet Yet another jQuery plugin for tabs with some extra features like custom events, rotation and animation.Source One Page Scroll Flowtype.js Albumize Smint. Charts. Easy 1.Search WP charts via plugins > add new. 2.find the plugin listed and click activate. 3.


Use the Shortcodes and widget for fun and profit Not So Easy Fire up your favourite FTP and upload wp_charts folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directoryActivate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPressFor Now - Use the Shortcodes for fun and profit Usage Basic Concept. Chart.js Documentation. Chart.js provides a number of options for changing the behaviour of created charts.

Chart.js Documentation

These configuration options can be changed on a per chart basis by passing in an options object when creating the chart. Alternatively, the global configuration can be changed which will be used by all charts created after that point. Chart Data To display data, the chart must be passed a data object that contains all of the information needed by the chart. The data object can contain the following parameters. Easy Visualization Tools for WordPress. Easy Visualization Tools for WordPress This plugin provide you with a perfect way to visualize all kinds of different data on your website.

Easy Visualization Tools for WordPress

From simple line charts to complex combo charts, the plugin provides a large number of well-designed chart types all from the Google Chart Tools API, Google Maps API and our own simple Flip Numbers. Whether you choose to enter your data manually in the wp-admin or use the dynamic data option or Google Analytics you will be able to create amazing looking charts in no time. We have also created additional add-ons, which will give you even more options. Plugins And Tools To Help You Create Better Websites. There is always room for improvement and in a fast developing work environment like a web designer’s, you have to be up-to-date with the latest tools, jQuery plugins and apps that can make your life easier and/or your work better.

Plugins And Tools To Help You Create Better Websites

In this article you will find a lot of jQuery plugins, as usual I might say, but also various other tools that would improve different aspects of your work. I believe this article will be received better by web developers due to the large number of apps that can be used by them. Besides these and the always present jQuery plugins, you will also see an extension for Photoshop for those of you who are more designers than coders. Solo: A free project management app for freelancers fullPage.js: Create Beautiful Fullscreen Scrolling Websites Apiary: Build beautiful APIs TogetherJS TogetherJS is a free, open source JavaScript library by Mozilla that adds collaboration features and tools to your website. StackEdit Semantic UI mailpile Scrollback Google Webdesigner Grid forms. 6 best Calendar Wordpress Plugins vol. 2.

Here is a list of 6 best Calendar WordPress plugins for WordPress from Codecanyon.

6 best Calendar Wordpress Plugins vol. 2

Whether you just need a fancy calendar for your sidebar or a complete scheduling system, wordpress plugins will come to your aid once more. First list was written last year and people have been asking me for a while to write a new summary of the plugin so here it is :). EventOn – WordPress Event Plugin The firs calendar on this list is the most popular on Codecanyon. It is a list-style event calendar driven by minimal design yet packed with great features for your calendar needs.

Calendarize it.