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I-Talent-O | I-Talent-O. Community, het kloppend hart van VOV. Hier kunt u uitwisselen met collega's rond eigen thema's, eigen uitdagingen maar ook rond de uitbouw van VOV. Met andere woorden, samenwerking staat hier centraal! Leren, netwerken, co-creëren met collega-professionals rond leren en ontwikkelen? Vind hier uw community op maat! Deelnemers van regionale clubs, lerende netwerken, stuurgroepen en projecten vinden elkaar hier op dit leerrijke platform. Hebt u een vraag met betrekking tot leren en ontwikkelen, of HR in het algemeen? Lerende netwerken Lerende netwerken zijn themagericht, beperkt in de tijd en gefocust op ervaringsuitwisseling en thematische verdieping. Regionale clubs Enkele kenmerken: regionaal en fysiek samenkomen, informeel en vertrouwelijk karakter, beperkt ledenaantal, leren en socializing gaan hand in hand, feedback op elkaars praktijk, actieve leerhouding van de deelnemers.

Projectgroepen Naar aanleiding van de verschillende projecten binnen VOV zijn er verschillende projectgroepen actief. Stuurgroepen Lees ook. INNOKINETICS - Human Self-Sustainable innovation cultures. List of leading crowdsourcing services - Crowdsourcing landscape. Business & Revenue Model Examples. Business Model of Doorsteps Doorsteps sells its online service via a subscription fee to agents and loan offices, but also takes a commission on services of other service providers, whom receive leads through the platform.

Business Model of Patients Like Me Patients like me offers a free health community service to its users. They make money by selling the data, generated by the community, to pharmaceutical companies. Business Model of Kaggle Kaggle makes money in two ways: With Kaggle competition, they receive a “listening fee”for each competition posted on the platform. Business Model of Friendsurance Friendsurance works as a broker between Policy Holders and existing Insurance Partners. Business Model of Gympact With the motivational service for free, GymPact takes a cut when they pay out to members who successfully met their Pact. Business model of Narrative Selling camera devices ($279) + subscription service on the data storage system ($9/month).

Business model of 3D Hubs. OVAM SIS Toolkit. Het ontwerpen van een product of dienst is een proces van waardecreatie. De OVAM SIS Toolkit is een omvattend ontwerpinstrument om duurzaamheidsprincipes te integreren in innovatie- en designprocessen, dat u helpt de waardecreatie te vergroten. SIS staat voor 'Sustainable Innovation System'.

De OVAM SIS Toolkit omvat een reeks overzichtelijke fiches, drie posters en twee dobbelstenen die u samen met uw collega's in een brainstormsessie of designproces kan inzetten. (60) NESTA. Het Vlaams Innovatienetwerk. Deze wiki telt momenteel 134 artikels over innovatie. Het is de bedoeling dat deze wiki uitgroeit tot de VIN-encyclopedie rond Innovatie. Als netwerklid kan u de wiki editeren en kan u onze wiki verrijken. Het agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie is een overheidsagentschap opgericht in 1991 door de Vlaamse regering, voor de ondersteuning van technologische innovatieprojecten in Vlaanderen. Hiervoor beschikt het IWT over verschillende financieringsinstrumenten waarmee het jaarlijks zo’n 250 miljoen euro financiële steun verleent, zowel aan bedrijven als aan onderzoeksinstellingen en innovatie-actoren.

Daarnaast is er ook dienstverlening aan de Vlaamse bedrijven op het gebied van technologietransfer, partner search, voorbereiding van projecten in Europese programma’s, enz. Tenslotte heeft het IWT een belangrijke taak bij de voorbereiding en het beheer van de innovatie-initiatieven van de Vlaamse regering. Meer. Academy - Waag Society. My2024. Keeping Innovation flowing | Gaurav Bhalla. Home - The Patching Zone.

About Us - The Patching Zone. The Patching Zone is a trans-disciplinary R&D media laboratory where professionals work together with students and researchers. The Patching Zone makes a deliberate distinction between the terms trans and multi disciplinary. Unlike multi-disciplinary work processes where each team member sticks to his or her own discipline, in a trans-disciplinary project participants cross over the boundaries of their discipline. For the duration of the project the team members leave their usual professional frameworks behind and venture into new territory.

This creates an unusual stream of ideas which can give new and unexpected twists to the process. By making use of changing and unusual combinations of disciplines a new ‘sum total’ is created, which is capable of dealing with complex questions in an innovative way. The Patching Zone’s staff has earned its spurs in New Media and the Arts and Culture sector, and in the business, science, care and education sectors. Products and services. This Dashcam Simulation Is Just 1K Of JavaScript Magic. There isn't much to "Highway At Night"—a road, cars, flashing police sirens, a starry sky, glowing skyscrapers, a "dragon's eye view of a flight to 3D city.

" That is until you realize it's a manually coded JavaScript animation, just 1k in size. This is the animation. This is the code, it's written by Jani Ylikangas. "Highway At Night" is a runner-up in the "JS1k, a JavaScript code golfing competition," an annual online event where devs show off their coding prowess. Ylikangas's submission comes with an explanation: "My initial idea was to do a very realistic looking demo of a car driving along a highway on a dark night," Ylikangas writes.

Those are some very specific, very beautiful applications of classic code. [h/t: Prosthetic Knowledge] 9 Visionaries Shaping the Future. It’s their world ... and we’re just living (better) in it. The Future of Fashion Jenna Lyons / President, J. Crew She hates the word tastemaker. Hates it. The Future of Manufacturing Bre Pettis / CEO, MakerBot Pettis hopes to do for would-be inventors what desktop publishing has done for aspiring writers, filmmakers and musicians. The Future of Womanhood Sheryl Sandberg / COO, Facebook With an inspiring TED Talk and the best-selling book Lean In, Sandberg has set out to resolve the striking imbalance between women and men in leadership roles by challenging her peers to ignore society’s shortcomings and focus instead on what can be done to reach their goals.

The Future of Entertainment Reed Hastings / CEO, Netflix Hastings served notice when he started buying original programming, investing untold millions in House of Cards, Arrested Development and Orange Is the New Black . The Future of Transportation Travis Kalanick / CEO, Uber The Future of Health Jack Andraka / Scientist and Inventor. History. Esslinger's products caught the eye of Steve Jobs as he was searching for the design magic that would give Apple Computer a market edge. A multimillion-dollar deal was struck, esslinger design arrived in California, and the company took on a new name: frog design. In 1984, frog's design language for Apple, first embodied by the Apple IIc system, launched with great fanfare and commercial success. The design was recognized by Time Magazine as the “Design of the Year” and inducted into the permanent collection at the Whitney Museum of Art.

Apple’s revenue soared from $700 million in 1982 to $4 billion in 1986. In 1984, Patricia Roller joined frog first as CFO and soon became Co-CEO together with Hartmut Esslinger. During the 1980s and early 90s, frog expanded beyond its industrial design roots, working for clients such as Disney, Logitech, Sun Microsystems, NEC, Packard Bell, Lufthansa, Olympus and still Sony. Groovy Future | About Us. Hello, thank you for taking the time to visit an independent consultancy focused on conducting research, informing policy making, and developing programmes of education in a number of areas, including, MobileID, e-identity, e-health, internet safety, privacy, security and governance and secure electronic transactions. advises a range of companies, policy makers and organisations wishing to gain a better understanding of the implications of new and emerging technologies.

We support companies considering the deployment of digital identity and age verification solutions by advising on the most appropriate technologies and effective legal, policy and education measures. We have globally recognised expertise in conducting business needs analysis, research, and developing programmes of education that support the deployment of new technology solutions. We have structured this web site to cover six main themes that we are passionate about: 1. Samasource.

Society Impact | Versnellen sociale innovatie.

Innovation Platforms

How It Works - AppVentors - APPVESTED. We receive a lot of Appldeas! As much as we love bright ideas, they're not always a good match for our AppValuation process. There are a handful of requirements that your Appldea must meet: Must be your own You must be the original creator of the AppIdea and have the exclusive right to submit it to AppVested.

You agree that you will not upload images belonging to someone else as a part of your app idea, even if you've been given permission. Must be original AppVested is looking for brand-new, innovative ideas. Please make sure your idea is one of a kind before submitting. Must be complete While you may edit content after submitting your AppIdea, please do not try and submit incomplete AppIdeas or placeholders. Keep it appropriate AppIdeas related to the following topics do not fit our brand values and will NOT be APPROVED for publication on AppVested. . • Politics and political symbols • Religious references including symbols, buildings, or people • Racism, bullying, or cruelty to animals. Sign Up | EyeWire.

Sites web du futur. Lieu de reflexion d'hommes politiques et de scientifiques sur l'avenir. Le modèle de l'Aspen Institute a inspiré de nombreux "think tanks" dans le monde. Des liens vers des sites de laboratoires faisant des recherches sur la vie artificielle : micro-robots, simulations sur ordinateur, molécules capables de se reproduire. Le site de la célèbre Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie. Le plus grand musée scientifique du monde, une fenêtre ouverte sur le troisième millénaire. Ce centre a pour objectif de créer des passerelles entre disciplines scientifiques et culturelles afin d'instaurer un dialogue entre spécialistes appartenant à des domaines différents.

La Chaire de prospective industrielle du Cnam, dont le titulaire est le Professeur Michel Godet, constitue depuis 1982 l'un des principaux centres européens d'enseignement et de recherche en prospective. Le célèbre laboratoire de recherches sur les médias du futur du MIT. Une société de conseil spécialisée dans la prospective technologique. Mini-Mooc de Joël de Rosnay. Le réseau - biotics. Selon les principes que la société met en oeuvre, l'intelligence, l'adaptabilité et la vitesse d'exécution, il lui est indispensable de travailler en symbiose avec de jeunes entreprises spécialisées dans les créneaux porteurs de la société de l'information : multimedia, gestion de données, moteurs de recherche, agents intelligents, organisation d'évènements, réalisations graphiques numériques et de sites web, référencement...

Parmi son réseau de correspondants et de sous-traitance, Biotics peut citer Hémiphère Numérique, Triple C, The Boson Project, l'Institut Emergences, l'Agence Plateforme, Les Dialogues Stratégiques, le Groupe H, Cybion, Image & Stratégie, l'Institut des futurs souhaitables, Terrefemina, Feminin Pluriel, Fem-Ifec, ..etc. Changemakers | Changemakers. YOUTH CHALLENGE PROJECT:ENCOURAGING ECONOMIC INDEPENDENCE AMONG YOUTHS.

Learning Creative Learning. Featured Research. Toward an open Internet of Things. In a couple of posts and articles, we’ve nibbled around the notion of standards, interoperability, and the Internet of Things (or the Internet of Everything, or the Industrial Internet, or whatever you want to call it). It’s time to say it loud and clear: we won’t build the Internet of Things without open standards. What’s important about the IoT typically isn’t what any single device can do. The magic happens when multiple devices start interacting with each other. Nicholas Negroponte rightly criticizes the flood of boring Internet-enabled devices: an oven that can be controlled by your phone, a washing machines that texts you when it’s done, and so on. An oven gets interesting when it detects the chicken you put in it, and sets itself accordingly. A washing machine gets interesting if it can detect the clothes you’re putting into it and automatically determine what cycle to run.

That requires standards for how the washer communicates with the washed. Open Cities. Opencities | OPEN INNOVATION Mechanisms in Smarts Cities. Code for America. Frontpage - MindLab. Colophon for GOV.UK at launch. Ernment as a platform — Government Service Design Manual. The government is implementing a platform-based operating model. Google, Amazon, Twitter and Facebook, among many others, have all built their success on the back of platforms. They have developed a core technology infrastructure that others have then built upon, driving the success of the platform and meeting far more users’ needs than the original provider could have done on their own.

Government as a platform One simple analogy for a platform is the Lego brick, which provides the basis for constructing many different products from the same components. The GOV.UK publishing platform provides the basis for many different products and services to be provided to citizens and businesses. Businesses like Amazon iterate and improve their services based on data, not intuition or guesswork.

While government can learn from this model, it cannot simplistically copy it. This move to a platform-based model is a significant transition. Moving to the platform model Further reading: MediaWiki. About. Mission Founded in 2012, with funding from the MacArthur and Knight Foundations, the Governance Lab (the GovLab) brings together thinkers and doers who design, implement, and study technology enabled solutions that advance a collaborative, networked approach to reinvent institutions of governance.

The GovLab aims to improve people’s lives by changing how we govern. Description The GovLab is an action-research center seeking new ways to solve public problems using advances in technology and science. Our goal is to advance our understanding of how 21st century citizen engagement can make governance more effective and legitimate. The GovLab’s work is predicated on the following hypotheses: (a) institutions that govern themselves more collaboratively solve problems faster and with greater success; and (b) greater engagement leads to more legitimate democratic governance and also to better solutions for citizens.

Awards. Gov 2.0 Expo 2010. Philly311 - Mobile App. Tech Tuesday: Tim Wisniewski is the City’s first Director of Civic Technology | PhillyInnovates. Jennifer Pahlka –