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About CECP A new kind of engagement. CECP is a coalition of CEOs united in the belief that societal improvement is an essential measure of business performance. Founded in 1999, CECP has grown to a movement of more than 150 CEOs of the world’s largest companies across all industries. Revenues of engaged companies sum to $7 trillion annually. A nonprofit organization, CECP offers participating companies one-on-one consultation, networking events, exclusive data, media support, and case studies on corporate engagement. Learn more about how CECP collaborates with and helps advance the corporate societal engagement agendas of its partner companies (PDF). As CECP celebrates its 15th year, it looks back on the progress made to anticipate the changes to come. Through more than a decade of work with CEOs, CECP has identified the Top Actions of an Engaged CEO. Watch CECP's dynamic video, which expresses the passion today's CEOs feel as stewards of their companies and the communities around them.

How much Australia emits Australia's net emissions across all sectors, including emissions from land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF), totalled 576.2 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (Mt CO2-e) in 2008. Emissions fell off sharply in that year due to the global financial crisis, but have otherwise followed a steady upward trend. The energy sector is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, comprising 72.3 per cent of net emissions. This proportion is less than in many countries due to the relatively large contribution from the agriculture and land use, land use change and forestry sectors to Australia's total emissions. The industrial processes and waste sectors are relatively minor sources. Carbon dioxide equivalent, CO2-e, provides the basis for comparing the warming effect of different greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is produced by the combustion of any carbon-containing substance. Of course, CO2 is not the only greenhouse gas, another is methane. 15 November, 2010

All About Certification - The Smart Campaign - Keeping Clients First in Microfinance “Certification is about financial institutions actively demonstrating their commitment to the people they serve and microfinance stakeholders working towards a more stable industry.” Isabelle Barrès, Director, the Smart Campaign You are committed to the Client Protection Principles, and you have endorsed the Smart Campaign. Now, through the Certification Program, certified institutions can demonstrate that commitment publicly. The Smart Campaign invites financial service providers who serve low-income clients to consider becoming certified. Client Protection Certification is an independent, third party evaluation to publicly recognize financial institutions that meet adequate standards of care in how they treat clients. Certification involves assessing a provider’s policies, procedures, training, marketing and operations against a set of standards derived from the Client Protection Principles. Certification Brochure

4613.0 - Australia's Environment: Issues and Trends, Jan 2010 This document was added 02/05/2010. CLIMATE CHANGE IN AUSTRALIAWhat is climate change?Australia's greenhouse gas emissionsReducing our greenhouse gas emissionsImpacts and adaptationSummaryEndnotes Climate change is a global problem with global consequences. Warmer-than-average temperatures are being recorded across the world. Glaciers and polar ice caps are melting and sea levels are rising. The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), established in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), released its fourth assessment report in 2007. In Australia and internationally, there has been an increasing focus on the issue of climate change and the demand for credible statistics and information has grown accordingly. What is climate change? Globally, there is evidence of climate change, including increases in air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice and rising sea levels (Endnote 6). The Greenhouse Effect

Innovate Winter Break | Social Innovation Initiative Innovate Winter Break is a "mini internship" program providing opportunities for student interns to work on engaging projects for two weeks during winter break within social enterprise and nonprofit organizations. Students will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience working with innovative social change organizations and companies as well as build concrete professional skills through the completion of a tangible project. We are excited to announce that for the 2014-15 academic year placements will be offered in both Boston and New York City. Additionally, all interns will be awarded a modest stipend to help offset living and travel expenses. This program is jointly administered by the Social Innovation Initiative and BrownConnect — the newest addition to CareerLAB's suite of services — working with Brown alumni to create internship and research opportunities that strengthen students' academic experiences and help prepare them for life after Brown. Questions? How to Apply:

MA in Social Entrepreneurship, Goldsmiths, University of London The MA in more detail The MA in Social Entrepreneurship is one of the few graduate programmes in the world dedicated entirely to the study of the fast-moving field of social entrepreneurship and innovation. It will equip you with a strong understanding of foundational theories of entrepreneurship, innovation, social problems and policy (with organisational sociology as the base discipline) while supplying practical tools in relation to entrepreneurial modelling and SROI. There is also a marked emphasis on creativity, which means that you will have considerable scope to choose the precise topics you wish to tackle and the approaches you wish to apply. Teaching on the course is interactive and seminar-driven rather than based on the traditional model of long lectures and limited discussions. What you study The programme will introduce you to key concepts in the historical development of social enterprise and innovation and to its changing role in society and the economy. Learning objectives

Scope Group | Home MITA TechTalks Type: Demo Day, Conference The MITA TechTalks is considered the premier tech event connecting Silicon Valley and Mexico. What makes this event so unique are the exceptional networking opportunities between investors, entrepreneurs and corporate executives all interested in furthering cross-border tech innovation. More info on the conference is found here: and the videos and photos of last year's event are found here:

Sports Stock Exchange Creating a safe and secure virtual stock market dedicated to sports fans. Project Overview, The Impact, Current Context, Why Indiegogo?, Ways You Can Help, Risks and Challenges, FAQ Project Overview You can help launch the first Sports Stock Exchange, by creating a virtual stock market where a sport fan can buy and trade shares with other sports fans. The main purpose of the Sports Stock Exchange is to be the other alternative to betting industry. This is a crowdfunding program. The Impact Current Context Lots of people dream about owning a sports franchise, but the lucky ones belong to a very exclusive club. “(b) Charitable organizations and/or corporations not organized for profit and not now a member of the league may not hold membership in the National Football League.” - From the NFLs constitution. As you can find out at this moment is actually tough to buy sports shares even if your team is listed on a real stock exchange. When you gamble, you own nothing. What We Need & What You Get
