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Socrative-ohje. Graphing Calculator. Materiaalin julkaisu ja jakaminen - AmmattiPeda. Katso myös Ammattipedassa: Mobiilisti tuotettu materiaali jää harvoin laitteeseen ilman että sitä käsiteltäisiin sen valmistumisen jälkeen. Materiaalia voidaan jakaa blogi- tai wikialustoilla, jotta sitä päästään kommentoimaan yhdessä ja jatkojalostamaan oppimisen kannalta merkittävällä tavalla.

Opiskelijat saattavat pitää blogia, josta muodostuu heidän oppimispolkunsa vaikka cv:n liitteeksi. Valo- ja videokuvien ei tarvitse olla omaperäisiä saadakseen suojaa, ne kuuluvat joka tapauksessa lähioikeuksien piiriin. How to Create Audio Slideshows in YouTube. Twice in the last two days at the WLMA 2013 conference I demonstrated how to create audio slideshows on YouTube. Creating audio slideshows in YouTube is a good alternative to using Animoto. Animoto is an excellent tool for creating audio slideshows. But there are some limitations to it that some teachers don't like. Most notable of those limitations is the time limit (30 seconds unless you get an Animoto for Education account), lack of space for text, and that students have to remember a username and password to use it.

The YouTube slideshow tool provides a tool for creating audio slideshows without those three limitations of Animoto. YouTube Photo Slideshows don't have a time limit other than the standard 15 minute limit applied to all new YouTube accounts (there are work-arounds for this). The images below show you how to create a Photo Slideshow on YouTube. Step 1: Log into your YouTube account and click "upload" then click "Photo Slideshow. " Watch my sample video below. PowerPoint-esitys | OBi! Showbie - The paperless classroom made simple. Heurekan tempputehdas. ActiveTextbook | Interactive Textbook Software from Evident Point.

Clever Notetaking | Notable. WhatsAppin peruskäyttö | WhatsAppista kirjoitettiin aiemmin esittely ja muutaman kyselyn seurauksena päätin tehdä esittelyä WhatsAppin ominaisuuksista ja hienouksista. Eli mikäs tää WhatsApp on? Siitä oli aiemmin juttua täällä, mutta lyhykäisyydessään kyseessä on kännysovellus, jolla lähetät muille saman ohjelman käyttäjille tekstiviestin tapaisia viestejä kännykkäsi datapaketin kautta. Lisäherkkuja tulee ryhmäviesteistä ja lähetettävistä tiedoista.

Selvä. WhatsAppilla voit lähettää mm. tekstiä, kuvia, videoita, ääntä, hymiöitä, yhteystietoja ja karttasijainteja joko yksittäiselle henkilölle tai itsekoostetulle ryhmälle. Miten tuon saa käyttöön? WhatsAppin käyttö perustuu puhelinnumeroosi eli et tarvitse mitään tunnuksia tms. sovelluksen käyttämiseen. Mistä mä alotan? Ekana voit katsoa yhteystiedoista, moniko tutuistasi on jo WhatsAppin käyttäjä ja koska rekisteröityminen on kiinnitetty puhelinnumeroon, WhatsAppin käyttäjät löytyvät helposti.

Mistä mä tiedän, käyttääkö noi tutut tätä ohjelmaa vielä? Ilman muuta. So...You Wanna Make Your Own Books and Texbooks. For many teachers the traditional textbook just doesn't cut it any more. Between the rapid pace at which information changes and rising cost, many are looking for alternatives. Believe it or not, there are lots of options out there, if you know where to look and you are willing to get your hands dirty. The best part? Kids can create these using any of the tools below. Talk about student-centered learning! There are many ways to create your own digital textbooks.

ePubs (ePubs In The Classroom)-The ePub format is a standard ebook format that works across platforms and on a variety of devices. Qwiki ( This isn't your traditional textbook. Apple iBooks Author ( If you use or have access to a Mac, you definitely should check out the iBooks Author. CK12 Flexbooks ( are my go-to textbooks when someone asks me for free digital textbooks. All English Lessons. YouTube Top 100 Most Subscribed Education Channels List - Top by Subscribers. Brain Tricks - This Is How Your Brain Works.

SteveSpanglerScience. GET THE KIT HERE: Click here to get the secret: Density can be a difficult scientific property to grasp, that's why we like making it colorful, fun, and (most importantly) simple! The Salt Water Density Straw is the epitome of kitchen science. You'll use materials are right in your house, and with just a bit of salt, you'll create a colorful experience that will have young scientists understanding density in moments. Want more experiments like this? Check out Sick Science™ is a trademark of Steve Spangler, inc. © 2013 Steve Spangler Science all rights reserved Show less. Twitter + YouTube+ Google+ = A New Kind Of PD. Yesterday, I fell into an amazing experience. To take a term from Laura Robertson’s blog post,“You Say You Want a Revolution: EdcampHome,” it felt “revolutionizing.”

EdcampHome I was on Twitter when I saw hashtags from people I follow discussing the #EdcampHome experience. I quickly realized this was an opportunity to attend an Edcamp at home. According to Wikipedia, Edcamp is defined as “a user-generated conference – commonly referred to as an “unconference“. Edcamps are designed to provide participant-driven professional development for K-12 educators”.

I went to the homepage of EdcampHome and saw four amazing educators: David Theriault, Karl Lindgren-Streicher, Kelly Kermode, and Shawn White troubleshooting, discussing and working diligently to put this together via a Google Hangout being streamed live through YouTube and simultaneously embedded on the front page of the website. At one point, I tweeted to thank them for all their hard work and to remind them to breathe.

Slam Dunk! Create a Course. 100 Mobile Tools for Teachers. By Cherrye Moore It is a common-known fact that teaching is a labor of love for most educators. They are overworked and under-appreciated and many of them spend their own money, time and energy to improve their students’ education. With all of the new mobile tools on the market today, teachers can more easily work from satellite locations, share educational resources and access school-related data directly from their cell phones. Here are 100 mobile tools for teachers that make the grade. Educational Research Tools 1.RefDesk Teachers can quickly access news and reference materials through this easy-to-use online tool that features a currency converter and calculator and includes quick links to most Internet-based email providers and search engines. 2.

Educators can search Google from their cell phones and have results sent directly to them in a text message. 3. A great tool to use for teachers who are looking for specific images to use in presentations or lectures. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Käänteinen luokkahuone. Käänteisen luokkahuoneen malli pähkinänkuoressa Oppilaat valmistautuvat tunnille katsomalla videon, kuuntelemalla podcastin tai lukemalla artikkeleita.Materiaaliin tutustumisen jälkeen oppilaat reflektoivat oppimaansa ja kehittelevät kysymyksiä itselle epäselvistä kohdista aiheeseen liittyenOppilaat jakavat kysymyksensä sosiaalisessa ympäristössäOpettaja katsoo kysymykset läpi ja painottaa tunnilla aikaa näihin ongelmakohtiin ja tehtävien harjoittelemiseen ja soveltamiseen.Tunneilla opettaja esittää kysymyksiä ja ongelmia joita oppilaat ratkaisevat yhdessä.Opettajan tehtävänä on tarkkailla ja tukea ryhmiä ja yksilöitä tarpeen tullen.

Opettaja voi toki halutessaan varioida mallia tilanteen ja resurssien mukaan. Esim. pyytämällä oppilaita vain katsomaan tietyn videon ennen tuntia ja muuten pitäytymällä perinteisessä tavassa. Khan-Academy: Videot oppimisen mullistajana Khanin toiveena on globaali maailmanlaajuinen luokkahuoneympäristö netissä. Kokemuksia videoiden hyödyntämisestä opetuksessa. Teaching and Learning with the iPad – a 3 Year Review. In this excellent 3 part article series, Principal David Mahaley shares lessons learned from the 1:1 iPad program that he has overseen in his role as Principle of The Franklin Academy.

David has written several excellent articles for EmergingEdTech, and is the author of the eBook Teaching and Sharing with the iPad: Instructor Quick Guide. I am delighted to publish this series of posts in which he shares the perspective of the Administrator, the Teacher, and the Student, after nearly 3 years of experience with integrating the iPad into the Academy’s curricula. – KW The Franklin Academy, in Wake Forest, North Carolina, completed its third year implementing iPads into the instructional environment. This has been a blended approach including teacher issued iPads, class sets in the K-8 program, and a true 1:1 format at the high school level.

Over the course of the deployment, many lessons have been learned and benefits reported from the use of the devices. The Administrator Print This Post. 10 Tools Every Teacher Should Master This Summer. According to Common Sense Media, 95% of teachers agree that using technology increases student engagement and 92% of teachers want to add more technology to their classroom. We at Getting Smart are still basking in an ISTE afterglow… we’d like to share 10 great tools that we were introduced to there and the reasons they are so worth taking the time to master this summer.

These are the tools that will transform your classroom in the fall because you will notice the definite threads that run throughout all these applications… real-time, collaborate and creative! Those words together are sure to build a lot of excitement around exactly how educational technology is developing and transforming what school looks like!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Five Ways to Visually Explore Wikipedia. Wikipedia is one of the first places that students often go to get some background information on a topic they're researching. Besides just going to and entering a search, there are some other ways to explore the content of Wikipedia. Here are five ways that students can visually explore Wikipedia's content. Wiki Mind Map is a resource for visually exploring Wikipedia. Wiki Mind Map is essentially a search engine for Wikipedia articles that uses the Google Wonder Wheel concept. Enter a search term into Wiki Mind Map and it will generate a web of links to Wikipedia articles about your chosen search term. Wiki Mind Map will also include related search terms within your web.

Wikihood is a neat way to explore the world in your web browser. Wiki Field Trip is a neat website for exploring Wikipedia entries about places around the world. The Full Wiki offers an interesting mash-up of Google Maps and Wikipedia entries. 51 Sources Of Hundreds Of Thousands Of Free eBooks. eBooks should’ve been a game-changing technology. The idea was simple enough: no longer did you need to travel to the library to wade through rows and stacks and floors and buildings and card catalogs only to wag home only as much as you could carry. Or risk spending the afternoon locked in a room with the reference books you couldn’t check out. With eBooks, databases were now entirely searchable–and searchable through mobile devices from your pocket.

Books were also just a click away (provided you had an internet connection). It’s a bit troublesome then that most of the press of eReaders has to do with who they’re putting out of business and who is making a killing than how has reading changed–especially for those who may not have read much before? If all eReaders have done is make it easier for highly literate people to purchase books, then there is a worrisome economic and cultural disparity only being deepened by technology. 51 Sources Of Hundreds Of Thousands Of Free eBooks.

25,000 Images of Art That You Can Re-use for Free. The U.S. National Gallery of Art hosts more than 25,000 images of famous and not-so-famous works of art. Nearly all of the images can be downloaded and re-used for free. NGA Images also allows you to register and create online collections of images. The collections are called lightboxes. When you find an image in NGA Images click on the magnifying glass icon to enlarge it and learn more about it. Clicking the magnifying glass icon launches a pop-up box that contains an enlargement of the image, information about the artist who created the artwork, and an option to search for related images. H/T to Open Culture. Why companies don't see the value of social intranets - Social Enterprise Times. A well managed social intranet could bring huge benefits for the company.

I think we all agree on that. In my opinion, it has a lot to do with power. Problem is that people who take the decision to roll out a social intranet or to stay with the old one is people that: A) Are too old and have no interest in implementing a new technology they don’t fully understand. Email is more than enough for them. B) Are not risk takers.

C)Like to control everything. D) The person or team in charge of the “social intranet” project (folks in HR, Internal Comms , IT ) was not able to show the business benefits to the decision makers. To me, this last point is the most important and is where I would put time and effort (the other three are quite helpless). 1)Know it won’t be an easy journey. 2) Do your homework, be prepared. It’s a difficult journey but if you can make it happen you’ll be very proud of yourself and the company will see great benefits from it. . — Ryan A. Ryan A. Kolumnistit. on poliittisesti sitoutumaton julkaisu- ja keskustelufoorumi, aiheina hyveet, johtajuus ja niiden yhteispeli nykymaailmassa. Lue viikottaiset kolumnit, vieraskynät, kirja-arviot ja elokuva-analyysit.

Kommentoi, kysele ja kritisoi vapaasti. Vakituiset kolumnistit Isa Merikallio toimii yritysjohdon Voimaus-valmentajana ja yrittäjänä Redera Oy:ssä. Vapaa-ajallaan hän kestävyysurheilee ja harjoittaa viisastumista filosofian parissa, yliopettajanaan tyttärensä Milli. Lue Isan kirjoituksia Jussi Kari on 27-vuotias IPR-lakimies, joka harrastaa tietokonepelejä, japanilaisia piirrettyjä sekä sarjakuvia. Teuvo Toivanen on ollut Mercuri International Oy:n seniorikonsultti ja johdon työnohjaaja 17 vuotta, lääketehdas Orionin Oyj:n palveluksessa markkinoinnissa 15 vuotta ja Iso Kirja -opiston työnohjaaja ja johtajuuskouluttaja 7 vuotta. Antti Mustakallio on puhetaidon kouluttaja ja Retoriikan kesäkoulun rehtori. Santi Martínez syntyi Barcelonassa ja muutti Helsinkiin 17-vuotiaana.

Curation Tools for Education and Learning. Dispatch - Combine and Share Resources from Evernote, Dropbox, and Google Drive. What QR Codes Can Do For You! The Flip: End of a Love Affair. Ketterän Kehityksen Ostajan Opas. Gradu01722. Innoomnia. Kännykät ja oppiminen. Nordtouch. A teacher in social media - Pearltrees - 10 tips for teachers. The Workplace Learning Revolution. Etusivu - KenGuru. Verkko-oppimisen ja tiedonrakentelun tutkimuskeskus: Tutkiva oppiminen. Why Are Finnish Kids So Smart? Vuorovaikutteisen opettamisen kuusi kultaista käskyä.